Supernatural Components:
Mer Parts for Magic
It should be noted that almost EVERY part of a Mer is teeming with magic. And, while some of the uses have been annotated in Witch Academies, no one has, as of yet, been able to compile a complete and thorough list. (Perhaps due to the fact that Mer are very unwilling to give up their bits) As such, the following list is merely what is known.
Reagents acquired from Mer must be fresh. This means they must be acquired within one week before they are used for the ritual/spell they are intended for. Fresher is better. It is preferred that the mer be in their true form when harvesting, but it is not entirely necessary.
Tears – Healing / Spiritual Healing, Speaking with the Dead. Tears can only be harvested when the Mer is in true emotional / physical distress or pain.
Saliva – Talismans, calming / inducing sleep
Blood – Summoning, Binding, Inducing Visions
Scales – Magically boosting abilities. Triton for physical strength and ability, Siren for enchantment and seduction, Sea Witch for Magic and protection.
Hair – Talismans, particularly for breathing underwater.
Teeth - Crafting magical weapons
Eyes - Precognition, foresight, seeing the unseen
Venom – Poisons, healing, very powerful magic
Fins - It is said that the fins of a Mer, when dried and ground, are useful for creating particularly strong illusions and wards.
Shifter bits for magic
Perhaps supporting the supposition that Mer and Shifters share a common ancestor is the fact that Shifter parts tend to be particularly useful in spellwork, as well. However, like the Mer, acquiring the components is no small feat and tends to be met with serious opposition by the Tribe. Again, the following list is only what is currently known, or rumored, amongst Academy witches.
Shifter Fangs - Required for the ritual to unbind a witch.
Shifter Fur - It has been suggested by some outliers amongst the witching community that the fur of a shifter can be used for personal transformation into non-human forms. Whether this is true, or fiction, remains to be seen.
Blood - The blood of a shifter is known to be particularly useful in the creation of healing potions and rituals. It has also been suggested that, by using the blood of a specific breed of shifter, the witch can more easily summon a familiar of that type.
Vampire parts as spell components
Given that vampires are the rulers of the Empire, it is considered high treason to be found in possession of these components. The ONLY exception comes in the form of components gifted to a particular academy in the wake of a vampire being executed for high crimes. As such, ALL of these components must be accompanied with an official authorization form and are highly prized.
Fangs - It is said that the fangs of a vampire are a required component for resurrection spells.
Blood - The blood of a vampire is particularly useful in crafting potions intended for discerning truth, or compelling a subject's cooperation. Be warned, however, using the blood of an Extant vampire will result in subjects being bound to the vampire in question.
Natural Reagents (a few examples)
Aconite, Monkshood (Aconitum nepellus)
In Greek mythology, Aconite was associated with the goddess Hekate and was formed from the caustic saliva of the three headed monster dog, Cerberus, who guarded the gates of hell. It was listed as one of the ingredients in witches’ flying ointments, but due to its lethal toxicity, this application is in question. It is one of the most poisonous plants from the Old World and was used to poison wolves, as well as human foes.
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL - coconut shell
Emergency toxin removal; teeth whitening; aids kidney health; treats diarrhea and skin infection
ALFALFA POWDER - Medicago sativa
Revitalizes digestive tract and colon. Decreases irritability and nervousness. Combine with peppermint to make a tonic for the stomach; magical uses: Money, prosperity, anti-hunger.
ALKANET - alkanna tinctoria
Provides natural red tint to cosmetics, heals wounds; magical uses: Purification, prosperity. Protects from snake bites and helps ease fear of snakes
ALLSPICE - Pimenta dioica
Digestive aid; anti-inflammatory and pain reliever; Immune booster; promotes oral health; Magical: Money, luck, healing, obtaining treasure.
BASIL LEAF - Ocimum basilicum
Named after the Basilisk, Ancient Greek lore claimed that this herb could cure the creature's petrifying stare and used it to treat snake bites and insect stings. Also traditionally used to detoxify from cannabis in India and the Middle East, Basil can detoxify from drugs that store themselves in fat cells. Can increase sex drive and promote menses. Magical Uses: Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness.
BAY LEAF - Laurus nobilis
Contain vitamins A & C, iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium; include in food regularly to promote general health; tea is good for migraines (infuse 3 leaves and juice of 1 lemon in hot water); Magical Uses: Protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers. Also, the herb of poets and the god Apollo (Sun).
BEET ROOT POWDER - Beta vulagris
Builds the blood and cleanses the liver. High glucose content. Magical uses: Love Spells.
Reduces inflammation; full of vitamins and minerals; helps with nutrient retention; Banishing negativity, exorcism, and protection from evil.
CHAMOMILE - powder - Matricaria recutita
Chamomile flowers are powerfully healing, immune boosting and anti-inflammatory. Chamomile is often used in tea for its calming effects. It can also protect skin, lower stress and soothe menstrual cramps.
CHAMOMILE FLOWERS - whole - Matricaria chamomilla
Chamomile flowers are powerfully healing, immune boosting and anti-inflammatory. Chamomile is often used in tea for its calming effects. It can also protect skin, lower stress and soothe menstrual cramps. Magical Uses: Love, healing, and reducing stress.
CHIA SEED - Salvia hispanica
High in antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein; promote cardiovascular health; Magical Uses: Protection and health.
CHILI WHOLE - Capsicum annuum
Magical Uses: Fidelity, love, and hex breaking.
CHILI, RED ROASTED - powder - Capsicum annuum
May help to promote weight loss and relieve pain.
CILANTRO - Coriandrum sativum
Natural food preservative; increases energy; weight loss; anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal; promotes skin health; Magical Uses: Protection of gardeners; brings peace to the home and helps to attune one with their soul. Magical Uses: Draws friends to the home, customers to the business. Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, and prosperity. Protects and cleanses the aura. Encourages self-expression and creativity.
CINNAMON - Cinnamomum burmannii - powder
Anti-diarrheal, treats nausea, abdominal cramping, and gas; helps with menstrual and postpartum issues; staunches bleeding
CINNAMON STICK - Cinnamomum burmannii - powder
Anti-diarrheal, treats nausea, abdominal cramping, and gas; helps with menstrual and postpartum issues; staunches bleeding.
In small doses, heightens senses and is considered an aphrodisiac. In moderate doses, can be used as a sleep aid and pain killer. Good for toothaches, earaches, indigestion, morning sickness, and impotence. Magical Uses: protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought.
Cloves Whole
In small doses, heightens senses and is considered an aphrodisiac. In moderate doses, can be used as a sleep aid and pain killer. Good for tooth aches, earaches, indigestion, morning sickness, and impotence. Magical Uses: protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought.
COMFREY - Symphytum officinale
Contains allantoin which causes cell growth, leading to its remarkable healing properties. Heals wounds and draws out toxins. It has long been used to heal broken bones. Magical Uses: money, safety during travel, and any Saturnian purpose. Use for workings involving stability, endurance, and matters relating to real estate or property.
Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
A highly poisonous plant, Deadly Nightshade’s name comes from the Greek mythological character Atropos, one of the three fates whose role was to cut the thread of human life. The plant was used in ancient times as an effective poison, but also in anesthesia preparations.Atropine, an alkaloid derived from the plant, continues to be used in surgery to control salivation and to regulate the heartrate. Deadly Nightshade, also known as Belladonna, was reportedly used in witchcraft as a flying ointment. When the plant was soaked in fat then applied externally it induced the sensation of flying or astral projection, due to its hallucinogenic effects.
ELDER FLOWERS - Sambucus nigra, ELDERBERRY, POWDER - Sambucus nigra, ELDERBERRIES - whole - Sambucus nigra
The Elder tree was called the "Elder Mother", Queen of the Underworld or Faery. Since faeries kidnap human souls, sleeping under the elder or using it's wood to make cradles was deemed perilous. The tree was also associated with the god Pan, the Lord of the Underworld, whose pipes were made from its hollow stems. Elder is one of the primal remedies of European tradition and was widely planted to be used as a "medicine cabinet". Used to treat the flu, colds, and respiratory infections; also used to make a syrup that boosts immune system in winter; "the great infant remedy"- used for croup, respiratory issues; treats anemia and menstruation problems like fibroids; Magical Uses: Sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negativity, wisdom, house blessing and business blessing. Used in rites of death & dying to protect the loved one during transport to the Otherworld.
EUCALYPTUS - Eucalyptus nitens
Expectorant and antiseptic; used in sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary infection and congestion. Magical Uses: Attracts healing vibrations, great for protection and healing sachets. Use to purify any space.
FRANKINCENSE POWDER - Boswellia carteri
Immune boosting, anti-depressant, good for asthma and coughing fits; oil good for skin issues and oral health; Magical Uses: Successful ventures, cleansing, purification. Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Used as an offering at Beltane, Lammas, and Yule.
Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
One of the ingredients used in anesthesia by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, Henbane’s leaves are a source of hyoscyamine, atropine, hyoscine, and scopolamine, chemicals that act on the central nervous system. In the Middle Ages, the plant was associated with witchcraft, as it was one of the ingredients used to make flying ointment. Henbane is not to be trifled with—it can cause death due to respiratory and heart failure if ingested.
HIBISCUS - Hibiscus sabdariffa
anti-oxidant, high in Vitamin C, used to treat cold and flu; aids menstruation; symbol of the goddess Kali; Magical Uses: Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams.
HOLY BASIL (TULSI), KRISHNA - Ocimum tenuiflorum
adaptogen; good for arthritis or fibromyalgia; relieves stress, anxiety, and inflammation.
HOPS, FLOWERS - whole - Humulus lupulus
treats diarrhea, constipation, bloating, headaches, weight loss; good for healthy skin, anxiety, and sleeplessness; historically, Hops pillows were used to treat insomnia for both King George III and Abraham Lincoln; often used for male reproductive health and urinary issues; Magical uses: increase the restfulness & serenity of sleep.
Boosts energy and immune system; magical uses: Uses include snakebite and divination, clairvoyance
JUNIPER BERRY - Juniperus communis
Diuretic, treats diabetes and kidney disease and swelling; Good for head colds and PMS; Magical Uses: Banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love.
Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis; Alchemilla xanthochlora)
During the Middle Ages people thought that the glassy beads of liquid that form overnight on Alchemilla’s pleated leaves was imbued with a magical essence that was used to create the Philosopher’s Stone. Alchemists believed the Stone could transform base metals into gold, cure all diseases, and prolong life. The name Alchemilla originates with the Arabic word for chemistry, al-kimiya’ and translates to “the little alchemical one”.
Aids grief and emotional pain, mood swings; relieves migraines and tension; Magical uses: Used for fertility, creativity, prevention of illness/misfortune, and protection from negative spells & magick. Hang in the home for protection from lightning & fire. Wear in an amulet to repel negativity & ill will and protect against unwanted advances. Used to draw in customers, money and business.
MUGWORT - Artemisia vulgaris
Associated with Artemis, goddess of the Moon and mother of nature. Restorative to the injured female nature: reduces painful menstrual cramps and PMS, helps to heal after abortion, miscarriage, labor; Helps sooth temperaments, insomnia and sleep issues; magical uses: moon magic; Carried to increase lust & fertility, prevent backache and cure disease & madness.
Mullein Verbascum thapus
Mullein is a plant that has been used throughout history. Mullein is a light bringer, from Roman times up until recently the leaves of mullein were dipped in wax or tallow and used as a lamp wick or torch. Energetically Mullein summons energies of courage, love, and protection. It is commonly used as a powerful ingredient in an herbal protection amulet to ward off nightmares, unwelcome entities, or in the car for safety while traveling. Medicinally mullein aids one with ailments of the throat and lungs, nervousness, lymph drainage, and pain. It has long been used to treat coughs and sore throats. Its mucilaginous properties can be used as an emollient to bring water to dry, hardened, and closed places. Mullein is also a potent ally when used in herbal smoking blends as it has many benefits for lungs, throat, sinuses, etc. Mullein grows in a sharp upward fashion from the ground, which is analogous to the way it works in the body. When smoked it causes a more open feeling in the head and brain. It is also said to straighten the spine and lubricate the connective tissue. Mullein is not only beneficial to the body, but has a calming effect on the mind allowing those suffering from congested thought patterns and mental tightness to experience release and expansion.
MYRRH GUM RESIN - Commiphora myrrha
Medicinal use dates back to 1700 BC. Used topically to cleanse infected wounds; treats diabetes; known as the "cleanser and strengthener of the womb"- treating infections, abnormal discharge, menopause, sore nipples, uterine tumors, and helps pass afterbirth after a difficult labor; Magical Uses: Spiritual opening, meditation, and healing. This herb has high psychic vibrations that will enhance any magickal working.
History of being used as a contraceptive or abortifacient; helps regulate menstrual cycles and issues; digestive aid; Magickal uses include peace and tranquility. Carried to avoid seasickness or for physical strength & endurance.
PEPPERMINT - Mentha piperita
digestive aid; promotes oral health; soothes headaches, stress, and general discomfort; Magical uses: increase the vibrations of a space or in spells and incense for healing & purification.
Poppy (Papaver somniferum)
In Greek mythology, Demeter was worshiped as the goddess of agriculture, the seasons, and the harvest, and she instructed mortals in how to cultivate wheat and barley. The well-known story of Demeter and her daughter Persephone entails the abduction of Persephone by Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. Demeter was given the poppy plant by the god Morpheus to ease her grief and suffering. Demeter and her daughter Persephone were also at the center of an ancient cult known as the Eleusinian Mysteries.Followers believed the two goddesses possessed medical knowledge and skills for treating illnesses of women and children.
SAGE LEAF - Salvia officinalis, SAGE, WHITE PIECES - Salvia apiana, SAGE, WHITE POWDER
Sore throat (tea w/ honey and lemon); fevers; blood thinner; endocrine stabilizer; treats older people with dryness of skin, hair, mucosa; relieves mental lethargy, depression, poor concentration, loss of memory, grief, insomnia, excessive perspiration; libido stabilizer; magical uses: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom.
ST JOHNS WORT - Hypericum perforatum
Used since prehistoric times and often affiliated with fairies and the little people; alleviates anxiety, depression, and stress; add valerian root for insomnia; important wound medicine; Magical uses: Worn to prevent colds & fevers. Placed under a pillow to induce prophetic, romantic dreams. Protects against all forms of black witchcraft.
Verbena officinalis also known as the Enchanter’s herb, has a long association with magical and spiritual practices going back in time to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, as well as the Celtic Druids. Vervain’s primary role was to protect believers against evil spells or negative energy and to purify sacred places, such as altars, ceremonial implements, temples, and private dwellings.
AKA wine stone. Amethyst is a form of quartz and is used as a charm against drunkenness. Inner peace, meditation, psychic energy, spirituality. Amethyst is a perfect stone to meditate on prior to conducting shamanic journeys. This tone can also be used for digestive disorders, insomnia, headaches, and mental problems along with problems with the skin, teeth, heart, and stomach. Element = spirit, Zodiac sign = Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn.
AKA stone of courage. Use aquamarine for help with intellectual pursuits, spirituality. Helps alleviate swollen glands along with problems with the eyes, teeth, and bones. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Gemini, Pisces, Aries.
AKA deity stone. Wire wrap an aventurine crystal onto the end of your handmade wooden wand to help tap into the power of god and goddess energy and enhance your creativity. Helps with disorders of the lungs, heart, and adrenal glands. Available in green (most common) and peach varieties. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Aries.
Blue lace agate
AKA water stone. Arthritis, broken bones, fingernails, pancreas, brain, eyes, nervous system, digestion. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Pisces.
physical energy, creativity, compassion, spirituality. Helps to rid one of fear, rage, and envy. Used to alleviate allergies, colds, gall and kidney stones. Element = fire, Zodiac sign = Taurus, Cancer, Leo.
business, wealth, balances yin/yang energy. Also helps with blood and thyroid problems. Element = air, Zodiac sign = Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo.
You could substitute an economically affordable Herkimer diamond in place of a real diamond. Prosperity, luck, success. Herkimer diamonds are specifically used for attunement, harmony, and clairvoyance. Zodiac sign = Sagittarius.
a powerful stone used for healing. It was also used for a variety of magical purposes. Meditation, memory, intelligence, psychic ability, harmony. Helps heal the spine, lungs, heart, muscles, and eyes. Element = earth, Zodiac sign = Taurus, Gemini, Aries.
AKA ancestor stone. Use fossils as an aid to past life regression. Fossils can be used as a general negativity remover allowing one to continue on a positive path. Element = earth.
fossilized wood. Use for protection, calming, grounding. A great healing stone for migraines, epilepsy, lymph nodes, and colds. Element = earth, Zodiac sign = Capricorn.
destiny, subconscious mind, moon energy, goddess representation, patience, intuition. Used to alleviate problems with the brain, anxiety, and stress. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius.
Lapis lazuli
ancient knowledge, sacred texts, celestial magic, psychic attacks, relationships, knowledge, intuition, mysticism, dream work, self-love and acceptance. Helps heal throat problems and alleviate vertigo. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Sagittarius.
transformation, spirituality, insight, balances the mind/body/spirit connection, instinct, intuition, friendship. Asthma, arthritis, swollen joints, tumors. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Capricorn & Scorpio.
AKA wolf’s eye – is used to sharpen your perception of spirits and ghosts. This stone is sometimes referred to as the Earth Mother stone. It is also a good stone to use in love spells and to enhance your psychic ability. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Cancer, Libra, Scorpio.
Moss agate
AKA weather stone. Wealth, self-esteem, emotional balance, communication with the plant and animal spirits. Colds, flu, eyes, fungal infections. Element = earth, Zodiac sign = Virgo.
faith, charity, innocence, integrity, spirituality. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Cancer & Gemini.
Use pyrite for protection and to help shield you from physical danger. Used in intellectual pursuits, love magic, and as a friendship enhancer. Pyrite can be used to help heal bones, cells, lungs and fevers. Element = fire, Zodiac sign = Leo.
AKA stone of love. Dreamwork, meditation, spirituality. Use with problems with the ears, sinus, ulcers, digestion, heart, thyroid. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Scorpio & Leo.
Rose quartz
AKA stone of harmony. This is a calming and cooling stone that helps to promote peace, gentle love, and friendship. It can also be used by artists and musicians, and writers to add extra creativity to their work. Rose quartz balances yin/yang energy and can be used for emotional healing, stress, tension, vertigo along with problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Taurus & Libra.
AKA stone of healing. Ruby is a wonderful stone to help curb excessive bleeding. Red is a color that is often associated with healing and can be used as a powerful shaman stone. Psychic attack, stability, dream work, nurturing, spirituality, health, wealth, knowledge, astral travel. Ruby is commonly used as an aid in love and relationship issues. Used to reduce fever and heart problems. Element = fire, Zodiac sign = Leo, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius.
AKA stone of prosperity. Beauty, joy, peace, intuition, and prosperity. Sapphire can be used as a general healing stone and is especially helpful in alleviating problems with the blood and circulation. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Virgo, Libra & Sagittarius.
Fossilized shells such as ammonite work well as a tool of transformation as they have turned from a shell to a stone. Use shells to increase your intuition, sensitivity, imagination, adaptability, and insight. Shells can also be used for the healing ability to help with hearing and nervous system problems. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Pisces.
AKA stone of the soul. Silver represents the moon’s energies and helps to bring added power to other stones especially when used during new and full moons. Use silver on its own to help eliminate toxins and alleviate vision problems. Also used to bring power to speech, conversation, intuition, and as an aid to astral travel. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Cancer & Aquarius.
Self-esteem, logic, intellect, fellowship, solidarity, companionship. Used to heal problems with the glands, digestion, insomnia. Element = water, Zodiac sign = Sagittarius.
AKA stone of the sun. Sunstone represents the healing light of the sun and god energy. Stress reliever, vitality, energy, independence. Used to heal sore throats, ulcers, rheumatism. Element = fire, Zodiac sign = Libra & Leo.
Tiger eye
helps to bring the energies of the sun and earth into balance with one another and can help to bring harmony to left and right brain activity. This stone also acts as a good grounding stone, used for meditation, to enhance psychic ability, and alleviate depression. Helps heal problems with the eyes, throat, spinal column, and broken bones. Element = earth, Zodiac sign = Capricorn.
Zodiac Healing Stones:
Each sign of the zodiac is thought to govern a certain part of the body. When performing any type of healing magic you may want to wait until the moon is in the appropriate sign according to what part of the body is being healed.
Here’s a great tip: consult an annual Farmers Almanac to help you determine what sign of the zodiac the moon is in on any particular day.
There are a myriad of gemstones that have been associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac. I have listed my favorite gems and minerals that I associate with each sign of the zodiac.
Aquarius – January 20th through February 19th. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the calves, ankles and blood. Aquarius gemstones include garnet, hematite, mica, and silver.
Pisces – February 20th through March 20th. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the feet and toes. Some of the gemstones associated with this sign include aquamarine, coral, fluorite, and turquoise.
Aries – March 21st through April 20th. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the eyes, face, and head.
Gemstones associated with Aries include aventurine, bloodstone, diamond, and emerald.
Taurus – April 21st through May 20th. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the ears, larynx, neck, throat, and tonsils.
Gemini – May 21st through June 20th. Governs all illnesses associated with the arms, hands, lungs and shoulders. Gemstones associated with this sign include copal, howlite, and snowflake obsidian.
Cancer – June 21st through July 22nd. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the breast, chest, diaphragm, ribs, and stomach. Some of the gemstones associated with Cancer are calcite, marble, moonstone, and pearl.
Leo – July 23rd through August 22nd. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the back, heart, and spine. Gemstones associated with the zodiacal sign Leo include amber, carnelian, cinnabar, citrine, gold, jasper, platinum, pyrite, and tiger iron.
Virgo – August 23rd through September 22nd. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the bowels, intestines and nervous system. Amazonite, moss agate, peridot, and sapphire are a few of the gemstones associated with this sign.
Libra – September 23rd through October 22nd. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the appendix, kidneys, liver and lower back. Libra gemstones include granite, jade, opal, sunstone, and tourmaline.
Scorpio – October 23rd through November 22nd. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the bladder, colon and reproductive organs. Scorpio gemstones include flint, labradorite, malachite, rhodochrosite, unakite, and turquoise.
Sagittarius – November 23rd through December 21st. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the hips and thighs. Gemstones associated with Sagittarius include alabaster, Herkimer diamond, iolite, lapis lazuli, obsidian, sodalite, and topaz.
Capricorn – December 22nd through January 19th. Governs all problems and illnesses associated with the bones, knees, joints and teeth. Some Capricorn gemstones are galena, jet, pumice, smoky quartz, and tiger eye.
Cleansing and Charging Gemstones:
Gemstones may pick up and absorb negative energy or be drained of their energy after being used for a while. You should periodically cleanse and charge your stones to ensure they can be used efficiently for healing purposes. Cleansing and charging are especially important for any stones that are not found by you in their natural environment.
For example, gemstones purchased from New Age stores may have been handled by a multitude of customers before you purchased the stone. Cleansing will remove any build-up of unwanted energy that may have accumulated from previous handlers of the stone.
Cleansing your gemstones:
A simple and magically potent method for cleansing gemstones is to present each of your stones to the four elements. You may also cleanse any of your other magical implements using this method such as rune stones, chalices, athames, boleens, cauldrons, and magic wands.
Air – present your stone to the east and pass the object through the smoke of burning incense or a smoldering bundle of smudging herbs. Or take the stone outside on a windy day for at least a few minutes or longer if you have the time.
Water – present your stone to the west and pass the object through salted water. If you have more time, take the stone to a river or sea and wash it in the freshwater.
Fire – present your stone to the south and pass the object through the flame of a candle or small fire. If you have more time let the stone stand overnight in the light of the full moon or if you are really pressed for time take the object outside for a few minutes or longer during the heat of the noonday sun.
Earth – present your stone to the north and wave a previously charged rock or crystal over the stone that is being cleansed. Or if you have more time you may bury the object overnight in the ground or in a cauldron filled with salt.
Gemstone charging charm:
After your stone has been cleansed as described above you will need to recharge it with positive energy so that it can be put back into service for healing purposes. Hold the stone in your dominant hand while it is being charged. I am left-handed so I hold my stones in my left hand while I am charging them. Visualize the stone being filled up with healing energy while reciting this charm three times.
This wonderful stone is a precious gift
From our great and powerful mother earth
May this stone be imbued with energies of old
So it may be used for healing and giving ones spirit a lift
As most people are drawn to bright and shiny objects such as gemstones I often place baskets of stones that are not used for healing purposes in strategic locations throughout my house. Anyone is free to pick up and handle the stones in these baskets without my having to worry about them being drained of energy as all of my healing stones are safe and secure in a separate location.
When your stones are not being used for healing purposes they should be placed in a secure location away from curious hands. You don’t want the time and energy you placed in the cleansing and charging or your stones to be neutralized by the energy of other people. I place each individual stone in a muslin, draw-string bag. I place the bags in a large basket which is then placed in my closet along with all my jars and containers of healing herbs. My healing stones are used for healing purposes only and never as decorations.
Crystal Healing Methods:
Crystals store heat, cold, moisture, and light energy and are thought to be powerful healing instruments. Thus every stone and crystal contains a representation of each of the four elements within it namely:
Heat = fire
Cold = earth
Moisture = water
Light = air
A common method of using gemstones to heal is to place gemstones representing the name of the person to be healed into an amulet bag or healing pouch. This pouch can be carried with you or worn around your neck as a magical healing talisman. Use one gemstone or crystal for each letter of a person’s first name or for each initial of their name. For example, my name is Lynn Ellen Smythe (LES) so I could use labradorite, emerald, and sodalite in my own personal crystal healing bag.
If you are married and have taken your spouse’s surname you may want to use your maiden name when choosing the particular crystals to utilize. I have an easy time choosing which crystals to use as my maiden name and married name initials are the same. My mother remarried when I was 11 years old and I took the surname of my stepfather at this time. I didn’t become interested in natural magic until a much later age so I don’t feel the need to follow my birth name initials. The initials of your birth name may be used if they differ at all from your maiden and/or married names.
I suppose I could get really fancy and use my birth name when performing maiden-based rituals, my maiden name when performing mother-based rituals and my married name when performing crone-based rituals but this seems a bit too complicated for my needs.
Using Jewelry to Heal:
Wearing jewelry that is adorned with magical gemstones and healing crystals can be used to help heal a particular region of your body. These healing crystal necklaces and amulets are not only functional, they also make a wonderful fashion statement.
Necklaces – for problems associated with the neck, throat, chest, and lungs.
Rings – for problems associated with the fingers, hands, and circulation.
Earrings – for problems associated with the ears, face, mouth, and nose.
Bracelets – for problems associated with the arms, shoulders, and back.
Barrettes – for problems associated with the head and brain.
Navel rings & belly chains – for problems associated with the internal organs, stomach, and digestion.
Wands & their Magical Properties:
Alder is the Tree of Fire yet it also shares a strong connection with Water making it quite an unusual Tree. It is known as the King of Woods and its properties include: Self Protection, Divination, Healing and anything connected with the Elements of Fire and Water.
The Apple Tree is a Symbol of Immortality and Love. Its Properties include: Youth, Beauty and Fertility but above all its Strongest connections are with Love.
The Ash Tree was often used to make Healing Wands. Its other Properties include: Protection, Purification and it is said to Possess Power over Water
Beech is a Feminine Tree which is Ruled by Saturn and is believed to have the Power to Grant Wishes. Carrying the Wood can increase Creative Powers and Free the Imagination.
Wild Cherry
Cherry is Excellent for Divination, Healing and Love Magic. It is a Grounding wood that can bring Calm to heated situations. Its other properties include: Creativity, Prosperity and Passion.
Cedar wood is said to aid in Money and Love matters. It will Protect its user from Evil forces and can also be used for Healing and Purification.
Elder is a Sacred Tree, it is said that it should never be cut or Burnt and wands should be made from fallen wood only. Believed to be the home of the 'Elder Mother' it was highly valued by Ancient Britons, Celts and Romans alike. All parts of the Elder benefit us and it is a truly Magical Tree. Its properties include: Exorcism, Protection, Healing and Prosperity.
Eucalyptus is a Tree known for its Nurturing and Cleansing properties. Wands made from the wood of a Eucalyptus Tree are Ideal for all purification needs and exorcisms.
Gorse is associated with Love, Protection and Romance and can be used to further the Romance of a consensual relationship. It has strong Protective Powers and will Guard against Dark Magic.
Hawthorn Trees are sacred to the Fey and are part of the Faerie triad ‘where Oak, Ash & Thorn grow the Faerie Folk are sure to go’ Wands made from Hawthorn are said to Hold Great Power. Its properties include Fertility, Protection, Defence and Happiness.
The Hazel Tree possesses Wisdom and Knowledge and is a very versatile wood suitable for all types of magic. It is renowned for its White Magic Properties and Divination Powers.
Holly is the wood of a True and Just Warrior. It represents the Waning half of the year when the Holly King rules and has the Strongest Protective qualities of all of the woods. It will bring Luck especially to men and is paired with Ivy.
Ivy is a Feminine wood and will bring Good Luck especially to women. It is paired with Holly and used in Handfasting Ceremonies. It promotes Loyal and Stable relationships and is Loved by the Fey for it represents all that is mystical and Magical.
The Linden Tree has strong connections with Medicine and Healing. It is also connected to Justice and is a Light and Positive wood ideal for all White Magic
Oak is known for its Strength and Endurance. It holds the Power of Protection and guards from Evil. Any piece of Oak carried will bring Luck to the Bearer. Its other Properties include Potency, Fertility, Healing, Insight and Money.
Rosewood is said to bring a True and Lasting Love. It is a Gentle wood which will work well with spells or blessings connected to Fertility, Healing Love divination, Psychic Powers, Protection of a Loved One and of course all Love Spells.
Rowan is the Witches Tree. It is best used for protection, placed above doorways it will guard your home from Evil Spirits. It is also known for its Divination and Healing qualities and will aid Psychic Powers and bring Success.
Silver Birch
Known as Lady of the Woods, Silver Birch is a symbol of Fertility and New Beginnings. Also known for its Cleansing and Purifying properties it was the Traditional material used in a Witches Besom.
Willow is a Tree sacred to the Goddess and the Moon. Any Spell worked with a Willow Wand under the Rays of the Moon will increase its Strength. Its properties include, Love, Divination, Healing.