August 23,

2023 - Berlin, Germany
'Salvation is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation' or is it?
The Imperial Broadcasting Corporation would like to remind all citizens of the Empire that the Regime has, and shall continue to, always act in the best interest of its people as a whole. That, however, has yet again proven to not be the case for the international terrorist organization known only as 'Salvation'.
At 12:03 GMT The Fédération Internationale de football association (FIFA) suffered the devastating loss of footballers from Germany, Brazil, and France and an (as yet) unknown number of spectators (Preternatural and Human) attending a charity event in Berlin hosted by Franz Rimet well known grandchilder of Ernst Gryber, Governor of Budapest and 'cousin' of Emperor Lysander, himself.
Mister Rimet, while a staunch and vocal supporter of the Regime, was a well known voice for organizations such as Preternaturals for Human Rights (PHR) and Wastelands Revitalization Organization and his loss will be felt around the globe. Mister Rimet was also a founding member of the Society for the Preservation of Human History.
Reports from the scene, while ongoing, have confirmed that, only moments before the explosion, terrorists took control of the stadium broadcast system and announced that,
"Humans neither desire, nor require, the aide of Monsters. It is mine to avenge; I will repay.
-In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. (Deuteronomy 32:35)-
Man's salvation is lies in the destruction of all monsters without exception."
A spokesperson for Emperor Lysander has released the following statement.
“While we abhor the acts that led up to the events of August 23rd, and have no desire to cause harm, or distress to those loyal to the Regime, such acts of treason– inspired by human rebels, or not– cannot be allowed to stand."
While a spokesperson for Consular Holstein released the following statement in 'support' of the Emperor's decree.
"All humans, and those known to be sympathetic to their cause, are being rounded up and brought in for questioning by the ISF. Make no mistake, Europe will not suffer terrorists, or thier ilk to survive."