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Circle: Technomancy


Technomancy is not a new magic, despite appearances. It began when the first tools were created by humanity. When the first rock was used as a hammer, when the first contained fire was sparked, when the first wheel was affixed to a cart, the circle of Technomancy was born. Some cultures in the world say “every tree, every rock, every creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.” Those gifted in technomancy take that further, believing—or perhaps witnessing—what others can't see: that every technological invention is one of humanity's children, and as such, they wish to make their creators happy.

It took a long time for technomancy to be accepted as a legitimate magic circle. But magical historians today can see its beginnings in various works around the world. Masamune is thought to have studied directly under Shui Shu, the first to truly master technomancy, though slow to share its secrets. For the most part, early technomancers simply built extremely well made tools and simple machinery. It was not until the renaissance that another technomancer came to the forefront, perhaps the most famous one of all time: Leonardo da Vinci. His workshop and notes were filled with inventions, but one who studies them with a technomancer's understanding can see the beginnings of some vividly powerful stuff. This began what, compared to the centuries before, was a quick adaptation of technomancy from being simply about tools to being about machines.

A little over a hundred years after the first witches were bound, it had a leap forward again with the prevalence of a whole society of technomancers, with Edison and Tesla at the forefront of the advances in both magic and technology. Here, it began to change again. Electricity was where the real power was. And the world advanced. Computers, codes, satellites, smartphones. Soon, the old technomancy was forgotten, replaced by something newer, rawer and far more experimental than its sister circles. Technomancy that involves electricity requires fewer reagents than other magics, simply because the electricity helps power the spell. This means that in the city a technomancer has a lot of resources to tap into, but away from electricity, they find their abilities less powerful and more physically demanding. 

Level: 0

Walking Phone Book – For reasons none can exactly explain, those who possess this level of magic instinctively know phone numbers. All they have to know is the name, and the phone number will come to them. In the times before the Regime, this made witches very successful debt collectors, detectives and journalists. They didn't have to hunt down who to call, they just /knew/. Of course, this is the sort of ability that can get one in trouble, and many witches who make calls to the wrong people find their phone rights revoked. Those who somehow get calls in to those with great power and short tempers can find themselves “removed” from the problem ever occurring. Of course, a lot of people block unknown phone numbers from being able to reach them, so it isn't exactly a thing that will succeed every time. (innate)


Improvisation Masters: “A paperclip can be a wondrous thing. More times than I can remember, one of these has gotten me out of a tight spot.” - MacGyver. Those who have a seed of Technomancy in them are inordinately good at improvising tools out of everyday items. Whether it's choosing a good stick to sharpen while stranded on a deserted island or trying to fix a shoe strap with only the contents of their makeup bag, Witches (and magic users who use technomancy) are doin' it for themselves. This is for simple things. No radios made out of coconuts. Use good judgment. If you don't trust your judgment, ask. (innate)



Level 1:

At this level, the technomancer can convert their magical energy into actual energy, charging an object such as a phone, a few standard batteries (AAA through D) or another standard handheld device simply by holding it in their hand. If they are not in a hurry, they can charge the device slowly without a significant drain to themselves, which will take approximately thirty minutes. If they need results, they can do it as quickly as one minute, but the drain is considerable and may make the inexperienced too weak to perform much other magic for the next six hours. (once a scene.)

The technomancer can place their fingertips against the side of a device, and with focus, channel a visual representation of their thoughts or memories onto a digital or analog display. As with all memories, this may not be an exact representation of events, but through the technomancer's perspective. By expending some energy and touching the forehead of a willing participant, the technomancer can, instead, display the thoughts and memories of that individual. The technomancer may choose what to show when it is their own mind, but the individual has agency over what is shown from their own mind. The exception to this is if a mind mage or a vampire is able to command the individual. Both the technomancer and the target remain aware of the scene around them, able to communicate and react. If the technomancer releases their hold upon the target however, the connection ceases. This spell is only for images and “video”. No sound is included. Memories are always in first person perspective. (innate, once a scene)

The technomancer can pick up a smartphone and by saying a small incantation, banish calls from an individual. Only one individual can be banned from a phone at a time. It does not matter who's machine they use to try and contact the phone in particular, the spell instinctively knows it is them and denies the call from going through. (once a day, lasts one week or shorter, non-cumulative, depending on what is decided at the time of casting.)



Put Together - Witchcraft tends to require the ability to see the world in a way different than the rest of humanity. The technomancer can instinctively imagine how something has been put together, though that does not imply a knowledge of what all the pieces are or how to replicate such a thing. It also does not tell them what the current state of those components are or what they are made of (unless they are familiar with the substance. You can look at something made out of red pine, and know it's wood, but if you're not familiar with how different woods look, you would not know its red pine. This is an example. Please do not overcomplicate it.)


They can, however, focus a moment on a wall and tell you where the studs are. They cannot tell you what's behind the wall, simply the layout of the wall. This works only on non-magical, non-living things they can see. The larger the object, the less of an insight you are going to have unless you have seen it from multiple angles. For instance, by looking at a building and focusing, the technomancer should  be able to determine the basic framework of it, or perhaps the main materials in its construction (if they are familiar with said materials). If they go into the building and see the various rooms within it, they get a better idea of the structure, and potentially can determine whether or not there are hidden rooms or if what they are seeing does not quite measure up to what should be. In this respect, the technomancer can determine if something has been illusioned. It does not give the ability to -see through- the illusion, but it does say ‘hey, there should be a room over here.”

 If they are also an architect or a construction worker, they might be able to determine more about the framework, structural integrity etc.  This is the same for a phone. The technomancer can envision how it looks inside, but they need to know about phones to know what that all means. (innate)

Internet Access – By closing their eyes and focusing, the technomancer can access the internet via their mind. They cannot access anything that requires a password or other security feature without meeting the requirements for it. (having the right password, etc.) They can input words and numbers as if they were typing them, simply by thinking about them. They cannot show anyone what they are seeing, nor can they record messages or input things verbally. They cannot “download” anything into their brain. They cannot “upload” images from their brains like they are jpegs. The technomancer is limited to what you can do on a standard browser. Their attention is primarily on what they are seeing in their mind, and loud sounds or physical contact can jerk them out of it and force them to start all over. They can, however, hold limited conversation based on what they are looking up. If there is a printer nearby, they can send pages over to print. Very handy when preparing for the Ordo Luna Bake Sale. (innate


Connection with the inorganic - At this level, the technomancer can sense those man made objects that have somehow developed souls and perhaps some sort of supernatural (but limited) intelligence. This is about 10% of all man made objects, with a higher percentage being by expert crafters and those who put care into their work, and a lower percentage being by those who were beginners or did their work lazily. The latter category tends to be moodier, less intelligent, and unreliable.  Nearly all of such objects or machines can be communicated with by the technomancer, but their answers will always be from the perspective one would expect from their intended purpose. (A calculator, for instance, may think primarily in mathematics whereas a security camera may be a bit of a gossip about who’s passed by recently.) Do not use this ability to metagame. If you use it for plot purposes, be sure to contact storytellers, if you use it for information about a PC or an area owned by a character or group IC, be sure to OOC contact that person or the owner of the area for accurate information. (innate) 


Repair - The technomancer can, by placing a hand on a man made object and focusing, repair it. At this level, the object must be able to easily be held and be mostly intact save a few needed fixes. It is not instantaneous, and those fixes that are not internal can be witnessed by those nearby as it puts the object back together. This makes the technomancer popular with those who are constantly cracking their phone’s screen or breaking their phones entirely. 


Magitech Conduit - This is less of a boon and more of a curse, particularly for those who have wronged the empire in some way or have disappointed the wrong people. The technomancer can be wired up to the machines used to power and monitor the  Magitech Information Network. Once the technomancer is inserted, they lose all agency of themselves and are placed into a coma-like state, unable to interact with the real world. They are kept in a stasis pod, monitored and fed through tubes. This does not mean that the technomancer is left completely unaware. They are somehow ‘awake’ and can see the information as it is filtered through them, and feel their own memories and thoughts slowly being replaced by the data of the MIN. The process is extremely tortuous, resulting in both physical and mental pain that only ceases when there is nothing left of the technomancer except the processor they have become. A technomancer can be removed from the MIN, but they must be removed before their mind is completely gone. They do not retain the data of the network, nor do they regain the memories that had been overwritten. Due to the pure torture of using a technomancer as a conduit, it is often used as a punishment to keep them in line, usually for about three days to a week, which results in minimal memory loss.More powerful technomancers can last longer before completely succumbing, and so they may be left hooked up longer as a lesson to others.  Damage to the network generally results in technomancers being rounded up en masse to be connected, which keeps most technomancers in line and willing to support the system in ways that doesn’t end up with them as the conduits themselves. Those who have been forced to be a conduit for even as little as fifteen minutes find the experience quite traumatic and are generally quite willing to bend so that it does not occur again.


Magitech Creation “Small Effect Devices” -  The technomancer can create a magitech device that has one mild effect, such as vibrating, being used as a flashlight, amplifying one’s voice  or playing music from a local radio station. WKST gives out a version of the latter occasionally as promotional objects. Unlike the devices made at level 2 or higher, these do not have to be declared to the ISF and there is no limit on them, though they must be acquired IC (except radio devices, which are fairly prevalent and in many people’s ‘junk’ drawers.)  These objects should be able to be handheld, ranging in size from a coin to a walking stick.These devices should not have effects that would normally require spells, but things that ordinary objects would have. They should not be overly complex as a rule. One could make a regular phone from an object, but they could not make a fully functional smartphone.  These devices should not generally affect other people, outside of using it to distract, though something like making a hand buzzer or an air horn that would not actually damage someone is acceptable. In all cases, a small effect device can only be used once a scene. 

  For devices with small effects (such as the vibrating, or perhaps being used as a flashlight) one needs to recharge it once a month as a level 1, three months as a level 2, six months as a level 3, one year as a level 4. Small effect devices do not require admin approval or recording, but it is best to ask if you are unsure if your effect qualifies. If the effect is found to be too powerful later on, the device “breaks”.   (once a scene. Mildly draining.)


Level 2:

Inorganic Familiar (witches only) - Rather than have an animal familiar, the witch technomancer can choose to have a man made object instead. This object must have a ‘soul’ that the witch can communicate with, and it is wiser to have a more intelligent object than a less intelligent one. The object must fit current technology in the sim, so if you have a question, please inquire with a GM as to if it is appropriate. The information on the page about familiars applies to this situation. This familiar cannot be changed out until it is destroyed. 

Physically, the object does not change. It does not sprout legs and walk around. However, the technomancer has a deeper connection to it, and it does amplify magic when it is present. In fact, some can even move a bit on their own, if it makes sense. One can still “see through its eyes,” and if it is an object that could be easily moved by a person, summon it to them. If one chooses a wall mounted camera or a bookshelf as a familiar though… they are pretty stuck where they are. The sounds they make when used for communication depend on what the object is and the imagination of the player. A wooden object may make sounds like knocking on a door, a laptop might make beeps and boops. (innate)

At this level, the technomancer can convert their magical energy into actual energy, charging an object such as a car battery, laptop or home generator. If they are not in a hurry, they can charge the device slowly without a significant drain to themselves, which will take approximately thirty minutes. If they need results, they can do it as quickly as one minute, but the drain is considerable and depending on the amount of needed energy, make one too weak to perform much other magic for the next six hours.  On the same token, the technomancer can drain electricity from a device (once a scene.)

Static - In a dramatic show, the technomancer can call a  static charge down around them to impact the electronic devices around them. This does not harm them, but might mess up their hair and clothes, not to mention being a tad surprising to those witnessing the act. If this ability is aimed at a sentient being, depending on the strength of the caster compared to the strength of the target, the target will be harmed a bit and stunned for two rounds. They can also direct a burst of static along electrical lines to potentially harm electronic devices in a more direct assault.  (once a scene.)

Voice of the Machine - The technomancer can place their fingertips against the side of a device, and with focus, channel a visual representation of their thoughts or memories onto a digital or analog display. As with all memories, this may not be an exact representation of events, but through the technomancer's perspective. By expending some energy and touching the forehead of a willing participant, the technomancer can, instead, display the thoughts and memories of that individual. The technomancer may choose what to show when it is their own mind, but the individual has agency over what is shown from their own mind. The exception to this is if a mind mage or a vampire is able to command the individual. Both the technomancer and the target remain aware of the scene around them, able to communicate and react. If the technomancer releases their hold upon the target however, the connection ceases. At this level, both audio and visual are included, as well as the possibility of the target’s inner dialogue coming through as well.. Memories are always in first person perspective. At this level, it requires some manner of reagent or incantation. This can also include memories from an object familiar, but it must have a lens upon it that would be what it “saw” from. (once a scene)

Living Telephone - At this level, the technomancer does not need a physical device to tap into the network and text or make/get phone calls. Sharing video of oneself still requires a camera of some sort. The mind also stores a record of text messages sent or received this way. The recipient must also have this ability, or more likely, an actual phone. This is considered a little less reliable than the telepathic abilities of Mind, but perhaps more convenient as a connection does not have to be established beforehand. This ability can be tracked unless it meets the criteria of both A. being between two technomancers without phones, and B. not using any or connecting to any official account. (innate)

Repair - The technomancer can, by placing a hand on a man made object and focusing, repair it. At this level, the object may be completely broken, as long as all the pieces are present. If there are pieces missing, those pieces must be replaced.. It is not instantaneous, and those fixes that are not internal can be witnessed by those nearby as it puts the object back together. At this level, it requires incantation and a sacrifice of data from the owner of the object (if it is not the technomancer’s) which should be spoken before the repair can begin. Interpret that as you will.  (once a scene)

Magitech Operator - The technomancer can monitor, repair and direct the flow of energy in magitech devices, making them indispensable to the continuous running of the MIN. Very few Magitech Operators have control of more than a fraction of the network’s hardware, but with their gifts of analyzing, many theorize about how the web of it all works.  Monitoring is innate, but everything else takes energy and ritual however the player sees fit. On a general work day, one should expect to be tired and drained by the end of it but not so much that one cannot function, as though working a physically intensive job.

Tap in - The technomancer can take temporary control of a networked object by tapping into the network and focusing on the object in question. The object must be within 20 meters (chat range) of the technomancer, but they do not have to see it. This allows them to see through security cameras, bypass hand scanners and scroll through someone’s text messages for fun. The control lasts for approximately 30 minutes before it is no longer viable for the technomancer to hold onto it (45 minutes for level 3, 60 minutes for level 4). Is it also extremely illegal, and those technomancers that are caught attempting such actions are quickly punished, iron collared or bonded. If ISF suspects that technomancy was used in such a way, all technomancers that may have been present at the time are rounded up and interrogated. In some districts, failure to determine which technomancer is guilty ends in all being made into conduits until one confesses to end the torture. (once a scene, very draining. Less draining for higher ranks.)


Magitech Creation - The technomancer can create a magitech device. At this level, they must be smaller objects that a person can pick up, but not incredibly tiny. (Sizes and weight range from a makeup compact to a microwave, to use US measurements.)The creation of these are highly monitored, and each must be registered at the ISF. These devices may have one effect only, that effect being similar to one of their magical abilities. If working in conjunction with an enchanter, it may have up to two abilities, but only up to the level of magic the technomancer or enchanter possesses. If your character is both an enchanter and a technomancer, you may still put two abilities into the device, but can use NO other magic for a week and have your weakness amplified for that duration, due to the strain of that creation. The rules for this are similar to talismans, but technomancy can also make an object into a makeshift electronic device, such as causing it to vibrate (for perfectly normal vibrating purposes) or creating a ham radio without all the necessary components. By nature, all Magitech devices are temporary without being recharged by a technomancer after three uses. For anything that would have a use that would take some time (such as using a makeup mirror as a video phone) a “use” is three hours of time (so nine hours total). A level 3 technomancer can create a device with 5 uses, a level 4 technomancer can create a device with 10 uses before needing to be recharged.

  Being in possession of an unregistered magitech device results in its confiscation or destruction, with it either being put in an ISF vault or the supply room at the Ordo Luna. Depending on the purpose of the device, harsher punishments exist. Repeat offenders of creating and distributing unregistered magitech devices are marked for conduit time. Regardless of if it is registered or unregistered IC, creation of one of these devices must be approved by an admin so it can be recorded on your profile. One can only own two magitech devices at a time, so whomever it goes to must also contact an admin to have it recorded on their profile. If one already has a level 3 talisman, they can only own one magitech device.  (once every two weeks, draining, requires admin approval. Small effect devices )

Metal molder - The technomancer can take an object made out of metal, such as an old car part, and remold it into a different shape of similar size and weight. No heat is generated from this action. Similarly, they can take a rusted object and renew it. The object must be completely made out of metal, and at this level, it must only be a component rather than manipulating the metal into a whole new complex device. If it is formed into the shape of a blade, it must be physically sharpened. If there is electricity nearby, they may channel it into the spell, otherwise it drains energy from the caster. (once a scene)


Level 3:

Ultimate Improviser - At this level, the technomancer can pick up an object, such as a piece of chewing gum, and repurpose it as a temporary (30 minutes) component in a broken device, such as turning a security system back on or replacing a spark plug in a car. It must be approximately the size of the object it is replacing and be inert. The technomancer must focus to charge the object with energy, either draining from themselves or from an electrical device, and also perform some manner of ritual. Sigils sketched onto the object and the device it is replacing help lessen the drain of this dramatically, and the expenditure of reagents, particularly of blood, extend its use from 30 minutes to 60.  The technomancer must remain within 20 meters of the device for it to continue to work, and once they are no longer within that distance, the component will only work for 5 minutes longer, even if it has yet to get close to its time limit. (once a scene, draining.)

Tap In Mastery - At this level, the technomancer can take over the electrical and digital systems of an entire building, rather than just a single object. The span of this control is 100 meters. Magitech is included in this control, provided that A. it was created by someone a level below yours  and B. there is only one magitech system in place per technomancer working in concert. In the government building, these sorts of technomancers are given a chunk to operate on a temporary basis, generally if there is a high profile criminal incarcerated or a high profile regime official visiting.

Using this to take over the entirety of the government building would be near impossible without the cooperation of many, many powerful technomancers willing to put their lives on the line. Some people hire technomancers to do this on their own property for an extra layer of security during events requiring such things. Very powerful regime officials tend to bring their own technomancer(s) with them to monitor the systems around them. 

This ability requires a ritual that includes a circle placed around the technomancer(s), and complete focus. Once tapped into the system, the technomancer’s eyes close so they might ‘see’ the system, and they find themselves unable to discuss anything other than the work they are performing. If someone asks them “hey, how are you?” they will either ignore the question or state how the work is affecting them, if the drain is too much or how tight the security is. A physical jolt, breaking of the circle or a successful counter attack from the system/another technomancer will break their focus and they will have to start all over again.


Taking control of a secure system takes time, is not guaranteed, and requires some finesse on the part of the technomancer. But once they are in, they can control what gets electricity, whether or not things operate, see through security cameras and access computer information. The more security in place, the longer it takes and the more of a strain it puts on the technomancer’s physical and mental state. Nosebleeds are common, as is passing out, especially when the system is hostile to their interference. It is even more difficult when there is an opposing technomancer guarding the system, with the advantage going to the defender.. If they have permission from the owner of the system, control is considerably easier. The opposing technomancers may “fight” in this metaphysical world of the invaded system, which may be manifested however the players like, whether it be by pushes of energy or representations of themselves ala the X-men Apocalypse film.  Once either the attacker or guardian is defeated, they are pushed from the system and unable to make an attempt to tap back into it for twenty-four hours. (Once a day. Up to 8 hours for a defending technomancer, up to four hours for an invading technomancer.)  


OOC, you must either have admin permission for government or faction owned buildings. For player ran businesses and homes, that player must be online and willing to have the RP at the moment (you may discuss having it at a different time or FTB with the results decided upon OOC if you like.) Permission to attempt the action is not the same as automatically succeeding. Admins may have NPCs stand in your way, affected players may work to stop you. Like the lower level of this ability, being caught doing it for anyone but the government or the owner of the property will lead to stiff penalties that may end up with your character being pulled out of play for an indeterminate amount of time. 


Magical Interface - The technomancer can, by placing their hands together, then spreading them apart, cause an intricate control panel to appear in front of them, appearing to be made out of light like a holographic device might be. In this way, they can somewhat ‘share’ one of their technomancy based powers in regards to controlling a technological device by granting someone use of the interface. The technomancer can decide how complex the interface will be, whether it has several switches and dials for exact control or just a foolproof red button for the other person to touch when they are ready. The interface lasts one hour, provided the technomancer remains within 100 meters of it, but can be dispelled, either by the technomancer’s will or by a button placed on the interface by the technomancer at its creation. This is handy to keep someone else from taking control. This is a popular spell for thieves and operatives to use, as it allows the technomancer to focus on other things while someone else uses the interface. Example uses would be an interactive display of the blueprint of a building via the “put together” ability listed under level 1, with it growing more complex as the technomancer looks at more of the inside, a temporary internet portal, or control of the power/security system within the building.

Ghost in the Shell - At this level, the technomancer is able to transfer their conscious mind into the internet. While Tap in Mastery allows for the technomancer to control an entire system, Ghost in the shell is a more subtle art. Ghost in the Shell allows the technomancer to enter the electronic devices of others (that are connected to the internet [Regime net]) and spy on anyone within the device’s location. Be warned, however, technomancers charged with protecting the net, or hunting for spies, will be actively working against the technomancer and, depending upon their level, have the ability to detect their presence. 

Copycat - Provided that the technomancer has seen the whole of a device and they have the necessary materials and space to put it in, they can build one that is similar without training in that craft. It is not created instantly, as one must physically build it, so more complex objects may take weeks to complete. Metal molder can be utilized to replace metal components, but other parts must be acquired through the usual channels. Some master technomancers make quite a good living recreating the cars and machines of old for those fans of the old world. Guns can also be recreated, if one has one handy, but remember that the creation of guns and their sale is highly monitored by the ISF and being caught doing so illegally can have severe consequences. OOC those making guns and those receiving guns must have that information approved and recorded by admins to keep track of it. (Innate, generally large projects that take a long time. Many components should be acquired IC. The device being created must have been seen physically (not a photograph) and in good condition OR several damaged devices and images of the device must be seen in order for them to understand what they are doing. 


Level 4:

Mastered Magitech (large, complex devices) - With a group of technomancers and other magic and non-magic users working in concert with a Master Technomancer, larger, more complicated magitech devices can be created. These sorts of projects are generally funded by the regime and with a lot of oversight, and they are not the sort of things that can be completed in a day or even a week. A project begins with a goal. For example, a device that scans and detects cancers, singles them out then destroys them. Many times, this goal is determined by a ranking member of the regime who intends to oversee the project and use its success as a stepping stone for more power.

 Physical logistics of the device must be determined, as well as a design. Engineers determine what it will physically entail, with the technomancers (and sometimes enchanters) working to inscribe various parts with sigils and imbuing them with power. Experimentation is necessary, as well as many days of weaving together magics. Members of the team may be switched out, with some coming in for some rituals but not others. Experts in the field must be there as well. In the case of the cancer destroying device project, it would require a life mage to help with that particular sort of magic, and perhaps a few doctors to determine its effectiveness or how to make it safer for average biology. How it would be powered and what sort of upkeep would be necessary would also need to be determined. At any time the project appears to be taking too many resources or appears to be harming the regime rather than helping it, the governor can decide to suspend it pending appeal.

In practice, this would be used as a storyline project. Perhaps it is a new water filtration device or a magitech barrier for the city. Maybe it is a super-powered cannon to destroy a sea monster expected to ravage the city. So on and so forth. While it would not be impossible (and yet incredibly difficult) for this to be a clandestine affair, primarily these would be run by the ISF, though any would be able to approach the governor or praetor with a project proposal, should they go through the right channels.

 Most of the steps would be taken by the players involved, but the progress and success of the project and the research into it would be determined by the storyteller keeping track of it. There would need to be role play scenes, perhaps even some information or reagent gathering missions, etc. that may take people out of the city and involve other people who are not technomancers, in order to involve more people.  There will ever only be one of these projects running at a time, for the sanity of the sim owners.  The speed of these projects may take a month, they may take more. They are not short term projects. A large part of its progress involves player participation, just like real life projects. Another component is ST time and schedule. Sometimes life or health gets in the way. So be prepared for that.

Magitech Information Network Area Control Unit (MINACU) (Pronounced “min-ah-koo)- It is no secret that the Magitech is not only primarily made by vampire controlled technomancers, but large parts of it are ACTUALLY technomancers. Every five hundred miles or so, there is a core facility, highly guarded, that connects that part of the network to other parts. Information is gathered, collated and transferred to the appropriate people. Predictions are made and crime patterns are recognized. In the beginning, it was touted that it was because of a vast artificial intelligence that was created by the genius vampires that work as system administrators. In reality, Witches of Exceptional Talent in the art of Technomancy had been captured and wired into the system into a sort of hive consciousness, brainwashed and conditioned to be absolutely loyal to the Emperor and the Regime, but still possessing personality and intelligence. 

These witches are hardwired into the system to a degree far more extreme than those who are used as conduits, their memories lost as they integrate into the program. It is their talent and capacity for magic and seeing patterns that makes them perfect for the job. Once in the system, they never leave it again. It is certainly a thing to be afraid of, and a reason why one does not see many technomancers at that level who are not in a permanent bond with a vampire, as the others tend to be whisked off in order to prepare for such a fate should one of the MINACU go offline or a core facility is sabotaged. All of the MINACU are bound to their facility’s administrator, giving the vampire a particular insight into what is happening upon the grid.

It is a thing that academy witches who have technomancy as their primary are told over and over again is a great honor. Those who are not ignorant agree with their instructors outwardly but fear the fate of becoming an immortal computer. Every witch seems to know someone who knows someone who was taken to become a control unit, but nobody seems to know who that witch was in particular. Some attribute this to high powered mind magic or vampiric powers at work causing everyone to forget their name.  Whatever the case, most master technomancers think long and hard before trying to advance their magic beyond their current level. 

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