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                                           Sparks: A Witch's Arsenal

Sparks are low level magic, indicated as “Level 0” on the individual write ups of the various circles of magic. A human witch can, without a large expense of energy, access the sparks of every circle (not counting mer magics) without any training in them. This, plus the ability to have a familiar are the two main advantages to being a witch.


The list below is not comprehensive, but an example of the sort of things you can do. If it is on a comparable level (IE knowing someone's email by knowing their name, rather than their phone number) it is acceptable to do. If you are unsure, you can always ask in the Questions channel on discord, by filing a ticket, or by asking Kit directly (preferably on discord, where it is easier for me to keep track of such things.)  


General Sparks


Lighting a candle, cigarette or stick of incense with a breath (innate)

Heightened senses - one sense at a time 

Sense Preternatural (Although type and power level are unknown)

Dancing lights - pure entertainment 3’x3’

Mending - repair a torn or damaged garment, curtains, linens, ect. 

Illusionary puppets - pure entertainment, 3’x3’ space 

A pinch of this, a dash of that – create a pinch of common household spices.




  • Basic Healing Salves: Treat minor cuts, bruises, and scrapes.

  • Simple Sleep Aids: Induce restful sleep or calm mild anxiety.

  • Luck Charms: Provide minor boosts in luck, often used for small tasks or games.




  • Making a temporary talisman that protects the user from level 1 spells from either the witch’s primary OR secondary magic. 

  • The talisman lasts one scene, then disintegrates.

Any witch may innately discern what a ward or talisman is meant to do by touch. 



Personal Glamour: The witch can temporarily change the color and cut of their hair as well as their eye color. The patterns of their retina do not change. The glamour lasts for 24 hours, unless it is dispelled by the witch. This harmless spell is generally excluded and unaffected by wards and dispelling magic unless it is directly targeted. The hair feels and reacts naturally. It can be grabbed, get frizzy or caught in a zipper etc. This includes eyebrows and facial hair. (Once every 12 hours.) (innate.)


Boo-Boo Kiss: The healer can, by touch or by kiss, clear away light bruising, scratches and cuts upon others, provided they are not aggravated damage. Each wound must be touched separately. (innate)

Fairest of Them All: The healer, regardless of personal hygiene and common stereotypes, is always free of blemishes, warts and other skin conditions. This does not include reactions from allergies, or from mild curses that cause breakouts etc. It also does not affect the reactions a witch has to their personalized physical weakness flaw. Not every witch is given this gift (it is optional for you to actually have. ...In case you want to have acne and warts, I guess.) (innate)

 Leave No House Plant Behind: The healer’s house plants stay alive, even if they neglect them for weeks. How it happens, nobody knows. They may be hanging on by a thread, but they live, by Lysander!


Telepathic S.O.S. The ability to send out a brief distress call that all witches (or your specific race, such as shifters) within ten miles will receive. The message sent can only be three words long, and can only be sent if the witch is in severe mental or emotional distress. Those receiving the message cannot discern the exact location of the witch, but will know there is something wrong with one of their own. (innate, once a day, must be in severe distress)

Telekinesis Lite: Just one calorie!  With this ability, one can cause a small object, no heavier than eight ounces, to float from one location to another. The object must be visible to the magic user, as well as its start and ending point. If at any time, their line of sight is broken, the object will begin to fall. The movement of this object is slow at this level, about the speed one moves when casually walking (2mph). At higher levels, the speed can be increased, with it moving at an 'average walking' pace (4mph) at level 1, a 'jogging' pace (6mph) at level 2, a 'sprinting' pace at (~15mph) level 3 and approximately the average speed of a cheetah (60mph) at level 4. Level 5 and higher witches can move things so quickly that most are uncertain if they moved it or if they summoned it. (innate)




Kinetic Memory Lite: By touching an object and focusing, the witch can determine the emotional state of the last person to touch it. (once a day)

ESPN: Unless the weather is magically manipulated, the witch instinctively knows what the weather will be like the next day. You don’t even have to use your breasts.(innate)

Dead-dar: Instinctively, the witch will know if a person has ever died in a room they have entered. They will not know who, why, when or how. Only that there is a mark in the ether signifying the end of a life at some point. (innate)


Summoning and Conjuration


Snap Tools: Summoning a single ritual object (That they own) to hand from anywhere within a 5 mile radius with a snap. The witch must know where the item is and it must be something they can physically access (If the item has been taken from them and locked away/hidden it will not come to hand).

Note: Summoners of this level cannot draw living beings to them.

Cuppa: The witch may conjure one pint of any simple organic material by saying “Cuppa ___”. (Salt, milk, water, spice, honey, dirt.) Conjured items may not have an intrinsic value of more than $5 dollars and cannot be living. At this level, the witch may only use this ability once per day. 


Walking Phone Book – For reasons none can exactly explain, those who possess this level of magic instinctively know phone numbers. All they have to know is the name, and the phone number will come to them. In the times before the Regime, this made witches very successful debt collectors, detectives and journalists. They didn't have to hunt down who to call, they just /knew/. Of course, this is the sort of ability that can get one in trouble, and many witches who make calls to the wrong people find their phone rights revoked. Those who somehow get calls in to those with great power and short tempers can find themselves “removed” from the problem ever occurring. Of course, a lot of people block unknown phone numbers from being able to reach them, so it isn't exactly a thing that will succeed every time. (innate)

Improvisation Masters: “A paperclip can be a wondrous thing. More times than I can remember, one of these has gotten me out of a tight spot.” - MacGyver. Those who have a seed of Technomancy in them are inordinately good at improvising tools out of everyday items. Whether it's choosing a good stick to sharpen while stranded on a deserted island or trying to fix a shoe strap with only the contents of their makeup bag, Witches (and magic users who use technomancy) are doin' it for themselves. This is for simple things. No radios made out of coconuts. Use good judgment. If you don't trust your judgment, ask. (innate)

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