Vampire Bonds
A vampire will bond to a witch or shifter as soon as possible as this will bring them status among their kind. They will take on other servants, including other witches, shifters, and even humans. Not all servants are Blooded servants and they must fall into the rules of blooded servants. (Shifters cannot be blooded See - Vampire Strengths for more information). A vampire with multiple servants is seen as powerful as it takes both wealth and willpower to control them.
All vampires are capable of enthralling one witch and one shifter into their service. This is done through the sharing of blood and usually in a ceremony. Once the witch or shifter is bound to the vampire they are their “property”. This means if the servant acts out or commits a crime then the vampire must punish them or face even harsher punishment themselves. They are also responsible for their well-being, ensuring that they have everything they need to live. Vampires who mistreat their bondservant without good cause (i.e. The servant is being punished) are usually looked down upon by other vampires.
The bonding will increase the rank of the vampire in the eyes of others. A vampire who is bound to both a shifter and a witch is considered a rank higher than their current power level. The shifter and witch are also granted a power boost, as well as extended life. If either the vampire or servant is hurt or killed the other will also perish. Therefore it is not something a vampire, witch or shifter enters into lightly.
Vampires bound to a witch can walk in sunlight
Vampires bound to a shifter are able to shift into the same animal as their bondservant (This does not include Crinos for wolves. You can only be a wolf)
Vampires who manage to bond with a Mer (Mer are distant cousins to the Shifters) do not gain the ability to shift into a sea creature or Mer. Binding a Triton grants immunity to their venom equal to the level of the Triton bound. Binding a Siren increases the effectiveness of Entrall abilities by 5% per rank of the Siren. Binding a Sea Witch grants the ability to walk in sunlight as per binding a witch. Vampires who bond a Mer gain the ability to communicate telepathically. The bonded pair are boosted a level in power.
Être de trois
This is when a vampire binds to themselves a shifter and a witch. The bond will increase all three, making them more powerful than when separated. But this does not come without drawbacks as well. Should any of the three be hurt or even killed the other two in the bond will also feel the pain or die. As such it is a rare and very serious thing for a vampire to bind himself with both a witch and a shifter. The binding once done can not be undone, and it takes a long time for the ritual to be complete. Once completed the three are left for days feeling exhausted and drained, needing to rely on each other to survive for that short time.
The trio can feel if one of the others are in danger, but can not tell the location. They will however feel compelled to search them out until the danger is no longer present.
Should one of them be hurt the other two will feel the pain as if it were their own though no wounds or damage will appear.
They will feel the calls and weaknesses of each other.. I.E. they will feel the pull of the moon upon their shifter, or they will feel the hunger of the vampire if he has not fed. Or the exhaustion of the witch who has over-taxed himself
The ability to communicate within a 5-mile radius through telepathy with only each other
Each being is one rank more powerful (in the case of Alpha Leaders vampires who are already at the highest rank they are considered the most powerful among their kind)
Each can dream walk inside the other's dreams. I.E The witch or Shifter while still awake can go into a mild trance and enter the dreams of the sleeping vampire to communicate. However, only the dreamer has control of the dream and as such this can often be chaotic if they are not skilled at it.
The witch will gain access to another circle of magic, depending on their level. See the witch page for more details.
The vampire can taste food through their bonded servants, and if they are eating well the vampire can gain nourishment from their servants even over a distance to the point that they do not need to feed off blood as much as they normally would. (Shifter and Witch need to consume double their normal food intake)
Should one of the three become incapacitated or travel further than 100 miles from the group the trio will become diminished in power level back to their base power until they are united.
Immortality for all three members.
Just a Witch
Vampire can walk in sunlight
Mental bond
Immortality for the Witch
Raise one effective level (Vampire only)
Just a Shifter
Mental bond
Immortality for the shifter
Raise one effective level (Vampire only)
Animal form (Normal animal- Shifter's animal only)
(Mer - special depends on the type - see Mer page)
Vampire can walk in sunlight
Mental bond
Raise one effective level (Vampire only)
Water Breathing
- Bonds may OOCly be denied if there is a glut of a particular rank in a given race