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Ordo Luna Rules and Regulations

Like any organization, especially one with a boarding facility, there are rules that one must follow. Some of these only apply to those witches still living in the Ordo Luna House. Others apply to everyone. Use common sense to figure out which is which for your witch. These rules are IC, not OOC. Times are IC, not SLT (as it is almost always nighttime in RP)


- An Ordo Luna Witch will always cooperate with Crimson Regime officials and not stand in the way of their work.

- Only the Governor, Praetor or a witch’s master may overrule a decision by the Nocturnus. The latter can only overrule that rule for their particular witch.

- Stipends are a privilege, not a right.

- Breakfast is served promptly at  9am in the dining room.

- Unless cleared with the Nocturnus, an unowned witch’s curfew is at 2am.

- A bond with a vampire must first be cleared with the Nocturnus, and only when the vampire has been ordered or given permission to do so by the local Governor or higher authority.

- Those who are bonded to a vampire must live in a facility provided by the vampire rather than the Ordo Luna house. They can, however, occasionally stay in the house for short amounts of time when their vampire is indisposed or they have been ordered to give them some space for a bit. During this time, they must follow the house rules as though they were unowned.

- Unowned witches are expected to socialize with the rest of the order, attend social events when possible, as well as seek employment. 

- It is every unowned witch’s duty to secure gainful employment.

- Working, unowned witches have their pay deposited directly into the Ordo Luna account. A percentage of that is then distributed back to them for expenses.

- No one goes into the Supply Room without the Nocturnus present.

- Reagents and spellwork equipment may be borrowed or taken from the stores of the Ordo Luna House, but must be logged with the quartermaster. Rare ingredients may not be immediately available. Overuse or misappropriate of house reagents may result in one’s stipend being garnished.

- Officially, we do not forcibly take reagents from the mer.

- All witches should spend some time gathering, growing or otherwise acquiring reagents to donate to the house stores.

- A witch has no obligation to help another witch with a ritual and spell. However, they should realize that this may mean fewer will help them with their own.

- Witches should be approached long before shifters or mer for assistance with advancing magical knowledge or help with a ritual.

- After use of the workroom or kitchen, it must be cleaned.

- Witches are allowed to do spellwork and talismans for others in the city in exchange for barter or services. These may go directly to the witch in question. However, if credits are exchanged, they must go into the Ordo Luna account.

- Treat the grounds and your fellow witches with respect.

- Treat the other citizens of the Regime with respect.

- Familiars may be kept in the house, provided they are not large, are housebroken, and not disruptive to the other witches. Otherwise, they may be kept outside on the grounds.

- A familiar with a diet beyond standard pet food products is the responsibility of the witch. If a familiar cannot be cared for, it must be released.

- Library books pertaining to magic may not leave the grounds, nor be damaged deliberately. Punishment for this will be swift and harsh.

- When guests are present, the residents of the Ordo Luna must be in a presentable state. Shoes do not have to be worn in the house, but if you chose not to wear shoes, a sensible, slip on pair of shoes must be kept near the door in case you are called upon or sent to perform a task.

- Summons by the Nocturnus or Nightseer (also called the Noctividus) must be answered within a reasonable amount of time. Witches who do not answer the call or send word within 24 hours will be fetched by the ISF.

- Unowned witches may not leave the island without an appropriate escort. Those who are owned must follow their master’s rules about such things.

 - When visitors arrive, witches must be on their best behavior. All witches should behave formally should a vampire come to visit.

 - No smoking any substance in the Ordo Luna House. Sage is allowed, in moderation.

- The Nocturnus’ office may not be entered without permission.

 - No short sheeting the beds or other such pranks.

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