World Economy
Control through monitoring is one of the current regime's largest tools. People are tracked through their cell phones, scanned at checkpoints, and some are tagged or marked for easy visibility. There are extensive records everywhere, and one such method is through watching people's spending habits.
The local currency is “Credits” (which for sake of ease 1.00C is equal to $1.00USD) A physical currency does not exist outside of printed bond notes, but is loaded and spent via chipped credit cards. Those who are labeled as owned property, such as human slaves or bonded witches, are not allowed their own accounts, but are often given cards attached to their owner's account with limited spending potential. Every purchase is tracked and, if necessary, reviewed should the individual or business come under suspicion.
For this reason, all official purchases are made with the card, but if one wishes to make a purchase in a more clandestine manner, barter is the method of choice. Precious metals / coins, old jewelry are often exchanged by those who wish to go unnoticed, particularly by those who cannot gain a large amount of official credits through standard means.
For the most part, the wealthy are primarily vampires and those supernaturals who are indispensable to the regime. Humans in higher positions are never given free reign, and have oversight in one way or another—primarily by being controlled by a vampire in the hierarchy.
General Stipends* # !
Vampire Governor: $5,000,000 annually.
Vampire Quaestor: $1,000,000 annually.
Vampire Praetor: $450,000 annually.
Vampire Magister: $200,000 annually.
Vampire Business Manager / ISF Officer: $150,000 annually.
Vampire ISF agent: $100,000 annually.
Vampire Citizen: $75,000 annually.
Mer Duke/Duchess: $250,000 annually.
Mer Managers / ISF employees: $50,000 annually.
Mer Workers: $25,000 annually.
Shifter Governor’s Guard Commander: $150,000 annually.
Shifter Alpha Leader: $120,000 annually.
Shifter Managers / ISF employees: $48,000 annually.
Shifter Workers: $20,000 annually.
Nocturnus / Noctividus: $48,000 annually.
Unowned Witch Managers / ISF employees: $24,000 annually.
Unowned Witch Workers (base): $12,000 annually.
Human Managers / Human ISF employees: $24,000 annually.
Human Workers: $12,000 annually.
*Stipends for bonded servants are paid to their vampire. The bonded vampire determines their allowance.
# It bears noting that EVERYONE in the Regime works, no citizen of the Regime is allowed to be idle. Housing, food, and medical are all provided by the Regime.
! A witch’s stipend is paid directly to Ordo Luna and distributed by the Nocturnus as they see fit. Witches are given an allowance determined by the Nocturnus.
Wealth, education, status and Health care in the Regime and YOU
First, and most important, before we get into the wealth of individual groups it is MOST important to know three things imperative to your character.
The Regime is a tightly controlled Fascist government with Socialist Policies.
1) NO ONE who HAS a chip (and EVERYONE in the Regime has a chip) is /ever/ destitute or homeless. Upon arriving in your city of choice, each individual is given, and told the following information:
* Every member of the Regime is given enough of a stipend to afford food, clothing, and temporary housing while looking for local employment and getting settled with their racial group. (The details of this vary depending on race and will be explained when we get to Racial groups).
* Every member of the Regime is given a list of potential employers commensurate with their skills and education encoded on their chip.
* Every member of the Regime is given a list with the contact information for their particular group and warned that, if they have not been registered as checking in by their leaders, their assets will be frozen and an arrest warrant will be issued to ISF for them to be picked up and detained. Should group leaders decide not speak on the person's behalf, punishment will be determined by the ruling council and always involves time in work camps.
2) Everyone (Even humans in the Regime) have the opportunity to pursue higher education should they demonstrate an aptitude. This education includes avenues like arts and education, science and medicine, technical schools and the like. ( Witches, and Humans, are the ONLY exception to this rule. Witches are raised in special, government run academies that focus on developing their magical abilities as well as instilling them with a sense of loyalty to the regime. They are given options for education outside of this, but it will always come second to their education as witches and servants to vampires. Humans who show an exceptional Non-magical aptitude in a given area are allowed to pursue higher education. These individuals are always required to be owned by, and work for, the Regime in some form or fashion deemed applicable to the education received. )
3) Everyone in the Regime is provided with free healthcare. The quality of that care depends almost entirely on your Race (Or, in the case of Bound Shifters and Witches, the Position of your owner in the Regime).
Vampires, being the ruling class of the Regime, are by far the wealthiest individuals. HOWEVER, there is NO old money even amongst the Ruling Class. Upon the end of the war, Lysander (Blessed be his Name) Redistributed wealth according to the Regime's agenda. This means, while all Vampires possess a ridiculous amount of money, the degree depends entirely upon their personal worth to the Regime. (The Regime, in this instance being Lysander, His councilors, The Governors, and so on down the line). Political and Social Maneuvering is the tried and true method of gaining additional income and perks from the Government. HOWEVER, the reverse is also true. Falling out of favor, or being deemed problematic by one's superiors can, and does, have lasting consequences to one's personal comfort. Income, and assets, can be frozen should the Magisters Council deem an individual a threat, non-productive, or possessed of a seditious nature.
Vampires whose assets are frozen will no longer be capable of supporting a larger household and will have all but their bound witch, and/or shifter, reclaimed and redistributed into society. Should the time come that they regain their former standing, however, they are welcome to rebuild their household as they see fit, and can reasonably afford.
Vampires found guilty of Sedition and/or Treason will have their assets frozen and, depending upon the seriousness of the matter, be put to death if they are deemed unworthy of, or incapable of, being rehabilitated. In this case, their household will be reabsorbed and redistributed into society. ( Generally speaking, individuals involved in reporting such persons will be given a portion of the guilty party's assets and household in a show of thanks from the Government. If the Individual is not a vampire, the rewards will be smaller, but still worth the effort of reporting. In cases of the reporter belonging to another vampire, their vampire will receive the benefits to redistribute as they see fit. Should the guilty vampire possess a bound witch, and/or shifter, and be sentenced to death, the Council of Magisters will determine whether or not the bound are worth the effort of breaking the bond or condemned with their owner. )
Mer, being considered valued supporters, and pseudo members of the Regime, possess a wealth that falls just below vampires of equal value to the Regime. Unlike vampires, however, Mer have the added benefit of possessing material wealth others do not. Generally speaking, this benefit tends to bring them, financially, up to the level of wealth possessed by the Ruling party.
Unlike the land dwelling members of the Regime, Mer society is feudal in nature. Wealth is distributed to the nobility, and favored by Poseidon, first and doled out to the lower classes at the whims of their rulers. It is unlikely that one will EVER encounter a Mer Serf outside of the Mer Domain.
While Mer are able to take advantage of the Educational policies of the Regime, very few bother with such a thing. Instead, their education is geared toward political and societal courses within undersea academies. Unlike the other races, Mer serfs are afforded no education.
Mer who have been deemed seditious and/or treasonous by the Regime are sent back to Poseidon's court and never heard from again. While it is not made public knowledge, Mer society is considerably harsher in regards to punishments. Such individuals are often put to death, or condemned to a life of serfdom and slavery within the ruling pods.
Shifters are the muscle of the Regime. They are the might by which vampire's hold power and are, as a result, given the benefit of higher incomes and educational opportunities. Even so, their personal assets average about half that of a vampire holding the same position. In modern American standards, Shifters are solidly middle class regardless of their education and/or occupational skills.
The ONLY exception to this comes in the form of Bound Shifters. Once bound, the Shifter's income is added to the Wealth of their vampire. What they receive is solely determined by their vampire and can fluctuate depending upon their behavior. Vampires can freeze the assets of their bound and are capable of requiring any purchase be approved by their person before going through.
Even so, The Shifter Chieftain and Elder Council are provided with compounds for the Tribe and a stipend to provide comfort, housing and care to their group.
All bred witches are reared and cared for by Regime ran Academies. They receive an education appropriate to their duties in service to vampires. However, this education tends to be more servile in nature and honed toward their demonstrated magical aptitudes. They receive the equivalent of a High School education. Trade schools are available to those who have demonstrated an aptitude in a particular area. The primary focus of education for Witches, however, falls in the realm of comportment and etiquette and how to be of service. Witches are heavily indoctrinated into the Regime.
Witches do not possess individual wealth. They are provided housing, education, food, and healthcare by the Academies until such time that they are purchased by a vampire. Once owned, a witch's income, should they be allowed to possess an outside job, is added into that of the vampire that owns them. They are provided with a stipend by their owner at their owner's discretion.
Humans are, by far, the lowest rung of society within the Regime. They are provided with income enough to survive comfortably and a moderate degree of health care. However, there are those humans who show exceptional aptitude in a given area and are, as a result, granted more comfort for so long as they provide value to the Regime. Humans who are claimed (Blooded) by a vampire can receive additional stipends from the vampire's own resources.