Shifter lore
Once, in days far before any, barring vampires can possibly remember, the variety of the shifting breeds was as varied as the animals that lived upon the land. The war between humanity and the supernatural, however, combined with the shifting breeds tendency to stick to their own, thinned their ranks until only the wolves, bears, fox, and felines remained. Banding together and combining their strengths proved to be the only viable means for survival. Centuries spent hiding their existence from humanity, however, took it's toll on their numbers and by the time the proposal was made to move against the humans the remaining shifting breeds were more than happy to step out of the shadows and into the light.
While they still stand as the physically strongest of the supernatural races, their reduced numbers and specialized magical abilities have assured that they need to stick together. Even so, even the strongest of them are subject to being controlled by vampires and potentially summoned by witches. In many locations around the world, the leaders of the shifting breeds go out of their way to arrange an accord with the vampires, assuring that their people will remain free.
Residing in groups, the Shifting breeds rely upon humans to increase their numbers. Born rather than created, shifters require human mates to increase their numbers. Mating between two shifters never results in viable offspring and the breed of the child is determined ENTIRELY by the spirit being born. While it is not unheard of for their human mates to remain within the group, many shifters prefer to remain apart from their non-shifting counterparts.
Young shifters come into their own at puberty, experiencing their first shift around their thirteenth birthdays.
Shifter Society
Regardless of Breed, shifters are possessed of a pack mentality and gather in groups to assure the health and security of their kin. Shifters are acutely, and instinctively, aware of the importance of rank and power, their bond with their animal spirit making their understanding of dominance within the group keen. Those who cannot, or will not, comply-- acting in contradiction to their nature-- tend to be harshly corrected and removed by the Alpha Leaders if it proves necessary.
In the past, Shifter groups tended to be Nomadic, moving out of an area when it became clear that their natures might be discerned by Humanity. Since the war, Shifter groups have set down roots, viciously defending their rights to their newly claimed homes. Their is NEVER more than one group of Shifters per community. Those coming into a city are given two weeks to decide if they will remain with the group, or move on.
- Rogue shifters are not tolerated and are either driven out of an area or stripped of their Beast spirit.
Human relations
In the past, it was unheard of for Shifters to keep human mates within the group. Unions with humans were short and ended when a child was produced, the human discarded and forgotten without a second thought. In the wake of the war, some Shifters have chosen to keep their human mates with them-- A condition that is tolerated within groups for as long as the human remains amongst them. It is important to note that humans living within a Shifter group are considered beneath even the Omega.
- Humans that have been permitted to live with the group are expected to be loyal. Those found guilty by the Council of Elders (Alpha Leaders) of having betrayed the pack in word, or deed, are summarily killed.
Vampire Connection
While many of the myths and tales told by Humanity are based in fancy, and not fact, the relationship between Shifters and vampires is, perhaps, the closest to the truth. Vampires can, to some extent, compel the obedience of the Shifting Breeds, although it is considered 'poor form' to do so. Such compulsion can be resisted if the Shifter is of higher rank than the vampire attempting to exercise control.
Resistance rolls required to ignore a call:
Alpha Leaders - 35%
Alpha - 25%
Beta - 20%
Omega - 10%
In the case of persistent calls, a resistance roll gives a Shifter a one hour window of respite before another is required.
[ This is also subject to consent of the player and should be discussed privately before attempts are made. ] Vampires can attempt to create a bonded servant of a Shifter, increasing their control over the shifter in question. However, while such bonds have their perks, only ONE can be formed and no other Shifter, at all, can be compelled by that vampire, again.
Since the war, it has become expected that vampires will not attempt to force an unwilling Shifter into such unions ( Although it does happen, more frequently in some cities than others. ). And while there was a time that Shifters, as a whole, found such association distasteful, the modern world-- a world controlled by vampires-- has made the prospect less unappealing than it had been in the past. Given the boost of power that comes from such unions, it is unsurprising that many such joinings occurred during the war with Humanity.
Bond of Fur and Fang
-The vampire gains the ability to shift into the animal form of the Shifter they have bound.
- Shifter gains Immortality for so long as the vampire exists.
- Shifter gains a 5% boost in strength and regeneration.
- The bond is broken with the death of the vampire. Aging resumes at a normal rate if the bond is broken.
- The compulsion of the vampire bonded to becomes considerably stronger. While it is possible to resist for a time, it takes a great deal of willpower, and distance, to do so. (At least 50 miles, and with a another 5% chance of resisting taken from their rank based resistance.)
[ Admin Note: While forming a Bond of Fur and Fang does not require approval, it DOES require both parties to inform Admins of the bond so it can be recorded ]
Pact of Fur, Fang and Magic
This is when a vampire binds to themselves a shifter and a witch. The bond will increase all three, making them more powerful than when separated. But this does not come without drawbacks as well. Should any of the three be hurt or even killed the other two in the bond will also feel the pain or die. As such it is a rare and very serious thing for a vampire to bind himself with both a witch and a shifter. The binding once done can not be undone, and it takes a long time for the ritual to be complete. Once completed the three are left for days feeling exhausted and drained, needing to rely on each other to survive for that short time.
The trio can feel if one of the others are in danger, but can not tell the location. They will however feel compelled to search them out until the danger is no longer present.
Should one of them be hurt the other two will feel the pain as if it were their own though no wounds or damage will appear.
They will feel the calls and weaknesses of each other.. I.E. they will feel the pull of the moon upon their shifter, or they will feel the hunger of the vampire if he has not fed. Or the exhaustion of the witch who has over-taxed himself
The ability to communicate within a 5-mile radius through telepathy with only each other
Each being is one rank more powerful (in the case of Alpha Leaders vampires who are already at the highest rank they are considered the most powerful among their kind)
Each can dream walk inside the other's dreams. I.E The witch or Shifter while still awake can go into a mild trance and enter the dreams of the sleeping vampire to communicate. However, only the dreamer has control of the dream and as such this can often be chaotic if they are not skilled at it.
The vampire can taste food through their bonded servants, and if they are eating well the vampire can gain nourishment from their servants even over a distance to the point that they do not need to feed off blood as much as they normally would. (Shifter and Witch need to consume double their normal food intake)
Should one of the three become incapacitated or travel further than 100 miles from the group the trio will become diminished in power level back to their base power until they are united.
- If one member of the bond is killed, there is a 90% chance that the remaining pair will die. Those who survive such a break lose ALL of the perks and drop one entire rank in power. [ In the case of the surviving member being the lowest rank of their group - Shifters will lose their ability to regenerate, Witches will lose access to one magic they currently possess, vampires will lose one power from their powerset (All at Admin determination) Survivors can never be bound, in any fashion, again.
- The compulsion of the vampire bonded to becomes considerably stronger, making it nearly impossible to resist. (5% chance of resisting regardless of distance)
- Emotions and pain felt by one is shared by all. While you will not take physical damage from your bond mate being hurt, you will feel the pain along with them making it harder to concentrate ( Mild damage - 10% chance of failing at actions. Moderate damage - 25% chance of failing at actions. Severe damage 50% chance of failing at actions)
- Loyalty. You /LOVE/ the members of your pact and would do anything to protect them. (edited)
[ Admin Note: Pact of Fur, Fang and Magic requires Admin approval. BE CAUTIOUS of who you choose to form this bond with both IC and OOC. OOCly the bond CANNOT be broken. If one of your triad leave, they cannot be replaced. In this instance, you will no longer retain the perks of the bond. Perks will drop to Bond of Fur and Fang but you will retain the negatives of BOTH the Bond and the Pact. ]
Relations with other Supernatural beings
Merfolk - The Shifter and Merfolk are often regarded as kin, albeit distant, due to their races sharing the ability to shift between forms. Both the Shifter and Mer, however, pay little heed to this suggestion considering it nothing more than fancy born from fiction. In truth, the two races are related, having split off from one another while Humanity was still in it's infancy. The tale, remembered predominantly by the Elder Marmaele and the Bear, tells of a time when the two races were still one watching the humans from the safety of the wild places. While those who would become the shifters desired to walk safely amongst humans and know them, those of the seaborn races sought the ability to change for ease of camouflage and hunting, viewing humanity as nothing more than prey. The creatures of the land, children of the sun, were given the ability to shift their form between man and beast. Such boons, however, are not without cost and children of the sun found themselves rendered both sterile with their own and subject to the caveat that, when the moon was high and fecund, they must return to their animal forms. The creatures of the sea, children of the moon, were gifted with the ability to alter their forms and walk amongst their prey, as well. Perhaps due to their viciousness and the desire for violence and blood, their natural forms were altered such that they would, forever, mimic their prey possessing the upper body of Human men and women even in the seas. The point remains that, despite both groups claiming otherwise, Shifters and Mer share a distant ancestor and are, in fact, of one blood. Even so, modern relations between Shifter and Mer are an ever changing affair-- perhaps due to the suggestion that missing Shifter young have fallen prey to their seaborn cousins.
Witches - As a race, Shifters require humans to breed and increase their number. As a general rule, such humans are oftimes returned to their own in the wake of a successful delivery of a Shifter child rather than risk the Tribe's safety. The fact that Witches were also Outsiders, however, and possessed of an interest to protect themselves, made it easier, and more acceptable, for a Shifter to retain a Witch as a mate. As such, there were often a number of Witches to be found with the Nomadic Tribes of the shifting breeds. While this was, for most, a free choice, there are those tribes that actively sought out and kidnapped Witches, keeping them captive in order to increase their own number. As such, relations between Shifter and Witch depend entirely on the history of the area in which they reside. In San Taurio Coven and Tribe are on amenable terms.
Vampires - The relationship between Shifter and Vampire is as steeped in mystery as ancient and fraught as that of the relationship between Shifter and Mer. It is said that, when the world was young, and the Shifting Breeds took their first steps among infant humanity, the gods were watching. And while the sun, in her warmth and affection for her children, had given them the ability to alter their form to walk freely amongst humans, the other gods, older gods, did not agree. When it became clear that the two races could not co-exist peacefully, and the gods saw that the Shifting Breeds, thought to be peaceful, were stealing mates from humanity, they came to the resolution that something must done lest humans be hunted to extinction. While the details of pacts made between gods in the formation of their plan are lost to mystery and time, what remains to be true is the fact that Vampires were born out of the celestial desire to cow the Shifting Breeds. In those early days, Vampires walked beneath the sun and were free of the need for blood to sustain them. They were, in that time, men and women gifted with exceptional vigor and the ability to compel and control the supernatural predators preying upon their kin. It is said that the men and women chosen to take on this duty would venture out of their homes and travel deep into the wilds to lay down in the earth and be born anew.
And for a time, the solution worked. The Shifting Breeds were controlled. Born of humanity, however, these new beings were not free of the nature of man. Greed and the desire for power and control lurked in their hearts and they took to using their new found slaves to prey upon and rule those they were meant to protect. The sun, watching her children being used in such a fashion, turned her face from the children of the elder gods. No longer would they be allowed to walk in her light without finding themselves returned to the earth, in the form of ash, not to rise again. The moon, however, ever at odds with her sister, chose to bless those who were cursed to walk in her light. From that point forward, they would be possessed of awe inspiring magics of the like to give them dominion over the land. The moon, however, is an ever fickle being, and with her gift came the curse of death and blood. The children of the elder gods would possess great might and magic, but not without cost. The cost twisted the creation of the infant Night Dwellers, requiring them to die, in truth, and be reborn only when given the blood of their own to drink and the blood of humanity to thrive. Hand in hand with this came the curse that they would no longer be allowed to walk amongst humans as kin, but rather as predators lurking in the darkness.
Seeing thier creations twisted in such a fashion raised the ire of the elder gods, and in vengeance, they turned their own creations into monsters which thrived and blossomed from the blood of the Children of both the sun and moon. The Shifting Breeds, and the Witches, would forever be cursed to serve the newly reborn vampires. Only the merfolk, hidden the depths of the seas, seeming to escape such a fate.
Given all that came before, the relationship between Shifter and Vampire has ever been strained, primal animal natures rebelling against thought that they could be controlled. For thousands of years, great battles raged between the Shifting Breeds and the vampires that would seek to ensnare them. In this time, entire breeds of Shifters were lost, until only the Bear, the Wolf, the Fox, and the Felines remained. In the end, however, the fact that they can be controlled remained and, in the end, serving 'willingly' was a far better fate than the extinction of their remaining Breeds.
Tribal Structure:
There is only ONE tribe per city. Regardless of Breed, shifters are possessed of a pack mentality and gather in groups to assure the health and security of their kin. Shifters are acutely, and instinctively, aware of the importance of rank and power, their bond with their animal spirit making their understanding of dominance within the group keen. Those who cannot, or will not, comply-- acting in contradiction to their nature-- tend to be harshly corrected and removed by the Alpha Leaders if it proves necessary.
Tribal Positions:
Chieftain(ess): Emi (AntoniettaScarletti Resident)
Second in Command: - Filled -
Elders (Alpha): 6 slots
Beta: Unlimited
Omega: 6 slots
Shifter Character Creation
Ranks and Abilities
Note: All Shifters, regardless of rank, are able to shift just portions of their body. This ability allows them to grow claws and enhance their senses.
Omega - Omega are the lowest rank of the Shifter group. This group is generally composed of younger shifters who are just learning their role within the group and the use of their abilities. It is, however, possible for one to be considerably older and still an Omega. It is important to understand that Omega does not equal submissive. However, on the same token, it is important to realize that Shifters are animals first and WILL naturally default to showing respect and deference to those more powerful than themselves. Bucking up on the group' Betas and Alphas is not the route to advancement at this level. Demonstrating an understand of place and working with both the character's peers, and elders, is.
• Animal Awareness: All shifters can sense other Shifters.
• Healing: At this level they can regenerate severed/broken limbs by shifting to animal form.
• Internal Beast: The beast is like a metaphysical presence inside those born to the shifting breeds. At this level, the shifter is less likely to be provoked to shift by stress, fear, orgasm or sight of blood. The inner beast can also be projected like an aura to greet other Shifters, rubbing against them.
• Senses: (10x): hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch.
• Physical (5x): endurance, strength, speed, reflexes.
• Regeneration (5x): Omega Shifters heal moderate to severe damage five times faster than a normal human. Wounds that would not require immediate medical attention will heal almost instantaneously. Wounds caused by silver, fire and vampires are not benefited by this ability and will heal as slowly as they would in humans.
Beta - Beta make up the bulk of the Shifter group and tend to fill roles of enforcers, hunters, warriors, and healers of the group. While they do not sit on the council, the care and well being of the group on a day to day basis tends to be their purview. Beta fill the vital roles that keep the entirety of the group whole and healthy. ICly, most individuals will not move past the rank of Beta. OOCly, advancement is possible if there is a need for Alphas of that breed. However, advancement to an Alpha will take a consistent, and enduring, demonstration understanding of group dynamics, roles and character growth. In the case of Beta, this means interacting with both the group's Alphas and Omegas and being able to fulfill the requirements involved in assuming the rank of Alpha.
• Animal Awareness: All Shifters can sense other Shifters.
• Healing: At this level they can regenerate severed/broken limbs by shifting to animal form.
• Internal Beast: The beast is like a metaphysical presence Shifters. At this level, the Shifter cannot be provoked to shift by stress, fear, orgasm or sight of blood. The inner beast can also be projected like an aura to greet other Shifters, rubbing against them.
• Senses: (20x): hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch.
• Soothing the Beast (moderate): Can use their metaphysical beast to sooth and caress a weaker Shifter.
• Physical (10x): endurance, strength, speed, reflexes.
• Regeneration (10x): Beta Shifters heal moderate to severe damage ten times faster than a normal human. Wounds that would not require immediate medical attention will heal almost instantaneously. Wounds caused by silver, fire and vampires are not benefited by this ability and will heal as slowly as they would in humans.
Alpha - Alpha Shifters are few in number and tend to fill roles that involve guiding and defending the group as a whole. Alpha shifters are the teachers, standing as the example to the lower ranks and supporting their leaders. The Alpha are also those who tend to deal with those members of the group who fail to demonstrate an understanding of place and group dynamics.
• Soothing the Beast (strong): Can use their metaphysical beast to sooth and caress a weaker Shifter.
• Animal Awareness (strong): All Shifters can sense other Shifters.
• Internal Beast: The beast is like a metaphysical presence inside those who are born to the Shifting breeds. At this level, the Shifter cannot be provoked to shift by stress, fear, orgasm or sight of blood. The inner beast can also be projected like an aura to greet other Shifters, rubbing against them.
• Mastery of the Alpha: Alpha shifters may choose to shift just portions of their anatomy while in human form. This ability allows them to grow claws, or fangs without shifting to their animal form.
• Senses: (50x): hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch.
• Physical (20x): endurance, strength, speed, reflexes.
• Regeneration (20x): Alpha Shifters heal moderate to severe damage twenty times faster than a normal human. Wounds that would not require immediate medical attention will heal almost instantaneously. Wounds caused by silver, fire and vampires are not benefited by this ability and will heal as slowly as they would in humans.
• Healing: At this level they can regenerate severed/broken limbs by shifting to animal form.
• Warcry: Bring your group to alert to attack mode with this subsonic blast of powerful sound that can be heard for up to a mile. It can break mortal eardrums at close range and will dizzy and disorient weaker supernaturals at a range of 5 feet.
- Will summon members of the group to the Alpha exercising the call.
- Humans in the vicinity are deafened for two rounds.
Alpha Leader - These shifters act, in concert, as the leaders of the group and elders. Generally three in number, the Alpha Leaders are responsible for assuring relations with the supernatural races and leading the warriors in times of necessity. [ Only Wolves, Bear and Felines have Alpha Leaders. Fox, due to their erratic nature and considerable magical prowess, do not have Alpha Leaders. Generally speaking, the group of Shifters, in a given area, will include and Alpha Fox on their council of Elders. ]
• Soothing the Beast (strong): Can use their metaphysical beast to sooth and caress a weaker Shifter.
• Animal Awareness (strong): All Shifters can sense other Shifters but, at this level, they will be able to sense Shifters and other races (vampire, human, humans with powers etc) shielded and unshielded.
• Internal Beast: The beast is like a metaphysical presence inside those who are born to the Shifting breeds. At this level, the Shifter can be provoked to shift by stress, fear, orgasm or sight of blood. The inner beast can also be projected like an aura to greet other Shifters, rubbing against them.
• Mastery of the Alpha: Alpha shifters may choose to shift just portions of their anatomy while in human form. This ability allows them to grow claws, or fangs without shifting to their animal form.
• Senses: (50x): hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch.
• Physical (30x): endurance, strength, speed, reflexes.
• Regeneration (50x): Alpha Shifters heal moderate to severe damage thirty times faster than a normal human. Wounds that would not require immediate medical attention will heal almost instantaneously. Wounds caused by silver, fire and vampires are not benefited by this ability and will heal as slowly as they would in humans.
• Healing: At this level they can regenerate severed/broken limbs by shifting to animal form.
• Force Shift: At this level, the shifter is capable of forcing a lower ranked shifter into, or out of, animal form. This ability will work even if the other shifter is unconscious, allowing the Alpha Leader to force healing of critical damage.
• Still the beast: Alpha Leaders are capable of quieting the beasts of those who do not work in the best interests of the pack. Such a step is not taken lightly, but when it is it renders the affected shifter incapable of reaching their beast and, for the duration, human. This affect can be permanent when banishment proves to be the only viable recourse. For a Shifter's beast to be taken entirely, it requires either the chieftain (With considerable toll) or, three Alpha Leaders working in concert.
• Warcry: Bring your group to alert to attack mode with this subsonic blast of powerful sound that can be heard for up to fifty miles. It can break mortal eardrums at close range and will dizzy and disorient weaker supernaturals at a range of 5 feet.
- Will summon members of the group to the Alpha Leader
- Humans in the vicinity are deafened for two rounds.
- Will bolster summoned members of the group enhancing their strength/speed by an additional 5% [ This 5% s not cumulative. The members of the group responding can only be impacted by the call of one Alpha Leader ]
Breed Abilities
Of the all shifting breeds, only the wolves possess a third form, called the warform. A hybrid of man and beast, it is this form from which the myths of the werewolf were born. The wolves stand as the protectors and warriors of their groups, often filling the leadership roles, as well.
Origins: Western Europe (But can be of any race)
Strength - 5% stronger than other Shifters of their rank.
Warform - While all shifters are the strongest of the supernatural races, wolves double in strength when in their warform. Warform Wolves regenerate at twice the rate of other shifters. Due to their exceptional strength, warform wolves are capable of jumping great distances.
- Omega can leap up to four stories high.
- Beta can leap up to six stories high.
- Alpha can leap up to eight stories high.
- Alpha leaders can leap up to ten stories high.
Growl - Wolves possess the ability to cow enemies, their growl, regardless of their form, striking a primal fear in the hearts of enemies.
- Omega have a 25% chance of success and can affect up to 2 enemies of equal or lower rank.
- Beta have 40% chance of success and can affect up to 5 enemies of equal or lower rank.
- Alpha have a 50% chance of success and can affect up to 10 enemies of equal or lower rank.
- Alpha Leaders have 75% chance of success and can affect up to 20 enemies of equal or lower rank.
Feline shifters possess supernatural agility surpassing the other shifting breeds. While still not as fast as a vampire, they are the most agile of the preternatural races.
Origins: Middle East, India (But can be of any race)
Agility (Reflexes) - 5% more agile than other Shifters of their rank.
Independent Spirit:
- Omega feline shifters have a 20% chance of resisting magical command/compulsion. (This is ineffective against other shifters.)
- Beta feline shifters have a 25% chance of resisting magical command/compulsion. (This is ineffective against other shifters.)
- Alpha Feline shifters have a 30% chance of resisting magical command/compulsion. (This is ineffective against other shifters.)
- Alpha Leader Feline shifters have 40% chance of resisting magical command/compulsion. (This is ineffective against other shifters.)
Cheshire Cat:
- Omega Feline shifters are able to blend into shadows and effectively vanish from sight (and smell) making them remarkable scouts and spies. (25% chance of going unseen if moving. 50% chance of going unseen if remaining still.)
- Beta Feline shifters possess the ability to cloak both themselves, and two others, from sight (and smell). (30% chance of going unseen if moving. 55% chance of going unseen if remaining still.)
- Alpha Feline shifters possess the ability to cloak both themselves, and five others, from sight (and smell). (40% chance of going unseen if moving. 60% chance of going unseen if remaining still.)
- Alpha Leader Feline shifters possess the ability to cloak both themselves, and ten others, from sight (and smell). (50% chance of going unseen if moving. 75% chance of going unseen if remaining still)
- Feline shifters may choose ONE Witch magic. (See Witches and Magic Schools)
The physically weakest of the shifting breeds, fox shifters are on par with young vampires. Even so, the fox shifters are the fastest of the shifters, rivaling the speeds of vampires. What foxes lack in physicality they make up for in magical might possessing magic that the other shifting breeds cannot touch. Fox are the only shifting breed without an Alpha Leader.
Origin: Asia
It Wasn't Me!
- Omega Fox have a 25% chance of convincing others of their innocence through sheer force of cuteness and charm. This is a form of presence.
- Beta Fox have a 35% chance of convincing others of their innocence through sheer force of cuteness and charm. This is a form of presence.
- Alpha Fox have a 45% chance of convincing others of their innocence through sheer force of cuteness and charm. This is a form of presence.
Speed - Fox move 5% faster than other Shifters of their rank.
Magic: (See Witches and Magic schools for each)
- Illusion
- Mind
- One Magic of their choice.
The sturdiest of the Shifters, the might of the bear comes not from physicality, but rather from their connection to the spirits of shifter ancestors.
Origin: North America, Russia, Asia, Europe
Regeneration - Bear regenerate damage 5% faster than other Shifters of their rank with the exception of warform wolves.
Magic (See Witches and Magic Schools)
- Life
- Spiritualism
- Enchantment
The hyena is one of the lesser known changing breeds that have survived the great wars. Under the Regime their presence is known about and kept rather quiet for they make excellent Cleaners. As a breed, they also have deep mystic roots that involve mind games, illusions and deep spiritual connections.
Origins: Sub Saharan Africa (But can be of any race)
Dire Form - While wolves are the only shifters with Warform, Hyena are one of the two breeds that have a Dire animal form. While in this form, all of their physical stats are boosted by an additional +5. (Strength, Dex, Constitution)
Now you see me.. Hyena have the ability to fade into shadows without the use of magic. (Making it usable while in animal, or Dire, form). Hyena have a +10 to fade out and evade being located in and out of combat.
Strength - 5% stronger bite force compared to other shifters. Jaw locks once it’s chomped down on its target and the victim must roll a contesting roll to free themselves. Each round of play, the bite will deal additional agg damage as the hyena thrashes about to rip and tear.
Garbage Gut - A Hyena’s hallmark ability is not their laugh but their gut. They can consume bone and other organic material at whim but they possess the ability to digest inorganic material as well which lends to a lot of the superstition and fear about them. Doing this requires an exertion of will similar to how a Witch may tax themselves casting magic and can only be done ONCE a day.
Eerie Call - Hyenas possess the ability to strike fear in humans, their cackle, regardless of their form, strikes a primal dread in the hearts of humans.
- Omega have a 25% chance of success and can affect up to 2 humans.
- Beta have 40% chance of success and can affect up to 5 humans.
- Alpha have a 50% chance of success and can affect up to 10 humans.
- Alpha Leaders have 75% chance of success and can affect up to 20 humans.
Magic - Hyena shifters can choose ONE Witch magic (Mind, Illusion or Spiritualism)
Mo’O (Mo'O are native to Hawaii, avatars should reflect this)
The Mo’O are native to the Hawaiian Islands. MoʻO often take the forms of tiny geckos (Some appearing nearly as large as small dogs), and/or humans and possess the abilities to control fresh water, heal and influence nature. Mo’O, despite their size, are considered protectors. They were amphibious, and many freshwater fishponds in Hawaii were believed to be home to a MoʻO. When a moʻo dies, its petrified body becomes part of the landscape. Most of the time the Mo’O were found to be females.
Origin: Hawaiian Islands, Samoa
Communication: Mo’O are the only shifters able to communicate with all animals.
Chameleon: Mo’O, in their animal form, are capable of blending into their surroundings to the point where they are virtually invisible. It is said that a Mo’O that does not wish to be found can vanish. Mo’O have a 60% chance to render themselves ‘invisible’ to the human eye and a 35% chance to evade magical detection of an equal, or lower rank (Higher ranks lower their chance by 5% for each rank higher than the Mo’O.) Note: This does NOT increase their ability to resist a vampire’s call.
In human form, Mo’O are able to make changes to their physical appearance, this includes height, weight and gender.
Magic - Mo’O possess the ability to heal (See Witch Circles, Healing), Mo’O possess the ability to control water like Mer (Hydrokinesis [Fresh Water ONLY].
Nature Magic - Mo’O are traditionally considered the protectors of the Islands and possess the ability to encourage the natural flora to flourish. Flowers bloom around them regardless of rank or intent. This ability can be used to conceal their person or area, eradicate any trace of a trail, and make pursuit difficult. (While Mo’O can encourage plants to grow and flourish, they cannot direct them attack, or take any action a plant would not normally take.)
Alpha Leaders can affect up to four acres
Alpha can affect up to two acres
Beta can affect up to one acre
Omega can affect a half acre
The rats are one of the secret races of shifters that have stepped out of the shadows in the past fifty years. While they were known to exist once, most believe that they have since gone extinct. However, this is not the truth. In fact, the rats went into hiding and remained there even after the Great War which saw supernatural races come into power. They instead, chose to remain in the shadows, working behind the scenes of the Regime as “disposal” units, clearing the world of the dead to prevent disease as well as unwanted resurrection. No rat will reveal itself except to the very upper echelons of the Regime.
Origins: Rats do and can come from anywhere in the world since very few places on Earth don’t have a rat population
Dire Form: While wolves are the only shifters with Warform, Rats are one of the two breeds that have a Dire animal form. While in this form, all of their physical stats are boosted by an additional +5. (Strength, Dex, Constitution) A rat’s bite in this form is incredibly strong, capable of slicing through bone. Their teeth do aggravated damage in this form and even the strongest of creatures risk losing limbs or bleeding to death once bitten
Tight Squeeze: Rats have an uncanny ability to squeeze into and through spaces that someone of their size shouldn’t. So long as a rat's head can fit, it can squeeze its body through. The way they do this is by their bones shifting on rubber-like tendons. A rat can not fight while squeezing into a place, nor use any other powers. The rat will have to take a moment after they get through to adjust its bones back to normal.
Parkour: Rats have an uncanny amount of dexterity. Able to walk across the narrowest of ledges or ropes without falling off, or leaping great distances. They can also scale up a straight wall with very little foot or hand holds and do so much faster than any other being. This does not however mean a rat can scale smooth surfaces such as glass, the surface must have a rough texture like concrete or brick.
Resist Toxin: A rat can ingest nearly anything without any ill effects. This also includes most diseases and poisons. It takes a very strong agent before the rat will even feel sick. This allows the rat to consume nearly anything and digest it, although they may not gain nourishment from things like metal, plastic, or wood.
Piped Piper: A rat can summon rats that are in a nearby area. ONLY alpha rats can summon other rat shifters, and they will hear the call. When a rat makes the summon it comes out as a high-pitched noise that is too high for normal ears to pick up and may be painful to more sensitive ones but will not stun them. Rats summoned in this manner will obey the will of the summoner until they are released or 3 hours have passed, only rat shifters are immune to this obedience even if they answer the call.
Omega - can summon about 20 in total in a 1 mile radius
Beta - can summon about 50 rats in a 1 mile radius
Alpha - can summon about 80 normal rats in a 1 mile radius and about 2-3 rat shifters
Alpha Leader - can summon over 100 rats in a tidal wave of rats that can swallow large prey, and about 10 rat shifters.
Shifter Weaknesses
- Fullmoon: All shifters must transform into their animal forms on the full moon. During this time, their control is tenuous, at best. Even so, the ties that bind the group remain strong. While tempers will run hot, the shifter still retains an awareness of self and the ability to discern right from wrong.
- Silver: Shifters are unable to regenerate from wounds made by silver and must heal normally. Excessive exposure to silver will sap a shifter's strength. Being bound by silver renders a shifter incapable of shapeshifting.
- Subject to potentially being bound by powerful vampires or witches.
- Shifters require human mates to procreate.
- Vampire bites cannot be regenerated and must heal at normal rate.
- Shifters have high tempers and stand a chance of shifting against their will.
- Regeneration: Shifter Regeneration happens quickly. Quickly enough that broken bones will heal out of place if not reset within two hours, or before shifting to animal form. Bones healed out of alignment will need to be re-broken and set before the limb is viable again.
Lifespan - Shifters can live up to 500 years.
Allowable animals per breed
Wolves - (Wolves - Red Wolf, Algonquin Wolf, Gray wolf, African Golden Wolf, Ethiopian wolf, Golden Jackals, Black-backed and side-stripped Jackals
Fox - (Forest Fox, Bat-eared Fox, Fennec Fox, Cape Fox, Red Fox, Corsac Fox, Artic Fox, Tibetan Sand Fox, Coyote [Coyote is included with Fox, NOT because it is Vulpine, it is not, but because mythologically it is a trickster animal.])
Bears - (Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Asian Black bear, American Black bear, Sun bear, Sloth bear, Speckled Bear, Giant Panda, Grizzly)
Feline - Lion, Tiger, Jaguar, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Clouded Leopard, Amur Leopard, Cheetah)