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Since early man and the rumblings of the supernatural in the dark, there has been fascination with ritual, ceremony and the occult. In most blossoming civilizations, there arose those who were “other.” Not fully inhuman, but something just a touch more. They were the mystics, the oracles, the shamans who led their groups spiritually and used their gifts both to protect and subjugate mankind. In the same vein, they have also been persecuted and kept captive by the less magically inclined members of their race.

When the supernatural races retreated to the dark, the witches stayed with mankind, most hiding their gifts, retreating to secret areas to worship their gods and commune and learn from others of their kin. Some became advisers, revealing some of their gifts to aid the kings and queens they assisted, others became known simply as healers. This was not without its dangers, as with the potency of their blood and the gifts they could bestow to one who had them in their thrall, witches have always been hunted by many of the other races. So too, have they been hunted by mankind, murdered for daring to go against the status quo, tortured and often imprisoned.

But it was the witches who, when the vampires and shapeshifters and other such creatures revealed themselves to the world again during World War II, were the first to extend a welcome to them. They served as a bridge between mankind and otherkind, possessing a balance between power and humanity. This was perhaps one of the greatest tools of the supernaturals when they sought to achieve open dominion over the world. Unbeknownst to humanity (and most, in actuality) the witches that spoke out in favor of the supernaturals were already bound slaves and compelled to do so by their vampire masters.

There were those, naive and willing to give the benefit of a doubt, to sympathize with the way they had been treated (as they had been treated in a similar manner for centuries) and to simply wish everyone to get along. But so too was the fact that they could be controlled with the right traps, the right bonds, and many became unwilling soldiers, using their gifts against the people they had always tried to live in peace with.

Today, among a society where to be human is to have little to no rights, witches walk a fine line. In secret, many seek to help resistances and to aid their enslaved brethren. Most find the need to obey the hierarchy, doing what they can to maintain some manner of freedom and comfort, rather than face much worse fates. Those who are capable of using magic are marked by the government, suitable to hold higher station than regular humans but also in a touch more danger.

Origins of Witches / Bred vs Born

Witches are born. Most come from long bloodlines of magical families, but sometimes, if the circumstances are right, a witch can be born to a human family with no record of such power within their line. Since the invention of the Vampire-Witch Bond in the 1700s, witches have been bred and trained to serve vampires. These academies became public only in 1985, when the Regime's power had been established and it was thought that the resource was now safe.


That is not to say there are not independent witches and families out there, but most of those tend to keep their aptitudes as private as possible to keep from becoming property. As a derogatory term, these witches are often referred to as “free range,” and their education is primarily through family connections, secret covens and grimoires, rather than anything official. A witch raised this way may choose, however, to register as a magic user to try and better their station in life. If registered, they are able to take on occupations as healers, oracles or whatever their talent is, with some protections afforded by the government.


There are three ways they might lose these protections. The first is by being /too/ successful. A powerful witch is a dangerous witch, and the government may rule that they must be bound in some way. The second way is if they are convicted of a crime, particularly that of talismans to repel vampires. This is a surefire way to end up either in prison, a work camp, or bonded to the highest bidder. The third and final way is if the witch ends up being turned into a vampire, themselves.  Other than that, a registered witch has some (but not much) autonomy to accept or refuse a vampire's offer to be bound to them, while an unregistered one can be compelled without consent. At the end of the day, witches are humans and therefore are seen as second class citizens.


A bred witch is raised in a special academy until they come of age. Most of these witches begin life in breeding camps. During this education, vampires come and observe them, evaluate their abilities and determine their worth to the regime. At eighteen, they are deemed to have learned enough, and are either auctioned off or purchased depending on the arrangement made. More powerful, more comely witches (a term used for both men and women, though sometimes the more gender neutral term “mage” is used) tend to be sold or given to more powerful vampires, used as bargaining chips or gifts to those one wishes to curry favor with. However, even less powerful, less attractive witches tend to go to those with more wealth and power, with younger and less established vampires left to hunt out “free range” witches on their own.


Bred witches will never be left to their own devices. While a vampire can only bond one witch to him (a bond that is very difficult to break and comes with the risk of the witch dying) those with power may have a few in their service, particularly with the intention of rewarding those other vampires who serve them well. If a bred witch's bond is broken or their master dies, they are generally willed to one close to their master, or they revert to the local vampire in power.

Bred witches often have the ability to call upon their former instructors for help with knowledge and their magic tends to be more structured and often a bit more powerful. The trade off for this is that they are heavily tracked and unable to make their own choices about their life. Furthermore, their youth was highly sheltered and they have little to no knowledge about how the outside world works.


Free range witches tend to have a looser, lesser contained sort of magic that can sometimes be a little unpredictable. They are more likely to find spells and rituals that are frowned upon by the government, depending on their upbringing, and are far more street smart and prepared for day to day life in the city.

Witches on the Other Races


Vampires and witches had a very complicated relationship for a very long time. From ancient times, vampires manipulated witches to do their bidding and witches manipulated vampires to do theirs. Vampires were also a great source of reagents and dark powers stemming from the strength of their blood while witches possessed blood that gave the vampires great power and serenity. Sometimes, they could work together, but most of the time, they were at each other's throats.

That all changed in the 1700's, when the witch elders known as the Three were tricked into binding themselves to Lysander, an ancient vampire of great power. Since then, the practice of binding witches has been prevalent among vampires, as the benefits are great. By the time the Regime took over the world, witches were being bred and indoctrinated for one task: serving vampires. There are a few witches outside of this system, but there are entire organizations designed to capture them and drag them into the fold.

Once, the vampires and witches were occasional friends, occasional enemies. Now, the witches serve the vampires, and they've been educated under the impression that it is their duty and greatest honor to do so. There are some that wish to fight against that status quo, but the truth of the matter is that the nature of the bond makes it difficult to do so. Nearly all witches are too young to remember the days when they fought the vampires on near equal footing, but some vampires do. Those vampires tend to treat their witch servants either terribly poor to keep their morale low, or terribly well so they do not question the system. Most, however, treat their bound witches like treasured pets, dressing them up and showing them off to demonstrate their strength.



 The relationship between shifters and witches varies from area to area, depending on the way they treated one another in the past. As most witches tended to veer towards the healing profession in the old times while remaining outsiders to human civilization, the shifters came to them for medical needs, such as for the births of their children. However, shifters require humans to breed with, and living on the fringes has tended to make witches easy kidnapping victims.

Meanwhile, a good relationship with shifters gave witches plenty of protection from those who meant them harm, as well as gave them knowledge of the forests and wild areas around them. At the same time, some witches have the power to compel shifters to come and serve them, and some more ruthless practitioners have taken long term slaves, sowing distrust between their peoples.
People are different, and so too are the tribes of shifters and the covens of witches. So while some leaders taught compassion and understanding, others sought to use one another. In the San Tuario area, there is a history of witches and shifters being on good terms. Even if there wasn't, however, the fact that both serve the vampires in their own yet similar ways, means that they are both obliged to get along for the well being of them all.


Mer prey upon humans, and in the end, witches are the most exotic humans of all. The fact that they are tasty is second only to the fact that witches prey upon mer as well. There is good reason for this, and the fact that even in vampire controlled academies, the witch learns quite a bit about the anatomical structure of mer in both their forms. Almost every part of a mer has some sort of magical property. From their hair to their scales to their blood, sweat and tears. A witch with the right know-how can apply these to their spells and rituals to get the sort of results they're looking for.

In some areas of the world, Mer were hunted by witches to near extinction for their parts. Even today, the idea that it might be wrong to harvest things by capturing and torturing mer does not seem to occur to most witches. While Mer say that it was supernatural beings being in control that led them to come out into the light, many suspect it might be that now witches are highly controlled and they may be able to sway the Crimson Regime to make it illegal to harvest from them—and perhaps for them to make human meat more available to them. This is unlikely to happen though, as vampires benefit greatly from the magic their witches perform.



Witches ARE humans. This is a fact that some tend to forget, as witches have historically been both revered and reviled by their unmagical kin. One thing is for sure though. If witches hadn't gotten involved with the vampires, humanity would still reign supreme. A lot of humans wish they had the status of witches, but most blame them for their place in the world—and for bowing so readily to their masters (even if most didn't really have a choice). On the other side of things, most witches believe their capacity for magic makes them superior to humans. They have to be superior to SOMEONE after all!  

Ownership and Identification

Owned witches, particularly bred witches, are technically slaves and can be treated how the vampire wishes. However, they are also very expensive and one talented in the circles the vampire wishes may be difficult to acquire. Also, it's simply in everyone's benefit to treat them well. They often have their own room (or rooms), sometimes a house, even if it is desired they stay in the vampire's bed primarily. Being forced to do heavy housework or other labor is generally reserved for a punishment, though they may be assigned to work in a small capacity in the house or a business chosen by the vampire. Any salary the witch receives goes directly to their owner as they are not allowed their own account.

Some vampires choose to keep their witches in stark surroundings with little to fill their time away from their owner with the presumption that it will make them more eager to serve the vampire's desires (magical or otherwise) due to the desire to do something—anything. Most, however, find it preferable to pamper their pets. Vampires of power find well cared for, well dressed and attractive witches standing at their side to be a symbol of status. There are often grand shows of gift giving, often in public as a demonstration that they treat the humans in their care well.

Not all vampires use their witches for physical pleasure, even if most select one who is a gender to which they are sexually attracted. Many, however, choose to play power games with them which may include sexual service. Whatever the case, the witch is expected to serve.

Romantic and sexual relationships are not allowed unless permitted by the witch's vampire master. Most vampires choose to reserve those things for themselves, particularly with the one they have bound to them. It is not an equal relationship, and is considered acceptable even if the vampire is in a monogamous relationship with another. The witch is property. The vampire may also choose to have them bred (though this is always done by sending the witch away to do so at an appropriate facility) or lend them out to perform favors for others. A powerful vampire is unlikely to prostitute their bound witch on the regular, but it is considered more than acceptable to do so with others owned. Still, most brothels are populated by regular humans as magic is and will always be a witch's primary duty.

It is not compulsory to outwardly mark a witch as owned, but most find it prudent to do so, if not with a traditional collar (easy to be seen should another vampire go in to bite), then with a tattoo or brand in an easy to see place—particularly if a permanent bond has been made with the vampire. Crueler vampires or fringe cultists may choose to mark their slaves on the forehead or elsewhere on the face, but it is often seen as a crude or “tacky” decision. Due to the fact that all registered people are chipped, and this chip includes ownership information, it is not necessary, but it does make it quicker to recognize that a witch is off limits.

Generally, marks are done on the arm, chest or the back of the neck, and generally not very large. A bit of blood magic with said mark makes it all the more clear to other vampires as to who's property they are speaking to (provided they have met the vampire in question.)

Only one witch can be bound metaphysically to a vampire, but a vampire can own many witches and humans IF he can afford them. Some may poach them from the wild (as a turn of phrase), but most are bought, sold and traded. One must be able to feed, house and control their pets, and that takes money and power.


Every witch has the ability to gain a familiar. The way this familiar is chosen varies due to the character's background, and some choosier witches may end up waiting until they find the perfect one. Some are gifted their familiar as a pet, others are present at its birth and bond with it immediately, while some meditate and let the creature come to them. Familiars gained in the latter way tend to either be strays or animals who are native to the area. Familiars are always NPC and can be represented via an attachment companion. Familiars must be animals and not supernatural creatures such as shifters or mer.
A witch can only have one familiar, and an animal can only be a familiar to one witch. Once a witch bonds with one, they cannot break the bond and choose another animal. They are bound until the death of the familiar, after which they must wait three months before beginning the process of finding another one.
In general, a familiar will require the ability to move around on their own to be the most effective. For that reason, familiars are generally common animals, such as domesticated dogs or wolves, cats, birds (hawk / raven/owl sized or smaller), snakes and rodents. If you can buy it at a standard pet store today, it is acceptable to be a familiar, excluding fish and insects.

Exotic animals are less convenient on a day to day basis, as one cannot usually find a tiger nor care for it easily. Having an exotic familiar requires the witch to be level 3 or above, bound to a vampire (in order to justify the cost of upkeep), and be approved OOC by administration. There must also be a proper explanation as to how it was acquired. One isn't going to be out in the forest and have a monkey approach, as it is highly unlikely a monkey is going to be in the forest.

Furthermore, exotic animals are more difficult to bond with and are far more likely to be unwieldy in terms of compliance. Exotic animals cannot just roam the city unattended, as their instincts are not diminished and they may be prone to attacking others or getting very anxious about their surroundings, which limits their use quite a bit. Plus, while a cat or a crow may be ignored by the general public, an unusual animal is likely to catch attention and either be put down / captured by ISF or stolen by someone wishing to make quick cash.
There are many benefits to having a familiar. Familiars can act as spies and scouts, be used as a secondary source of energy to lessen the drain upon a witch when performing magic, and be used as a sort of “telephone” between two witches, allowing them to communicate over a distance provided both are in the presence of their familiars. Others present will not be able to understand the speech of the familiar, even if they possess a similar type. There is no limit on how many times a day a witch can use their familiar in this way.
Familiars gain much from the bond as well. First, they gain an advancement in intelligence, putting them on par with a human child about 10 years old. Second, their lifespan becomes tied to the lifespan of the witch. This means that those witches who have immortality due to the etre de trois also have immortal familiars. Familiars can still be killed, however they are said to possess “nine lives” and are able to be resurrected by a witch practicing Life Magic that number of times total. Each time they are killed and reborn, they gain a permanent mark upon their form, generally a scar or some sort of tattoo looking sigil. When resurrected, the familiar forgets everything that occurred the last week of its life, and they are weakened beyond usefulness for two weeks' time. One must have the body of the familiar for it to be brought back to life.
Just having a familiar is not enough. One must take care of their familiar, giving it a place to sleep, plenty of sustenance, and certainly a level of affection and interest. Simply because they are a familiar does not mean the animals do not maintain a certain level of autonomy. Mistreated familiars or those who simply do not get along with their witches are less likely to come when they are called, might ignore commands, and are prone to giving misinformation. A familiar who is treated particularly poorly may abandon their witch altogether, but this does not undo their bond, leaving the witch unable to claim another familiar until something happens to the previous one.
Familiars may obey their witches, but in the end, they are all animals and possess animal instincts. One cannot convince a carnivore to become an herbivore. A cat will find itself distracted by laser pointers. A guinea pig will cower and hide at loud noises and unfamiliar sights. Be familiar (haha) with the sort of animal you are selecting and have it act appropriately.

Familiars MUST look realistic. No cartoon/chibi objects allowed. At high population / laggy events, you may be asked to remove them. All familiars must be real animals, not fictional ones. Familiars must be something you can reasonably keep and care for.

Abilities in Regards to Familiars by Power Rank
Higher ranks are also able to do the abilities of the lower ranks.

 Able to understand and communicate with familiar, provided they are within hearing distance. (innate)
Summoning one's familiar. (any number of times a day, up to 20 miles.) (innate.)
Able to force familiar to obey simple commands that will not cause it harm. Familiar may be grumpy afterward. (innate.)
Able to feel the familiar's emotional state and whether or not they are in pain.

The familiar's presence allows the witch to cast a bit quicker with less of a drain upon themselves, as the familiar takes some of the energy drain. The familiar will need to rest for a day after most rituals, longer for more complex ones.
The familiar can stand in for one witch in a ritual requiring three or more witches. The familiar acts as the level of witch that its owner is.
The familiar instinctively senses magic and can alert the witch to its presence in an area, if they are with the witch.
Able to speak to their familiar to communicate to another witch through THEIR familiar as if the animals were telephones. (For instance, Sam has a dog named Bert. Kit has a cat named Bathsheba. If Sam is with Bert and Kit is with Bathsheba, Sam can focus on contacting Kit, then speak to Bert as if he was Kit as Kit speaks to Bathsheba as if she were Sam.) To everyone else, the animals just sound like animals, but to the pair communicating, they sound like the other person.

 Telepathically communicate with familiar, provided they are within 5 miles. (innate.)
Able to give their familiar more complex commands, but only within the realm of the animal's capability. (innate.)
Able to see through their familiar's eyes, provided they are within 5 miles. While they are doing this, the witch's eyes must be closed. If they open them, they lose the connection and cannot try again until the next day. (once a day, one hour.)
Able to pinpoint the familiar's exact location.

Telepathically communicate with familiar, provided they are within 20 miles. (innate.)
Able to take control of their familiar as if they are the familiar themselves (range 10 miles). The witch cannot do magic while acting as their familiar, and as they lose awareness of their current area, sensing only what the familiar would be sensing. While they are acting as their familiar, their physical body appears to be asleep and their concentration can be broken by physical contact. The witch can only perform this action while the familiar is within ten miles, and if they are on “good terms” with their familiar. If the familiar has been mistreated, they may fight off the control. Similarly, if the familiar is not willing to sacrifice themselves on behalf of the witch, they may choose to throw off the witch's control rather than allow themselves to become injured or killed. (once a day, two hours.)

Nocturnus and Noctividus:
Telepathically communicate with familiar over any distance. (innate.)
Able to take control of their familiar as if they are the familiar themselves (range unlimited). The witch cannot do magic while acting as their familiar, and as they lose awareness of their current area, sensing only what the familiar would be sensing. While they are acting as their familiar, their physical body appears to be asleep and their concentration can be broken by physical contact. The witch can only perform this action if they are on “good terms” with their familiar. If the familiar has been mistreated, they may fight off the control. Similarly, if the familiar is not willing to sacrifice themselves on behalf of the witch, they may choose to throw off the witch's control rather than allow themselves to become injured or killed. (once a day, two hours.)


Witch Weaknesses

Witches are, at the core, simply human. Physically, they are only as strong as a regular human, but likely not as strong as those who focus on physical tasks rather than mental. Their lifespan is normal unless they are bonded to a vampire, and they are as susceptible to wounds and damage as any human is.
The use of magic extracts a toll from them in the form of energy. Complicated rituals or the prolonged use of an ability such as telekinesis causes one to become exhausted and weak, unable to do much outside of simple tasks and rest. This leaves them physically vulnerable for various periods of time, beyond what they would normally be.

Every witch must take a specific physical weakness that always affects them in some way, but becomes stronger and more dangerous for them after they perform powerful spells or lend their strength to complicated rituals. (see A Witch’s Weakness below.)

With the creation of the Vampire-Witch bond in the 1700s, when a vampire binds a witch to themselves, the vampire gains the ability to walk in the sunlight among other boons. The witch must also obey that vampire’s commands. Because of this, the vampires wish to keep the witches under strict control, and nearly every vampire seeks to claim a witch for the boost in power.

Unbound witches can only live the normal human life span, which thanks to magitech and other modern technology, is currently 150 years.

Bred witches have little to no knowledge about the outside world when they leave the academy. They will also rarely end up living alone, as they are highly sought after commodities.

Socially, witches are somewhat pariahs. Many humans blame them for their part in the triumph of vampires over mankind. Most supernaturals put them at the bottom of the food chain, Mer distrusting them because of their need of reagents (that often include bits of Mer), shifters being wary due to their servitude to vampires and their ability to call some shifters, and vampires seeing them mostly as a tool to amplify their own power and status. One must always be wary that those who show interest in them might only wish to make them a slave.

Witches cannot become  shifters, nor can they bear the children of  mer.  (Although they can bear children with a Shifter). Through binding rituals, it is possible that they may lose their ability to perform magic, but they will never truly be completely “human” enough to do those things.

Powerful independent witches risk notice, and notice often results in enslavement or death. Witches are highly sought after as property and have few rights in the modern climate.

Since most abilities require ritual, reagents and focuses, a witch without supplies can find themselves without access to their power.

An iron collar cannot be physically removed by a witch wearing it, and it also binds them from using their magic until it is removed. There are other ways to ward off magic as well.

A Witch’s Specific Weakness

There is something about the way metaphysical energy courses through the veins of a witch that weakens the physical body. This can exhibit itself in many ways, each individual witch different. While the weakness is always present in the witch, it grows more severe with the use of magic, particularly high level spells or the prolonged use of specific abilities. Because of this, very few are experts in physical combat and will never be as physically strong as their non-magical counterparts. (And ESPECIALLY not as strong as vampires, mer or shifters.)

Every witch must choose a weakness in this regard on their application. This is something your character will have to keep in mind and will struggle with at times. Remember to play fair and role play your weakness when appropriate. Rest and the appropriate remedies (consuming iron rich foods for anemia, for instance) will help with recovery. It won't hurt to look into the particular weakness via Google or what have you just to familiarize yourself with how it might affect your character, particularly if you are not familiar with any real world examples. This weakness will never be cured, even if a cure exists in the world.
You may select something from this list or write something yourself. If you make your own weakness, please explain it. This weakness must be physical in nature and deal with something physical in nature, either in regards to strength, stamina or constitution. Viruses, cancers and other illnesses do not qualify. However, symptoms of illnesses may be appropriate, though it is best to discuss this with the witch lead (celestialwreckage) or app handler before deciding upon it. This may lead to it being added to the list of examples. Psychological issues do not count for this, despite the fact that the brain is part of the body, though it is certain that due to their upbringing and treatment, many witches are sure to have some problems in that regard.

If one overuses their magical abilities through play, pushing their body and talents to the limits, they may end up with another weakness—and diminished magical abilities until they rest and recover.

Witch Specific Weaknesses (Select One or come up with your own)

Anemia (low iron in blood, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, less filling to vampires particularly after overuse of magic.)

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar, weakness, fatigue, shakiness, can lead to fainting / coma without treatment / raising blood sugar. Less filling to vampires, particularly after overuse of magic. )

Chronic Fatigue (low stamina that may end up with the witch so exhausted they cannot leave their bed. Muscle weakness, shortness of breath, an inability to perform physical tasks for a prolonged amount of time)

Fevers (Chronic fevers after use of magic, becoming longer, hotter and more debilitating/dangerous with the use of powerful magics.)

Chronic Migraines (Intense throbbing, pulsing pain in head accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Any use of magic is likely to at least cause a minor one.Those who have become exhausted by overuse of magic may not be able to handle being out of a dark, silent room until the migraine lessens again. )

Refractive Errors (poor vision, must wear glasses, vision degrades into blindness with heavy magic use. Overuse of magic, extended magical exhaustion or attempts at spells beyond one's capability may result in permanent blindness.)

Osteogenesis Imperfecta (brittle bone disease) (bones are fragile and break easily. These witches have to be particularly careful about physical activity after heavy magic use, as bones may literally shatter and require a long healing time in which magic use would be highly discouraged as it would hinder the healing process.)

Neuropathy (nerve damage) (magic use causes numbness in extremities and various amounts of nerve pain and weakness based on level of use.)

Ataxia (poor muscle control that causes clumsy voluntary movements, including walking, balance, hand eye coordination, speech. The more magically exhausted one is, the worse their coordination is, likely leading to injury or other predicaments.)

Drug Intolerance (Intolerance for Controlled Substances) (You're a lightweight. One drink and you're a sloppy drunk. It's a terrible idea to do more than a toke or two from a joint, and hard drugs are straight out. All drugs, legal and illegal, affect you to some degree, and the effect worsens with magical exhaustion. At that point, a pain reliever as benign as aspirin can have an adverse effect (such as tinnitus. If it comes up, do a quick search to see what sorts of side effects the medication / substance can have and play appropriately. Alcohol and other drugs can cause poisoning or overdoses in small amounts if one overextends themselves, so most of these witches are teetotalers and tend to suffer through headaches and injuries without assistance.)


Witch Ranks

Unlike vampires, whose power resides in age, the power of witches has multiple factors that determine how strong they may become. The first, is the natural aptitude they are born with. When witches are bred at facilities, or when powerful magical families get together (though most of the latter is virtually extinct now that the vampires are in charge), the goal is to mix lineages with the purpose of creating more powerful witches. On occasion, a witch born unexpectedly from non-magical parents may have high magical aptitude, but it requires cultivation for them to meet their true potential.
The second factor is training and knowledge. Just having a strong metaphysical power within one is not enough to become a powerful witch. It takes years of study, diligence and practice to truly master the craft. No witch without proper training will start above moderate, whereas bred witches are moderate when they first leave the academy.
Moderate is not a “low” power level. In fact, it is the standard level ability for most professional witches. An apprentice witch can move up to moderate if they put the RP in and show that they understand the lore and how the Circles work.

A moderate witch may move up to master level under the same conditions, but there are two other factors to consider:

There must be a slot available for a master witch with the primary magic they chose at creation.     
A meeting with them, the leaders of the order, and whatever rank 3 witches are available at the time. A demonstration of loyalty and power must be given, and then a vote is had. If the vote passes, a ritual is performed to strengthen the power within the witch and they move up to the appropriate rank. The same criteria for other master witches still applies to them. They must stay active in the sim and in the RP community, particularly in guiding the younger / newer witches in the city.

In this story, witches are extremely valuable commodities to vampires, as they not only boost power but allow the vampire to walk in the sunlight. Bound witches are compelled to obey their vampiric masters. Do NOT choose to be a witch if you are not interested in that sort of RP OOC. IC, you may feel however you like. Discuss with the vampire player OOC what their expectations of that relationship may be. This is an adult sim, so sex may very well be expected. If you do not wish to RP sex, be sure they understand that you will FTB any such scenes before the bond is made. That is your right, do not feel pressured to do any RP of that nature you are not comfortable with.

Immortalis Maga:
Only the triad known as the Three have ever reached this level of power. They can perform most magic almost instantly, and have the knowledge of three Circles each, rather than just one. They can cast their circles up to level 5 easily, and have access to abilities far beyond that of any other witch. This is an NPC role only.

Nocturnus and Noctividus (aka Witches of Exceptional Power and Wisdom):
 These are not just powerful and well trained witches—they are exceptional in their control and capacity to wield magic within their circles. Very few rise to this level, as it requires diligence and an understanding beyond what most witches experience. It is unlikely that witches who were not heavily trained from young childhood will ever reach this rank during a natural lifespan. This is a rank reserved for the RP leaders of the group and requires active participation and leadership of the Ordo Luna. Only the two leaders of the Ordo Luna are at this level.

They have mastery of their Primary Circle at rank 4 and are capable of doing some rituals by themselves that would normally require a group of up to three other witches. and are able to lead a ritual from the level 5 level from their primary Circle once a week and one from any Circle once a month, provided one of the witches present is a master witch with that Circle as their primary. This master witch will be heavily involved in the ritual.

A Witch of Exceptional Power and Wisdom is able to cast their secondary circle at level 3 or below easily, and at level 4 with standard difficulty. Level 2 abilities in either their Primary or Secondary Circles that generally require multiple people to perform can be performed alone, though they still require the appropriate rituals and reagents.
They also get a tertiary circle, which they can cast up to level 3.

Master Witches:
 These are the elite of the witching society. At this rank of power, witches are very, very monitored. To be this rank, one needs to be IC bound to a (player) vampire or be a part of the staff of Ordo Luna (allowing you to come into the sim without a master already in place.) It should be expected that a witch at this rank would be highly sought after and will eventually be bound to a vampire.

Any player who chooses to take this rank must participate in group activities and rituals and be seen to be active on sim. One isn't expected to be on the sim EVERY day, but to at least participate and keep up with stories, as well as guide younger and lower ranked witches. You are expected to drive RP and stories, rather than completely rely on staff driven tales.

If you are the sort of person who is very uncomfortable playing with larger groups, shy about RPing with strangers, or prefer to play primarily in private RPs with your personal friends without branching out to include others, please choose to play a Moderate Witch. There are limited Master Witch roles, and it isn’t fair to others to hoard the role.
Master Witches are able to cast their Primary Circle at Level 3 and their Secondary Circle at Level 2. Level 1 abilities in either their Primary or Secondary Circles that generally require multiple people to cast can be performed alone, though they still require the appropriate rituals and reagents. Level 4 abilities may be attempted by a Master witch, provided they have at least three other witches with them, either Moderate with the same primary magic, or Master with any primary. Apprentice Witches should not be excluded, but encouraged to participate.  These rituals are not guaranteed to succeed and will be highly draining to the witch. They may only make the attempt once every two weeks.

At the opening of the sim, there are 14 openings available, two for each primary circle. Each Master Witch may choose their own secondary circle from the list of available options, but their primary circle should be one of the slots that is open. Inquire with staff about which primary circles are available should you choose to apply for this level of power, and remember that it comes with the responsibility of RP with more than one's personal group of friends and helping other players get involved with the story.

If one needs an extended break or is absent for a long time without notice (six weeks), their character's power rank will drop to moderate, citing a lack of practice (or whatever excuse you wish) for the reason, in order to open a slot for a currently active player. Active moderate players with the appropriate primary circle who have been role playing working to grow their power will have first priority to move up to Master. If their Master slot is still available when the inactive player returns from hiatus, that player is welcome to inquire about moving back up to it again.

 These are the standard witches. Most witches will be moderate, but that does not mean they are not forces to be reckoned with. Bred Witches leave the academy already at this rank. Free Range Witches start at this level only if they had a stringent education from a secret coven or their magical relatives. Apprentice witches will eventually reach this level if they are committed enough.

The moderate witch can cast their primary Circle at level 2 and below, and their secondary at rank 1 and below. They may have trouble with some level 2 abilities when they first attempt them, but will grow into their own. Level 3 abilities may be attempted with three moderate or higher witches with the same primary magic, but take a lot of stamina and amplify their weaknesses. Furthermore, level 3 spells are not always guaranteed success.

The lowest powered witches, usually at the beginning of their magical journey, can cast from their primary Circle up to level 1, with more complex abilities requiring quite a bit of stamina. level 2 magic can be cast only via ritual with three apprentice or higher witches with the same primary magic, and always at great cost and amplification of their weaknesses. Secondary Circle abilities can only be cast at level 1.
Free range witches are often at this level unless they come from a magical family that has taught them very thoroughly or they are coming into RP as an already owned witch. However, one can always move up to moderate with proper role play.


The Three and the Origin of the Vampire-Witch Bond

The Three are the oldest witches still in existence, though they still look to be in their twenties. They are the strongest witches in the world, roughly 2000 years old. How they came together is a mystery, but each was drawn to each other across land and ocean, until they met in the middle east. In their youth, the three of them unlocked the mystery of immortality for themselves and spent a good chunk of their time attempting to repeat the process in another witch. Nearly all of these attempts ended with the death of the witch in question, and those that did not left the witch in a horribly twisted state both in body and mind, creating monsters that The Three keep locked up and away from doing any damage to the world.
All of those failures might have dissuaded the less dedicated, but the Three began to branch out in their attempts, utilizing and seeking out knowledge much older than even they were. The blood and life forces of mer, shifters and even creatures otherwise unknown in the world were used in their rituals, but to no avail. It was not until the 1600s that they met an intrepid and powerful vampire named Lysander, and with his assistance in the matter, they finally had success in the 1700s. Finally, another witch exhibited the signs of immortality.

But what they believed to be a success came with unexpected results, partially due to fate, partially due to some alterations to the ceremony by Lysander. The young (and very frightened) witch's life force became entwined with that of one of Lysander's lieutenants. In addition, the Three became bound to Lysander's will, a state they fought tooth and nail to escape, but by the time the war with humanity began, they were generally complacent with serving him.

Currently, the Three are locked away in an unknown location, removed with contact from the human world. The only people they have interaction with is Lysander and those he trusts to guard and care for them. There is a rumor within some circles that if one of the Three were to be killed, all with the Vampire-Witch Bond will be freed of it. Since this has never happened, it is uncertain if that is true. However the Regime is taking no chances, and even mentioning the existence of this rumor can have some very dire consequences.

The Three (NPCs, not in San Tuario)
Sigurd – A male witch from what is now modern day Norway. His Circles are: Life, Illusion and Mind.
Shui Shu – A female witch from China. Her Circles are: Technomancy, Spiritualism and Mind.
Calfuray – a female witch from what is now modern day Chile. Her Circles are: Summoning, Enchantment and Mind.

The Vampire-Witch Bond
When the blood between a witch and a vampire is exchanged (requiring only one ounce each, many choose to use shot glasses to measure the blood to make certain the amount is correct) a witch becomes bound to a vampire, giving them both a boost of power but permanently enslaving the witch to the vampire's command. There is often ritual involved, but that is up to the individuals performing the rite. This rite is often done in private, though some may choose to have a party and witnesses. In the case of a Government Ordered Bond (generally to subjugate a particularly wily witch), the rite is performed before the council immediately after the declaration.

Since the invention of the bond, it has been extremely popular with younger vampires wishing to grow in strength, but some older vampires have been slow to adapt. As the bond was only solidified in the 1700s, a bound witch cannot be more than 300 years old at the current point in our story. A bred witch who was bound may only be 250 years old.

Only one witch may be bound to a vampire at a time.  Vampires, however, may have as many blooded as they can reasonably afforded.

Breaking the bond requires a ceremony in which the vampire is willing (or coerced) into agreeing to release the witch from service. The witch may be unwilling, but if they are willing, the process is much quicker and less painful for both involved. Several witches must be involved in the ceremony, with at least two Rank 3s being active within it. In San Tuario, the Insula Astra is the best place to perform the ritual, with the witch being laid upon the altar and the vampire laying on the ground beside them. There are many components required, but the two most important are: a pearl that has been in the mouth of a mer for one week's time and an unbroken tooth from a shifter, which as a result of the ceremony will never grow back. For this reason, the two races are not extremely fond of knowing one of these rituals is going to take place unless there is a great benefit to them for it to occur. The pearl in the mer's mouth may not be in any sort of container or holder while it is in there, but loose and generally tucked in the cheek. For this reason, a lot of pearls end up swallowed or lost, and one must have the mer's cooperation unless creative enough to find another solution. It is best to have one of these handy beforehand.

Both of these items must be acquired IC, with records of the RP if it involves player characters. The tooth must be extracted on scene, and the mer must have at least 3 RP days over the course of a RL week where they are playing having the pearl. The people getting the ingredients may also try to seek out other methods by speaking to the administration, but it is better for all if the RP is natural. Remember, getting other players involved makes it more fun for everybody.

A witch who has exceeded their natural age by 10 years or more has two weeks to become bound to a new vampire or be granted a talisman made by the Nocturnus and Noctividus working in tandem to delay their aging. If this is not done, the witch will rapidly advance in years until they perish.

Effects of the Bond:
The witch gains immortality and does not age as long as their vampire is still alive. Even if the vampire is incapacitated or goes into a long slumber, the immortality remains even if the other benefits start to diminish. Some believe that it the continued show of obedience to the vampire that allows the witch to have increased power. (Practically, this is so that a witch cannot have their powers boosted without a PC vampire present, therefore having no consequences.)

The vampire gains what some call “The Gift of the Sun” which simply allows them to exist within sunlight without becoming damaged. The gift is not entirely infallible however, as most vampires note that, particularly during summer, being in the full sun at midday (between 10am to 2pm) causes discomfort and mild to severe sunburns depending on the intensity of the sun and the length of their time in the sun. During the first five years of the bond, the vampire will start to smolder and their skin will char if they are out during this time, but the rest of the day they are fine. Despite their ability to be out during the day, vampire society still operates primarily at night.

The witch becomes completely bound to the vampire's will. With as little as a word, the vampire can command the witch to do virtually anything they please, other than causing their own death or the death of the vampire in question. This can be very direct (“Raise your right hand and slap your cheek as hard as you can, then drop to your knees and place a kiss atop my foot”) or a directive that the witch is compelled to use their own initiative to fulfill (such as “Wash the laundry” or “Go eat dinner.” Unless it is an action they are told to take as a rule that they must do every day (“Meet me in my chambers at seven pm every night, prepared to dress me for the evening) the command must be something that takes place in the next 24 hours. They cannot command someone to do an action a week later, only the next day.

The witch is granted a boost in power where they can use powers a level higher than usual a couple times a month.. In the case of Witches of Exceptional Power, they are capable of using their secondary magic at one level higher than normal, and able to use primary magic skills at a quicker pace and accuracy and with fewer magical components. Witches of Exceptional Power in an Etre de Trois may perform rituals that normally require three people by themselves, but at a greater cost to personal energy, also drawing some from the vampire and shifter they are bound with. In this case, the effects of their weakness are stronger. Being bound or in a Etre de Trois does not negate a witch's weakness, though they may find that it affects them less with lower powered magic. (rank 1 magic for vampires rank 3 or lower, rank 2 magic for vampires rank 4.)

Petitioning the Bond
In many cities, including San Tuario, if a vampire chooses them to be bound, the witch has an opportunity to demand a seven day waiting period, during which they may appeal to the Nocturnus who, if they believe there is enough of a case, may choose to petition the local Regime Council of Magistrates for a hearing in order to deny the pairing. If the hearing is allowed, the Nocturnus presents the witch's case, then the presiding vampires vote upon whether or not the union will take place. Humans who are already owned but not yet bound are far less likely to be granted a hearing than one who is currently a free, contributing member of society.

There is little fair about this hearing. First, it is not compulsory for the Magistrates to attend it. The choice is given to whomever shows up. Furthermore, if the vampire in question is a Magistrate, they are allowed to be part of the voting body. It is also generally accepted that the vampire may grant bribes or favors to the others in exchange for votes.

The vampire who wants the bond does have to show up, but if they are a Magistrate, they are allowed to excuse themselves from the voting. Most do not do this, as it works out of their favor. This vampire has no need to justify their desire for a particular witch, but the witch must explain why they do not wish to be bound to the vampire.

All burdens of proof are rested on the witch's shoulders, and the Magistrates may deny their requests for witnesses if they decide they would be “irrelevant.” The witch is not allowed to speak beyond their initial testimony unless addressed directly by the council or in whispers directly to their counsel, with the Nocturnus or one appointed by them representing the witch. If this rule is broken, the witch is gagged and the questioning period ends.

The decision is made by a simple majority vote, with each Magistrate giving their verbal decision one at a time. Once a ruling is made, one of two things will occur. Either the Magistrate will give the vampire a time limit before he may approach that particular witch for a bond again (which could be as short as a month or as long as “never”) or cups are presented right then and there and the bond takes place immediately.
A witch may only have one of these hearings three times in entirety. Most only have the opportunity to petition just the once, as it is extremely difficult to get a hearing granted if there is not a political reason for the Magistrates to do so.

OOC: If you are uncomfortable with having your character bound to a particular character, please let administration know before the trial date. Otherwise, the decision will be made IC. If you OOC DO want to be bound but IC do not want to and the council decides in the favor of the witch rather than vampire, you can do the bond later on, perhaps due to some sort of manipulation. Y'all figure that bit out.


Ordo Luna (Order of the Moon)

Ordo Luna is the local witches association in accordance with regime regulations. Its headquarters is located next to the governor's mansion, which serves as a boarding house for witches who are either awaiting selection after graduating from their academy or have otherwise been released by their masters, but also as an educational and resource facility for members of the order. It should be noted that, by law, it is the only recognized coven in San Tuario, and gatherings of four or more witches with the purpose of performing a ritual or magical rite are strictly forbidden by law unless more than half are registered members of Ordo Luna. The consequences of such may result in torture, relocation and/or death, depending on the circumstances, the associations of the witches in question and the purpose of the ritual. This includes the witches present that are of the order, as well as those who are not.

The association is spearheaded by the governor's bound witch, called the Nocturnus, who handles most of the administrative issues and relays the will of the regime to the rest of their numbers. A secondary leader, the Noctividus, is generally selected due to their magical prowess and leadership capabilities, and they act as a spiritual leader, taking on the bulk of leading group rituals, counseling others on the use of their magic and helping refine the skills of their coven members. For the most part, they are on equal standing, with the caveat that should the Regime find the Noctividus unacceptable, the Nocturnus is charged with selecting another one. The Nocturnus can only hold their position as long as their master is the governor of the city and are replaced should their master lose their position or decide to relocate.

The Ordo Luna House
Located beside the Governor’s Mansion (a popular place for vampires to convene), the Ordo Luna house is the hub of the witch community in San Tuario. Here, bred witches who have yet to be sold sleep in bunks while they adjust to the world on the outside.If one finds themselves homeless or cast out by their vampire for the evening, they are free to rest in the bunks.  

But it is not just a sleeping place. No, the Ordo Luna House is a haven for all registered witches to come to when they need it. There is a library of tomes to learn from and experienced witches to guide the younger ones through them. There is also a room for alchemy and tincture making, as well as the construction of talismans. There is a kitchen and a large dining room where witches come together to eat and talk to their peers, as well as a sitting room for long conversations. There is also a Supply Room of dangerous and powerful things, though entry to it is highly restricted.

Unlike the Insula Astra, anyone can easily enter the Ordo Luna House, but it is generally not a place one goes to if they are not a witch–unless absolutely necessary, or if they have a meeting with the Nocturnus, the administrative leader of the organization. Occasionally, vampires go there to let their need for a new servant be known, or to pick up one of their owned witches for one reason or another. But despite the fact that it’s a Vampire’s World, it is understood that the Ordo Luna House is a place for witches, and the word of the Nocturnus is to be obeyed.
Most social gatherings where other beings are allowed are hosted by the Ordo Luna are near the Ordo Luna House or in a venue within the city. The Insula Astra is strictly for witches and their familiars only (unless one is acting as a sacrifice or having a ritual performed on them.)

Insula Astra (ritual area)
While the boarding house is the hub of social activity, research and alchemy, the Insula Astra (or Astral Island) is their sacred ritual ground, present upon a crossroads of leylines and primed with intense power to be siphoned and manipulated by their ranks. Located off the shore of San Tuario, Insula Astra is actually one of two islands. The first island is referred to as the Hearth, and is a place where witches of the order can commune with nature or gather in a place where they cannot be reached by their masters. This is also where they seek the help of the Noctividus, the spiritual leader of the order.The whole area is warded heavily, both by the witches of Ordo Luna and something... more ancient. Unless one is escorted by a witch who desires your entrance to the area, one finds themselves turned around quickly, redirected into another area of the woods the closer they get to the bridge or the shores of the small islands.

A common legend in regards to the island is that in the days long before the Europeans found their way to the western shore of the Americas, there lived a pair of twins blessed by the sun that possessed great magic that they used to assist people who came to them for help. There was a vampire who witnessed this and became jealous of a power she could never possess. Wishing to get rid of them so she might be the most powerful and sought after, she told them that she had prepared a great gift for them. To receive it, they needed only to swim to the reflection of the moon upon the surface of the sea.

Naive and trusting of their new acquaintance, the two stripped themselves of their clothing and dove into the sea, swimming towards the glimmer of light. Once there, however, they found themselves surrounded by vicious beasts of the sea that swarmed them, pulling the two apart as they began to devour them. With a cry of anguish, the pair expelled the power that had been bequeathed upon them by the sun, and hearing them, the moon itself granted them sanctuary. If not for their bodies, which were now being ripped to shreds, than for their spirits which were pure and kind.

There was a rumbling in the water, and from below it, a pair of islands began to rise. The first, the Hearth, was where the brother's heart had stopped beating. The second, Insula Astra, was where the sister had last sunk beneath the waves. A great force washed over both, and the moon swore that only the kin of the siblings (meaning witches) would be able to cross onto that land unhindered.
Many also consider this legend to be one of the origins of the animosity that tends to stem between the Mer and the Witches (though most attribute this to the fact that Mer eat people and Witches hunt Mer to use their parts in magical concoctions and ceremonies)

Nocturnus (Belonging to the Night) – Co-Lead Position generally filled by the Governor's bound witch. Their office is located in the Ordo Lunae Boarding House, and their duties primarily revolve around administrative issues, keeping the household running effectively, helping bred witches acclimate to life in the outside world, and placing witches with new masters when necessary. They are the key keeper to the “Supply Room,” where rarer relics, reagents and grimoires are kept safe within layers of protection both physical and magical.

Noctividus (Nightseer) – Co-Lead Position filled by a Witch of Exceptional Talent and Wisdom. Their “office” is located within the Hearth, the area leading to the Insula Astra ritual grounds. Their primary duties include leading the order on a spiritual level, counseling witches on matters regarding magic and ritual, and generally leading rites when multiple witches are needed to perform a goal. The Noctividus and Nocturnus either co-chair or take turns hosting meetings and gatherings, and are generally amicable about letting the other take the lead when it comes to their particular talents.


Bred Witches and Academies

There is some variation between academies, but the standard operation procedure in the upbringing of bred witches is as follows:

There is a breeding camp community. The parentage of the bred witches can be of two methods: one is that a vampire with a very desirable witch wishes to continue their family line. They search out a desirable mate, either owned by a breeding facility or another witch, then pay an appropriate fee to have their witch sent to the camp. The witch has the child. Depending on the vampire's preferences, the witch either stays with the child at the camp until the child is four years old, or stays only long enough to ween it before leaving it at a care facility.

The other way is that witches who have fallen out of favor with their vampires, have been taken away from their vampires or purchased in some other way are sent to live at the breeding camp. The camp is run mostly like a bare bones commune, all pitching in to work at birthing, raising children, growing crops and taking care of the place and each other. The overseers of the facility assign partners together, who are expected to have sex and bear children. Men may have to sleep with multiple partners. When the children are born, they are raised together in a larger nursery with the women sharing responsibilities.

Whatever way the child comes into the world, there are two courses for it. Either it will have a magical aptitude or it won't. This manifests around three years old, easily detected through the use of enchanted equipment or very astute witches. At four years old, those without magical ability (approximately 33% of all births if both parents are of a strong bloodline, more if the bloodlines are weaker) are sent to camps (or farms) where time not spent getting a basic education or learning a trade are spent working in factories, mines or other menial labor. At eighteen, they are either sent to become food, sent out to join the workforce or auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Those with magical abilities are sent to academies. These are facilities that house young witches from ages 4 to 18, training them to use magic and instilling values and protocol to make them willingly submissive to their future vampire masters. Rituals, ceremonies and methods of service are a central part of curriculum, as well as basic education. Knowledge about the outside world and most media deemed “subversive” by the Regime Authority is banned, with entertainment consisting primarily of games, sports and approved books. There are some schools more liberal than others, but for the most part, the schools are cages.

Treats are few and far between, and rarely to the quality one can get in the outside world. The logic in this is that the treats given to them by their master should be the best they receive. As such, some schools completely eschew the concept of dessert altogether. Others only serve sup-par options, such as frozen yogurt rather than ice cream. Most meals are healthy, with less healthy options given only on certain occasions.

While there is variation between the different schools depending on their location and focus, there are some things that are generally the same. The young witches live permanently in the dormitories on the campus, forbidden from stepping beyond the grounds of the estate. Boys and girls are separated and rarely interact. Most academies are either male or female only, but larger ones do house both. Uniforms are identical and identify the witch as being part of that academy should they escape the wards placed on the academy. Schedules are strict and repetitive, though as one grows older they become more chaotic and mostly nocturnal to help them adjust to their future life in service.

Education is primarily refining their magical abilities, learning to control and direct them via ritual and spells. However, there is also a focus on etiquette, different manners of service and how to behave and obey one's vampire master in a formal setting. Mannerisms are instilled within the students, as well as tenets about one's station in the grand scheme of the world. Vampires are spoken of as though they are gods to be feared and revered, and many schools have misleading information in their curriculum to make it seem that vampires have contributed most of the good in the world and their ultimate domination of it was only out of a desire to protect humanity.

As one nears eighteen, they are given a series of tests and examinations, then deemed acceptable for service. By this point, some have been claimed and paid for and many are put up for auction (ending up either in a vampire's care or at a breeding house) or assigned to the households of government officials needing a witch to bond or a wish to have more at their disposal. At no point in a bred witch's life will they be allowed to live on their own. A vampire may choose to keep their witches in a house separate to them, but as they are not allowed to earn money on their own or have their own account, they rely entirely on their masters for survival.


Quick List of Witch Information

Bred Witches: Witches who were raised in Regime controlled academies. They possess more structured magic, will always begin the game at Moderate or above (they must be at a professional level to leave their academies) and have greater resources in the form of contacts made during their education. The trade off is that they are highly controlled, and if they are not owned or bound to a vampire, they are currently “for sale” by their previous academy or the Ordo Luna directly. They will always begin the game as city dwellers, either arriving at the Ordo Luna or attending their vampire, who must be a PC.

Free Range Witches: Witches who were raised outside of Regime academies, usually by magical families or small covens, or self taught. The highest a Free Range witch can begin is Moderate. Most of these witches were raised in the wastelands, or were born to families who were mostly non magical and their powers kept secret. When their abilities are discovered, these witches are captured, registered and either sent to the Ordo Luna House or, if they are unruly, to the ISF detention center for some reeducation. Those who don't get with the program quickly are sent out of the city to breeding or work camps. It is wise for a free range witch from the wastelands to keep their status a secret when they come to trade, or they will quickly be detained.

Circles of Magic:
Each witch has two “circles” of magic, a primary and a secondary.
There are Level 0 magics (also called “sparks”) in each circle of magic that any witch can perform. Only witches can perform the level 0 magic of every circle of magic (except mer specific ones) regardless of if they possess it as a primary/secondary or not.

Mind – Telepathy, Telekinesis, mental connections, rewriting and control.
Summoning – summoning non-magical items, animals and structures
Spiritualism – telling the future and reading the past, portents and dowsing. Reading runes and cards etc. Communication with the dead and traveling through the spirit realm.
Enchantment – creating talismans and charms, warding, imbuing items with magical properties
Illusion (or Light & Darkness) – changing the appearance of people and places, making things invisible or creating fantastical displays, traveling through shadow, creating blinding lights, unnatural sounds or mimicking others.
Life – healing, resurrection (ritual requiring multiple people and rare items gathered IC etc), growth of plants, revitalization.
Technomancy – Creation and control of magitech

                              Witches with technomancy are compelled to work for the state.

All witches have the ability to bond with a familiar, but do not necessarily have to have one. What they can do with this familiar is dependent on their rank as a witch.
Magic is more powerful when performed with a group.
There are very few “offensive” magics. Most are either defensive or non-combative.

Master Witches must be either owned by a (player) vampire or work at the Luna Ordo house. All Master witches must remain reasonably active and participate in RP with other witches / drive and create plots. Those who apply to be Master Witches should be bred witches. Those who wish to start as a free range witch and advance through RP when there is an opening should start as a Moderate Witch.

Moderate is the standard, fully in control of their magic witch. The only time they should “lose control” is if they are trying to perform something particularly complicated or if they are exhausted, wounded or spiritually drained. In those cases, things are more likely to fizzle out than go wild.

Apprentices are those witches who are closer to the beginning of their education in magic. They are not quite as powerful as other witches and are often taken under the wing of more experienced ones to learn more about their talents. Many free range witches are at this rank, simply because they were either late bloomers or did not have access to proper education.

The Vampire-Witch Bond – A bond that is made by an exchange of blood between a witch and a vampire, giving the vampire power over the witch and the ability to walk in sunlight. The witch gains immortality and a boost to their power, but are compelled to follow the orders of the vampire to which they are bound.

Owned Witches – Witches that are not bound through blood to a vampire, but are considered their property. They are not magically compelled to obey, but it is in their best interest.

Owned and Bound Witches may not have separate stipend accounts, but are given a card and an allowance that their vampire dictates.

Ordo Luna: An organization for witches within the Crimson Regime that provides information and resources.
Membership in the Ordo Luna is not compulsory, but a necessity if one wishes to do more powerful magic, as the gathering of four or more witches who are not in the order can be a death sentence. In addition, it is a great resource for them in terms of camaraderie, knowledge and reagents. It is also one's best bet for gathering enough witches to perform more complex rituals.

Nocturnus (Belonging to the Night) – Co-Lead Position generally filled by the Governor's bound witch. Their office is located in the Ordo Luna Boarding House, and their duties primarily revolve around administrative issues, keeping the household running effectively, helping bred witches acclimate to life in the outside world, and placing witches with new masters when necessary. They are the key keeper to the “Supply Room,” where rarer relics, reagents and grimoires are kept safe within layers of protection both physical and magical.

Noctividus (Nightseer) – Co-Lead Position filled by a Witch of Exceptional Talent and Wisdom. Their “office” is located within the Hearth, the area leading to the Insula Astra ritual grounds. Their primary duties include leading the order on a spiritual level, counseling witches on matters regarding magic and ritual, and generally leading rites when multiple witches are needed to perform a goal.

The Noctividus and Nocturnus either co-chair or take turns hosting meetings and gatherings, and are generally amicable about letting the other take the lead when it comes to their particular talents.

The Ordo Luna House – The social hub of the Ordo Luna, where witches may rest, study and socialize.
Insula Astra – The ritual space of the Ordo Luna, as well as the spiritual hub of the organization. It is warded so that only witches may enter unless certain criteria are met.  


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