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Vampire Lore

Vampires have walked the earth with mankind since the beginning of time. Many myths and legends have been told about how and why these beings came to be, but the truth has long since been lost to the sands of time. As mankind progressed through the ages, the vampires were there. Always in the shadows, playing, manipulating the course of events to suit their needs. Even after the supernatural creatures went into hiding the vampires remained, hidden but always at work. This led to gossip and many conspiracy theories of secret cabals and cults that ran the world from the background. There is a very little major occurrence in history that did not have the vampire's touch.


When the creatures of myth choose to come to light again, the vampires were at first reluctant to do so. Liking their place in the shadows and fearful that to let humans know of their existence would put their current positions in jeopardy. However, once it was clear there was no stopping it, the vampires took over as they usually do with such things and in the end spearheaded the effort. Though to hear them tell it, it was always their idea and they convinced the rest to follow along.


While many of the other races played nice, the Vampires continued to pull their strings and manipulate the events to ensure in the end that their kind rose to the top. By the time the humans were subjugated, the vampires were already in place to take over the lead of the new world power. While they are aware it is a tenuous hold, they still insist they are the top, and the only ones worthy of ruling. Secretly they are aware that their hold is a slippery one and must play politics to keep the hold they currently have.


While all clans can feed off a specific emotion, this is only a supplement to the need for blood and can not maintain the vampire. A vampire must feed off blood. Also, they can not create emotion in others beyond ordinary means.


  • While a vampire does not have to feed daily, if powers are used then they will have to feed sooner. The more powers used, and the longer they are used will use up the blood in the vampire’s system, forcing the vampire to feed sooner or in greater amounts.

  • If and when a vampire drinks from another supernatural creature they will be affected in different ways.

    • Shifters - There is an increase in strength and speed - 20% of the current rating - but can also cause berserker rage, the closer to the full moon the greater the chance

    • Witches - There is a drug-like effect, much like taking acid, but this is the most nourishing type, only a tiny amount can sustain a vampire

    • Mer - This blood will help the healing process quicken aggravated damage but comes with an opioid effect 

  • Due to the side effects of these blood types vampires do not feed off other supernaturals unless it is an extreme emergency.


All vampires are capable of enthralling one witch and one shifter into their service. This is done through the sharing of blood and usually in a ceremony. Once the witch or shifter is bound to the vampire they are their “property”. This means if the servant acts out or commits a crime then the vampire must punish them or face even harsher punishment themselves. They are also responsible for their well-being, ensuring that they have everything they need to live. Vampires who mistreat their bondservant without good cause (i.e. The servant is being punished) are usually looked down upon by other vampires.


The bonding will increase the rank of the vampire in the eyes of others. A vampire who is bound to both a shifter and a witch is considered a rank higher than their current power level. The shifter and witch are also granted a power boost, as well as extended life. If either the vampire or servant is hurt or killed the other will also perish. Therefore it is not something a vampire, witch or shifter enters into lightly.


  • Vampires bound to a witch can walk in sunlight

  • Vampires bound to a shifter are able to shift into the same animal as their bondservant (This does not include Crinos for wolves. You can only be a wolf)

  • Vampires who manage to bond with a Mer (Mer are distant cousins to the Shifters) do not gain the ability to shift into a sea creature or Mer.  Binding a Triton grants immunity to their venom equal to the level of the Triton bound.  Binding a Siren increases the effectiveness of Entrall abilities by 5% per rank of the Siren. Binding a Sea Witch grants the ability to walk in sunlight as per binding a witch. Vampires who bond a Mer gain the ability to communicate telepathically. The bonded pair are boosted a level in power.



A vampire will bond to a witch or shifter as soon as possible as this will bring them status among their kind. They will take on other servants, including other witches, shifters, and even humans.  Not all servants are Blooded servants and they must fall into the rules of blooded servants. (Shifters cannot be blooded See - Vampire Strengths for more infomation). A vampire with multiple servants is seen as powerful as it takes both wealth and willpower to control them.

Être de trois

This is when a vampire binds to themselves a shifter and a witch. The bond will increase all three, making them more powerful than when separated. But this does not come without drawbacks as well. Should any of the three be hurt or even killed the other two in the bond will also feel the pain or die. As such it is a rare and very serious thing for a vampire to bind himself with both a witch and a shifter. The binding once done can not be undone, and it takes a long time for the ritual to be complete. Once completed the three are left for days feeling exhausted and drained, needing to rely on each other to survive for that short time.


  • The trio can feel if one of the others are in danger, but can not tell the location. They will however feel compelled to search them out until the danger is no longer present. 

  • Should one of them be hurt the other two will feel the pain as if it were their own though no wounds or damage will appear.

  • They will feel the calls and weaknesses of each other.. I.E. they will feel the pull of the moon upon their shifter, or they will feel the hunger of the vampire if he has not fed. Or the exhaustion of the witch who has over-taxed himself

  • The ability to communicate within a 5-mile radius through telepathy with only each other

  • Each being is one rank more powerful (in the case of Alpha Leaders vampires who are already at the highest rank they are considered the most powerful among their kind)

  • Each can dream walk inside the other's dreams. I.E The witch or Shifter while still awake can go into a mild trance and enter the dreams of the sleeping vampire to communicate. However, only the dreamer has control of the dream and as such this can often be chaotic if they are not skilled at it.

  • The vampire can taste food through their bonded servants, and if they are eating well the vampire can gain nourishment from their servants even over a distance to the point that they do not need to feed off blood as much as they normally would. (Shifter and Witch need to consume double their normal food intake)

  • Should one of the three become incapacitated or travel further than 100 miles from the group the trio will become diminished in power level back to their base power until they are united.

  • Immortality


All vampires are capable of entrancing others. This is typically used during feeding to lull the victim into a state of compliance and make the feeding easier. Entrancement only lasts a few minutes and can not be used to compel the victim to do anything beyond a light sleep. The entrancement does leave behind a mark on the victim which can be traced back to the vampire with the help of a witch.

Vampire Clans


The Kriger are the warriors of the vampire society. They tend to be large and brutish and often considered lower class, or thugs. The opposite in fact is true. They have their own code of honor as they come from the lines of knights, samurai, and other noble warriors. It is only in recent history that their lines come from the lower spectrum of humanity such as bikers, mafia, and gang leaders. However, they still hold to their honorable ways. While they believe you can only show worth through battle, they will not fight just to fight. They will only do so for a purpose, be it protection, to gain favor in their ranks, or because they have sworn allegiance to another.



Kriger can feed off the anger of others. This is often done so during times of war or battle, and they often create establishments such as fighting rings and dive bars where fights among humans or other supernatural beings are likely to happen.



Kriger has the power to boost their already supernatural speed to the point of becoming almost invisible to the naked eye. While they can still be captured on cameras and such, the footage must be slowed.


  • Child -  240 mph 

  • Sanguinarian - 475 mph

  • Master - 945 mph



Krieger has the power to make themselves seem larger, and more intimidating in the mind of others. This can be used to cower an aggressive opponent or scare away someone who is in their territory and shouldn’t be.


  • Child - 10% chance for intimidation

  • Sanguinarian - 30% chance for intimidation

  • Master - 50% chance of intimidation



Kriger can increase their strength beyond normal vampire limits. This allows them to lift incredible weights, or leap heights they normally could not. While far stronger than other vampires they are only outmatched by shifters or equal rank and higher.


  • Child - 20% increase in strength

  • Sanguinarian  - 30% increase in strength

  • Master - 40% increase in strength

Douce Misere

The Douce Misere are the diplomats and nobles among vampire kind. These vampires descend from the various royal houses of the world, usually lesser nobles of the house. Although in recent times they tend to pick their childer from influential families, such as business moguls and politicians. While all vampires believe they should rule others, the Douce Misere believe they are at the top of the chain, even over other vampires. They are known for their suave, charming, and cunning ways to manipulate events to their liking and benefit. 



The Douce Misere can feed off lust. This does not mean just sexual lust, though that is usually the easiest to come by. Any powerful lust will feed the Douce, be it for power, money, or even popularity. As such they often surround themselves with those hungry for influence such as politicians, or owning various clubs of ill repute where they can feed off both the sexual lust and the lust to be desired.



The Douce can infect their bite with intense pleasure. However, this can lead to many of their victims becoming addicted to the bite, seeking out the vampire again and again to an almost stalker-like obsession. Therefore a Douce will not usually use this power on any but a few chosen that they wish to have continued relations with.



Douce are capable of limited mind control over others. They can give simple commands, but can not command the victim to do anything that would endanger the victim’s life (I.e. jump off a building). It can also be used to wipe the mind of recent memories, up to a couple of hours past. The mind control does leave behind a mark that only the powerful witches can find.  Only the strongest of creatures can truly resist and even then only for a short time.


  • Child - 30% chance of success - One-word commands

  • Sanguinarian  - 40% chance of success - simple 3-4 word commands

  • Master - 50% chance of success - short 2-3 sentence commands




The Douce can make themselves seem more appealing to others with this power. The victim will find themselves enchanted with the vampire. Just something about the vampire will draw them to them and make them want to be around them. This can then be used to help convince the victim to do what the vampire wishes, though the victim will still have free will and should the request be too outrageous might still be denied.


  • Child - 10% chance for charm

  • Sanguinarian - 30% chance for charm

  • Master - 50% chance for charm


The Azili are the shadow walkers of vampire society. Their ability to control shadows as well as blend into humans has made them useful as spies and assassins among vampires. These vampires are usually chosen from the most cunning or stealthy of humans but can come from any walk of life. Regardless of who they appeared as a human, once turned they become monstrous to behold. Taking of twisted features such as elongated fangs, large bat-like ears, and pale skin that appears to be melting off the bone. This appearance is so monstrous that they do not tend to show it except within their own clan. However, due to the fact, they must maintain a pleasing countenance, they have become adept at living among humans and oftentimes can not be told apart except by the most powerful of other creatures.



The Azili can feed off of fear. In the past, this led them to stalk victims for long periods playing sick and twisted pranks until the victim was distraught from fear. This has led to various legends such as the Jersey Devil, poltergeists, and various monstrous sightings.




The Azili can cloak themselves in shadows, making them nearly impossible to see when doing so. They also have a limited ability to manipulate the shadows, making them take on various forms or move.


  • Child - limited to 5 meters around the user

  • Sanguinarian - limited to within 10 meters of the user

  • Master - limited to within 20 meters of the user



Azili are able to put on a different face from their natural one. This does not mean they can look like another person, merely that they appear and seem human. Even so far as to feel warm to the touch and mimic a heartbeat. This power makes it almost impossible to detect an Azili among humans except by the most powerful of supernatural creatures.



The Azili can make their presence unknown to others, except the strongest creatures. This is not a true invisibility, but more a compelling way to simply look past them without seeing them. When using this power a victim will feel compelled to look away from the Azili or the direct area they are in. This will also cause those walking near or towards them to step around them without knowing or even realizing they are doing so.


  • Child - 10% chance for detection when someone else is within 10 meters

  • Sanguinarian - 30% chance for detection when someone else is within 10 meters

  • Master - 50% chance for detection when someone else is within 10 meters

Huakaʻi Pō (Night Marchers)

Although there are many legends about where the creatures came from and what they are, the truth is they are vampires created by Kamehameha the First. According to him, he received the gift from Pele for his uniting of the Hawaiian islands. Whether this is true or not only he knows. What is known is after his unification of the islands a group of warriors appeared, marching at night, chanting and blowing conch shells. Mortals who looked upon them met violent deaths. Much like the Kriger they are noble and honorable warriors, only taking into their ranks those who have shown devotion to the islands. For this reason, it is unknown of a Huakaʻi Pō being made of a nonislander or traveling outside of the islands.



The Night Marchers can feed on faith or religious belief. This can be of any god, or even simply your faith in any higher power, be that money, Lysander, family, or anything else you hold sacred. This is why one way to avoid a violent death humans will fall on their faces and start to pray and cite their lineage. This will feed the Night Marcher and sate them enough that they may pass over them.



One legend about the Night Marchers is their ability to walk through closed doors and solid walls. This is due to their power of becoming incorporeal. This gives them the ability to walk through solid objects of no more than 2 feet in width. During this incorporeal state, they can not be harmed, but they also can not interact or harm anything.



It is said the Nightmarchers rise from the graves and sea around Hawaii. This comes from the Night Marchers' ability to sink into the ground or sand where they can survive for days or weeks at a time until time for them to feed. This also makes them almost impossible to find except by those with abilities to detect them, be that magic or heightened sense of smell.

Strengths and Weaknesses



  • A vampire is unable to go into sunlight unless they are fully covered or they are bound to a witch. A vampire without a bonded witch will be destroyed by sunlight in a matter of minutes.

  • A stake to the heart will not kill a vampire but will render them powerless until the stake is removed and they are fed blood.

  • A vampire MUST feed off blood. The length of time they can go without blood depends on their power level But no vampire can go longer than a week without feeding. All blood must be from a living host. Blood can not be preserved in any viable way to sustain a vampire. Blood kept in donor bags can curb hunger but will only sustain a vampire for a very short time and is not able to keep a vampire sustained.

  • A vampire can be repelled by talismans or wards created by witches. These will cause the vampire to be repulsed and flee.

  • Fire will cause aggravated damage to a vampire and force them to heal the wounds at a near-human slowness

  • The bite of a shifter will also cause aggravated damage. These wounds will heal at near human slowness and should it go so far as to remove a limb may take centuries to grow back.

  • A vampire is bound to their sire for all time, regardless of how strong they get in the future. When a vampire's sire commands them they must obey except if it endangers their lives. When a vampire’s sire dies they will feel the breaking connection and always feel the loss though there is no actual reduction of power.

  • Vampires can eat food but they find it bland and flavorless, it offers no nourishment at all. 




  • Vampires are incredibly strong, being able to lift up to 2 tons or 4000 pounds. Only shifters are stronger

  • Vampires are known to be the fastest of the supernaturals. While they can be seen it is a blur of color which is hard to track.

    • Child - 225 

    • Sanguinarian -450 

    • Master - 900


  • Vampires have heightened senses, smell, sight, and hearing. These are not on par with shifters but are close. They can see in near-normal darkness, although magical darkness still presents a problem.

  • Vampires can heal damage by consuming blood (Even in combat). This does not include aggravated damage.

  • Vampires are immortal so long as they do not sustain too much aggravated damage, or come in contact with direct sunlight while not having a bound witch.

  • Vampires can call any shifter breed equal to or below their current rank until they bind with a shifter and then can only call that breed. Shifters can attempt to resist this summoning. The more powerful a shifter the more chance they have of resisting. You must have met a shifter if you wish to call a particular one, otherwise, you may only summon that breed and the lowest rank of that breed will feel the call first.

    • You may only summon a shifter once per IC hour until they no longer resist

    • Once the shifter gets to the vampire that summoned them and they attempt to resist they are compelled to obey any order given by that vampire for the next two hours. So long as that order does not cause danger to their lives

    • The compulsion only begins once the shifter reaches the vampire and not before, regardless of how long it took the shifter to reach the vampire

    • Once resistance is failed, the shifter must go to the vampire regardless of how long it might take. This will only stop once they go to the vampire and the two hours of compulsion are up. (Two hours of game time, not RL)

  • Vampire fangs do aggravated damage, as well as make their nails grow into long “claw-like” which also do aggravated damage

  • Sires can compel their childer to obey their commands, the childer will find this nearly impossible to resist and if they do try to resist it will cause them great anguish.

  • By feeding another their blood three times, vampires create a blood tie that binds that individual to their will. Blooded servants can be of any race, including supernatural creatures with the exclusion of Shifters. Servants bound in this fashion are immortal for so long as they continue to receive the vampire’s blood. In order to maintain the connection, the servant must be fed the vampire’s blood once a month. Blooded servants MUST obey the will of their masters to the best of their abilities. Commands that would put them in mortal danger can be resisted (25% chance). The vampire is able to summon the blooded servant to them as long as they are within ten miles of the vampire’s location. The blooded servant gains the ability to heal damage at the rank of an Omega shifter. (This ability does not impact supernaturals that already have the capacity to heal their wounds). 

Vampire Government and Society

Political ranks


Emperor: Ruler of the Vampire world. There is only one Emperor at any given time. This is not an elected position and one won by either killing the previous or by being named the successor before the current one goes into hibernation. If a successor is named they are usually one of the Consul, though in the past though rarely, one has been selected from outstanding Governors.


Current: Lysander - Douce Misere


Consul: High-ranking member of the Emperor’s privy council. These are vampires who have risen in the ranks and been selected by The Emperor to advise him on various issues. They also meet to discuss current laws and the need to ratify or create new ones.



Zola - Azili

Holstein - Kriger

Nassir - Douce Misere


Advisory Consul: The advisory council is made up of representatives of the other monster races and acts as their voice to the Emperor and his consul. While this body has no real power, the facade is maintained to keep the other races complicit and cooperative. 



Jorgen - Shifter - Bonded wolf to Emperor Lysander

Sigurd, Shui Shu, Calfuray  - Witches - Bonded Witch to Emperor Lysander

Navarre - Mer representative


It is rumored that a Fae sits on the Emperor’s advisory council, as well. No one, however, knows whether or not this is fact or fiction.  

Governor: Ruler of a city or providence. These are vampires who have shown great promise and are elected by the Consul to rule over a given territory as their own. They hold near autocratic authority within their selected province or provinces. When in their territory their word is the final law as long as it does not contradict the laws of the Consul.  Their abilities to govern were only limited by the decrees of the Consul or Emperor. However, should one Governor enter the territory of another he holds no power within that district and must act according to the laws of the land so long as they do not contradict those of the Consul.

Quaestor: Second in command to the Governor. This office is selected by the Governor. They act as the Governor’s right hand, ensuring daily matters are handled and that only those of the most importance reach the Governor. Their word is the law and can only be vetoed by the Governor, Consul, or Emperor.


Magister:  Member of the local council. These vampires are selected from the current ranks residing in the territory. Their job is to gather and discuss local matters with the Quaestor, and sometimes Governor. They can submit laws for review to the Quaestor and Governor. A submitted law will not be enforced until both the Quaestor and Governor approve, or the Quaestor is vetoed by the Governor and he/she approves the law.

Praetor: Keeper of the law. This office is selected by the Quaestor, or if none are currently in the area the Governor. Only the Governor can veto a selected vampire. Once elected it is the job of the Praetor to oversee the protection of all within the Governor’s territory, as well as ensure the laws of both the territory and Consul are upheld.  They may execute law-breakers without trial, so long as they are unable to bring them in alive. Their word is the law when the Governor or Quaestor isn’t present. They are in equal rank to those on the Magister and are often one of them to ensure laws are correctly carried out.

Censor: These are the heads of the three clans within a territory. They see to it that those of their bloodlines know and obey the laws. This is the first link in the chain of command that any vampire must go through when they have an issue within the territory. The Censor will then take that issue to the Magister council, or Quaestor who will then decide if it needs to go to the Governor. They are often a member of the Magister, but not a Praetor, Quaestor, or Governor unless no other is of sufficient rank to take up the position.

Chain of Command

Unranked vampire > Censor > Magister > Quaestor > Governor  Meaning if you have an issue as an unranked vampire you will first go to your Censor and only go above the Censor only if the issue is with them. However, once you go to the Cesnor or Magister, you will not continue up the line if you do not get the answer you wanted. If you are found skipping the chain of rank you could end up having your issue completely ignored and any issue in the future as well.


In this respect, if one beneath you comes to you with an issue you will listen to them and attempt to fix the issue. If you can not fix the issue you may go to the next in line of rank. You will not ignore an issue without good reason. If a leader is found to not be handling issues, or ignoring their people they will be removed from their rank. ALL leaders of ALL ranks should make an effort to be around those beneath you at least once a week, for at least 3 hours during the times of 1 pm - 10 pm EST (10 am - 7 pm SLT). If you are unable to be in-world and available at least once a week during these times for at least 2 -3 hours, then do not take a leadership role.

Power Ranks

Very few vampires reach this age as most succumb to ennui and simply go into hibernation. On occasion, an elder who has fallen into hibernation will awaken again after many years, though it is rare. The number of ancient vampires in the world is small and tends to make up the ranks of Consul and Emperor. For an elder to come into territory usually means trouble and is not something looked upon as desirable.

Must feed on a pint of blood at least a month, there are rumors that they can go longer though no one knows for sure.

These are vampires that are between 1000 - 2000 years old and are rare though not so much as Ancients. They are the most powerful of the vampires that still roam and work with the world daily. It is from these that the governors are elected and there is only one Elder per domain at any given time. This helps reduce in-fighting among the vampires.

Must feed at least once every two weeks.

These are vampires of the top power level who have gained such power through age, 700 - 1000 years. These vampires are the only ones who can be of political rank Praetor or Quaestor. Their numbers are fewer than Sanguinarian and make up the bulk of leadership in vampire society.

Must feed on a pint of blood a week or fall into torpor.

These are vampires who are between 100 and 700 years of age. They can be Magister or Censor. Most vampires make up this rank, During this age the vampire is expected to contribute to vampire society in such a way as to show promise so when they reach Master age they might be selected for Quaestor or Governor.

Must feed on a pint of blood twice a week or fall into torpor.

These are newly created vampires and often do not stray from their sire’s side until they reach Fledgling at 100 years of age or more. During their time with their sire, they are educated in the ways of vampire society, both traditions, and laws. If a child shows great promise a sire may allow them to move to another territory to assist a Censor or grow the current clan's numbers. A mortal is NEVER turned by accident or without consent of the Governor of the territory that the sire lives in. This is to prevent vampires who are ignorant of the laws. If by any chance a vampire is made without the consent of the Governor, they and their sire are hunted down and executed by the Praetor of that providence. (Turning requires both Governor and Admin approval)

Must feed on at least a pint of blood every other day or else fall into torpor





When meeting a vampire of higher age or rank another vampire will greet them first with the other vampires Rank - Full Name - child of (sire name if known). They will then continue with their own rank (if any), full name, and child of (sire name). Example - "Greetings Praetor John Smith, child of Jane Smith. I am Joe Smith, child of Jim Smith."



A vampire of lower rank will never call a higher-ranking vampire by their first name unless permitted to do so, even in casual conversation. They will always call them by their Rank and Last Name, or Sir/Madame Last Name. Example - "Good morning Magister Smith."


Right of Domain:


Respect must be given to the vampires holding rank within a territory when entering that territory. The only exception is the Consul and Emperor as their territory is the world. This means anyone of the political rank of Governor or lower must abide by the laws and show respect to the governing body in a territory that is not their own,


When coming to another’s domain you must present yourself to those in command. (You have 1 week OOC time to IM the leads to set up a time of meeting) Until you are presented and recognized you may not hunt in that domain and must rely on the government-run blood banks, which are expensive and you will be recorded each time. If you are found to be hunting in the domain before you are recognized you will be hunted down and subject to persecution.


Each domain is gated and all who enter are monitored. Their breed or race is known upon passing these gates and the governing body of the domain the road leads to is alerted. If anyone is caught avoiding these gates and walls they will be subject to prosecution.


Right of Age:


Respect will be given to a vampire of older age so long as that does not contradict the Right Of Domain.  Those of greater age have survived much, and you should respect them and learn from their wisdom.


Right of Progeny:


No vampire shall sire another without the permission of the Governor of the domain in which the sire resides. The sire will present his request, then a meeting between him/her and the potential child will take place. If the blessing is given then the child may be turned. If a vampire creates a child without permission then both sire and child will be hunted and executed. If they run from the territory their names will be recorded on a global registry and no vampire will give them sanctum in their territory.


Right of Accounting:


Childer belongs to their sire who commands them in all things. The sire shall educate them in the laws and ways of the world they have been born into. To create and abandon a child is unheard of. Should this happen the sire will be hunted down and the child will be given over to another for education. No child shall ever be released into the world alone without knowing how to act and the laws. During this time the sire is responsible for seeing to the child’s needs, and ensuring that they grow strong.


Right of Destruction:

You will not kill another vampire, shifter, witch or other supernatural creature. This right is reserved for the governing body of the domain. A sire may punish their child, but may not kill them. A leader may also punish one beneath him, but again may not kill him.

Right of Those Beneath You:

Humans are beneath us but should be treated with care. They are the breeders and potential childer. As such a registered human who obeys the laws and respects those above him/her will not be accosted, forced into anything or treated severely. Should a registered human break a law they are subject to punishment based on the severity of the law they broke. 

Right of Register:


Humans under the age of 18 are considered minors and have until their 19th birthday to be placed on the register. This is a global registry and contains not only all personal information but any lineage the human might have with the witches or shifters. Should they fail to do so they will be considered unregistered humans and allotted no rights. Remaining unregistered means you have no protection and are unable to obtain a job or receive government-issued credits. All registered humans are chipped in their arm. This chip holds their ID, which includes an up-to-date picture, name, date of birth, and information about their supernatural owner, if any.


Right of Bond:


None shall harm the bonded servant of another. Should an issue arise with a bonded servant you will speak first to the vampire in the bond, and if the issue persists you will then go to the next person of political rank.

Right of Summoning:


A vampire will not summon a shifter without need. This need cannot be for personal pleasure or mundane tasks. It must be for the defense of territory or life or must be in the quest for finding a shifter to bind to.

Right of the Shifter:

No vampire shall bond with a shifter by force. Under no circumstance should any form of manipulation be used, including magical or vampiric. If it is discovered any sort of manipulation was used the vampire will be detained until a trial can be given. If a vampire wishes to bond with any shifter they must seek that shifter's consent. Once consent is given, both will request a blessing from the tribal elder or elders, as well as the blessing of the Council of the domain. Only then may the vampire bond with the shifter. If a vampire is found to have bonded with a shifter without gaining consent or blessing they will be subject to persecution by the law of the domain.

Effects of Supernatural blood

Shifters - There is an increase in strength and speed - 20% of current rating - but can also cause berserker rage, the closer to the full moon the greater the chance

Witches - There is a drug like effect, much like taking acid, but this is the most nourishing type, only a tiny amount can sustain a vampire

Mer - This blood will help the healing process quicken aggravated damage, but comes with an opioid effect.

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