Laws of the Land
All citizens of the Regime are required to be productive and gainfully employed.
Enemies of the Regime will be swiftly and publicly executed
Unregistered Humans are no longer allowed within the cities of the Regime.
Citizens of the Regime found to be aiding unregistered humans will be stripped of status, wealth and jailed until such time that Lysander, himself, chooses to deal with them.
No Witch is permitted to bear arms.
Unregistered Witches are to be detained and sent to a re-education facility. Conflict is no longer tolerated within the Regime. Witches who are deemed repeat offenders shall be publicly executed.
Citizens found to be rebelling, speaking out against, or opposing the Regime and its representatives are to be sent to re-education. Upon the second offense such individuals shall be publicly whipped and sent to re-education. Upon the third offense, such individuals shall be publicly executed and their lands, wealth and retainers confiscated by the Regime.
Vampires are responsible for the sins of their servants and shall suffer financial and social loss upon the misdeeds of their property. Vampires are responsible for punishing their servants publicly for breaking the laws of the Regime. This includes loss of power, wealth and position within the Regime.
Any Shifter, Witch, or Human raising a hand, or using magic against a vampire, or refusing service shall be interrogated and sent to re-education. Repeated offenses shall result in public execution.
Bonded servants refusing a reasonable order by a vampire they are not bound to shall incur a severe fine on their master. Reasonable orders are defined as any order that does not directly harm their master, or go against their master’s direct orders.
A witch must register any talisman and potions. Such items that are deemed inappropriate, or too dangerous to be in a witch's hands can, and will, be confiscated.
Witches are forbidden to practice, or learn, elemental magic. Offenders shall be publicly executed.
Regional Laws:
These are laws that citizens of the Regime are expected to follow throughout North America. Regional and Local laws are subject to change by Lysander, or Consular Nassir, should they see the need to do so. As always, Lysander’s will.
The wastelands are off-limits to non-official personnel. Any citizen of the Regime found entering, or leaving the Wastelands without clearance will be subject to interrogation and dealt with accordingly.
Any human wastelander captured by the Regime is to undergo Interrogation and re-education.
Human wastelanders who have proven to be incapable of re-education are to be put down immediately.
Thou shalt not suffer a wasteland witch to live lest they corrupt the faithful.
Local Laws:
These are laws specific to a given location. Local laws while enforceable are considered to be more tradition than actual law. While both Regional and Regime-Wide Laws supersede local law, there are instances where that is not the case.
Removing flora, fauna, or minerals from the Hawaiian islands is strictly forbidden.
Entering the Mer domain without permission is strictly forbidden. (Public beaches are a luxury, not a right)
Removal of reagents from a Mer is against Mer law. The Regime, out of respect for the local Mer population have agreed that it is ONLY permissible with a record of permission, or with regards to Mer being held in Regime custody. Note: The Regime insists that the gathering of Reagents is permissible during times of strife– Mer pods are expected to comply with such requests for the good of the Regime.
Those Vampires wishing to become permanent residents of the island must go through an application process in the Welcome Center and be approved by the governor.
All witches, shifters and humans upon the island must have a local occupation beyond being their master’s property.