Circle: Illusion
Deception of the senses.
Simply put, Illusion is a circle that deals with fooling the senses, creating something so real that most cannot perceive that isn't. Many believe illusion to be a “fool's” magic, or a magic that appeals only to the truly vain. This may be true, but it can make one's life easier in many ways, and the clever illusionist can manipulate it very effectively.
The Crimson Regime, it seems, also believes this to be the case. As a matter of fact, to perform illusion magic (outside of that upon your person or within your private dwelling) requires a permit acquired from the government building. Most small things, such as styling someone's hair or decorating a business for an event, tend to be overlooked. But when it comes to menacing illusions, disruptive illusions or illusions that demean or ridicule the Regime and its officers, the penalties can be severe. It also forces the Nocturnus to do a lot of paperwork, so they probably won't be on the illusionist's side. So no wandering houses or images of the Governor in his underwear.
Illusion magic does not affect the chips implanted in citizens of the Crimson Regime. You can fool people sometimes, but not the machines.
Level 0:
Personal Glamour: The witch can temporarily change the color and cut of their hair as well as their eye color. The patterns of their retina do not change. The glamour lasts for 24 hours, unless it is dispelled by the witch. This harmless spell is generally excluded and unaffected by wards and dispelling magic unless it is directly targeted. The hair feels and reacts naturally. It can be grabbed, get frizzy or caught in a zipper etc. This includes eyebrows and facial hair. (Once every 12 hours.) (innate.)
Level 1:
Glamour Stylist: The witch can temporarily change the color and cut of a willing person as well as their eye color. The patterns of their retina do not change. The glamour lasts for 24 hours, unless it is dispelled by the witch. This harmless spell is generally excluded and unaffected by wards and dispelling magic unless it is directly targeted. The hair feels and reacts naturally. It can be grabbed, get frizzy or caught in a zipper etc. This includes eyebrows and facial hair. This is a skill highly prized by the fashionable, and some Illusionists find themselves quite in demand when it comes to preparing for social events. It does require some expenditure of energy, but requires far less for more advanced witches. (No limit)
Light Orb: The witch can create an orb of light approximately the size of a baseball. This light illuminates an area at about the same distance and brightness as a nightlight. It can be any color the witch chooses. To keep it hovering near their hand, it is an innate ability, to “stick” it somewhere or create multiple ones does take energy and at least a verbal component. Light orbs last approximately six hours unless dispelled, but can be renewed as many times as one likes. Additionally, the Illusionist can dim the light then increase it provided they are nearby it. This spell can be repeated as many times as a witch likes with minimal drain.
Shadow Meld: Provided the Illusionist remains completely still and was not previously seen by the people they are hiding from, they can remain unseen. To do this, they must be at least mostly hidden in shadow and keep from doing anything that would draw attention to them, such as talking. If someone comes into physical contact with them, the illusion ends. The illusionist must remain focused on the task at hand, which is a slow drain of energy. (once a scene)
Ventriloquist: The illusionist can make their voice seem to come from anywhere within ten meters of their current location, without moving their lips. It still sounds like their voice, disguised only as far as they could actually mask their voice. It can be as quiet or as loud as they could actually raise their voice. Great for careers in ventriloquism or sending secrets across a room. (innate)
Sensory Trickery: The illusionist can temporarily change the color, feel, taste or scent of an object they touch. The taste or smell is not stronger than what was already there, but it will definitely be different. Anyone, including vampires, can experience this change. (innate)
Illusionary Messenger: The illusionist can make realistic illusions that include simplistic motion up to the size of a medium sized dog. It will look, smell and sound real, and can be given simple commands by the creator, usually the recitation of a message. This illusion cannot truly interact with the world around it (It will go through doors rather than try to open them, and it cannot pick up objects), and if someone attempts to touch it, their hand will go through it. There will be a “mark” upon it that others possessing the Illusion circle will be able to recognize, and perhaps use to identify the creator. The illusion can last for up to six hours or until it is dispelled. At higher levels, the illusion can last for up to 24 hours (innate, lightly draining)
Fireworks: The illusionist can make bright, colorful light shows shoot from their fingertips (think Dazzler). These light shows are not harmful, and can extend out to a distance of about ten feet. The illusionist can choose to keep them silent or add sound.
At this level, the light shows are limited to colorful sparks and ribbons, but at higher levels, the illusionist can create exciting images that can take form and even move, but are obviously just entertainment. These images rise up, then fade away like fireworks. Familiars are particularly spooked by this ability and may choose to hide or be unavailable during it. (innate, lightly draining)
Level 2:
Large Light Orb: The witch can create an orb of light approximately the size of a basketball. This light illuminates an area at about the same distance and brightness as a standard light bulb but can be created with a much lower light level if one desires. It can be any color the witch chooses. To keep it hovering near their hand, it is an innate ability, to “stick” it somewhere or create multiple ones does take energy and at least a verbal component. Light orbs last approximately 6 hours unless dispelled, but can be renewed as many times as one likes. With extra energy, concentration or reagents, a more flamboyant or playful witch may manipulate the orb to be a simple shape, such as a star, heart or letter. This is a common method for witches to send signals to one another through windows or to temporarily mark paths. This spell can be repeated as many times as a witch likes with minimal drain.
Large Light Orb (Blinding): They can also create an orb of blinding light, but it requires more energy (less if reagents are used) and a verbal component. This orb continues to drain energy as long as it is up. It can be up for 20 minutes.
Lightoplasty: The witch can temporarily make adjustments to their personal appearance, changing the size and shape of their nose, mouth, ears or chin, even their height within reasonable parameters (let's say six inches max, beyond that is unreasonable) . This spell lasts 24 hours unless it is dispelled. Intent is important in terms of this spell. If the Illusionist is changing themselves with the desire to deceive or with some hostile reason behind the disguise, magic used to try and dispel or ward against it will be more effective. If the change is simply cosmetic or for fashion or simply how they generally present themselves to the world, it will likely not register as hostile. Like the changes to one's hair, the changes here react to the world as if they were real. They can be grabbed, bruised, broken, cut, etc. Any damages or changes (such as getting your nose pierced) to the illusioned appendages is reflected in their natural state, with wounds healing as they would naturally and aggravated damage acting as it normally would. To perform this act of magic, the Illusionist must touch the body part in question and imagine their intent, along with an incantation of some sort. If they do this before their 24 hours are up (for instance, if they do it after brushing their teeth every night), the illusion is extended another day's time. This action can only be performed once every 18 hours (so there is a little leeway for it to be renewed.)
Boom! : The illusionist can create a small explosion by holding their hands near each other and heating up the air between them. The explosion takes a few moments to “warm up” enough to be useful, but is strong enough to crack a concrete block. The illusionist must have their hands directly on the object they want to use the controlled explosion on. If they no longer want to use the potential explosion, the illusionist simply needs to drop their arms back to their sides. It should be noted that this ability is not one that should ever be used on another person, unless one likes being burned alive in front of a live studio audience. The range on this is melee.
Burn! An alternate method of the Boom! Ability, the Illusionist can heat up the air between their hands to create a flame. Good for lighting torches and campfires. As soon as the illusionist moves their hands away from one another, the flame dissipates. The range on this is melee. Also, the ISF really, really does not like witches using this spell, ever. Use at your own risk.
Silent Steps: By writing sigils in chalk or charcoal on the bottom of their feet or shoes (whatever will be in contact with the ground), the illusionist's steps will be absolutely silent until the sigil begins to wear off. Nothing else about them is silenced. This can be done for other people, but they must be able to manipulate magic to keep the spell active, or the illusionist who marks them must link themselves to the spell to take the energy drain. It behaves as a slow drain but quickens the longer it goes on. If it takes more than an hour to wear off, the wearer (or illusionist) will become quite weary and exhausted. Using magic while in this state hastens the drain of energy. (up to 2 people a day.)
Phantom Interiors: The illusionist can create a complex static illusion, such as decorating a room for a party or making their furniture look nicer than it actually is. One can completely change the size and structure of furniture that can be sat on and interacted with, as well as add things to the room. The items in the room will disappear or change back to their natural state if they are taken from it. This takes time, energy, focus and incantation, so it cannot be done on the fly, but it can last for two weeks. This must be done to stationary, non living objects. (once a day)
Quick Clothes: The illusionist can create an illusion of one to two pieces of clothing (such as a shirt and pants or a shift) upon themselves or a willing person, which moves and feels natural. If removed, however, the illusion dissolves. If a talisman is created (requires enchantment magic) the illusion will be renewed whenever the talisman is touched and energy is expended. It is a small amount of energy. The talisman must have a scrap of material that the clothing mimicked is supposed to include. Similarly, to simply cast the spell, the illusionist must have a scrap of material similar to what they want to copy and speak an incantation. The clothing has to be somewhat basic. This is a popular spell in regards to shapeshifters, who tend to lose their clothing. The clothing lasts twelve hours before it fades from existence. (once a scene)
Level 3:
Light Orb Improvements: At this level, orbs of light created by the Illusionist can last up to 24 hours without needing recharging. All other constraints from level 1 and 2 apply. The blinding orb can be up for 1 hour.
Glamour Stylist Improvements: At this level, changes to one's own hair, eyes or face lasts up to one week without having to be recharged. It is the same for changes they do to other people's appearances. At this level, the Illusionist can also change the hair/eye color and style of unwilling people, provided they touch them and they are at least a rank below them in power. (once every 12 hours)
Animal Form: With the use of a ritual containing both the blood of a shifter and the blood of the animal one chooses, the illusionist can change themselves into an animal form for twelve hours. This must be an animal that exists in reality, and it must be something that can survive in one's current environment. For instance, if you are somewhere without the presence of water, it is likely not a good idea to turn into a fish. The change is very painful, both physically and spiritually, and those who use this spell regularly tend to go a bit mad. This is also an exhausting endeavor and the practitioner is extremely drained afterward, to the point that using other magic is very dangerous for them for days after. Additionally, magic cannot be used while in this form, nor can one speak to anyone outside of their familiar. Those with telepathic abilities are able to use them. One's physical strength is that of the animal chosen, even if one is a shifter. Witches and Shifters will instinctively know that there is something “off” about you, and other people's familiars will behave violently towards you. The damage you receive in animal form remains with you in your natural form when the spell ends. Shifters who are found to give their blood to witches may find themselves in quite a bit of trouble within their hierarchy. (once every two weeks for shifters, once a month for everyone else)
Well of Shadow: The Illusionist can cloak a whole area in inky darkness that only those of higher power rank or the ability to see in the dark can see in. The darkness is centered on the illusionist, and spreads out as long as they are focusing on the spell. They can perform no other magic while performing this spell, and it is a constant drain upon them. They can walk and talk, but other than that, the spell requires their focus. Anything that steals their focus, or if they run out of energy, the darkness lifts.
Reality Rewrite: The illusionist can create a complex illusion, such as decorating a room for a party with spinning disco balls, a holographic DJ, and illusionary dancers or creating a fake monster or person capable of following simple commands. It can be as large as a house, but the larger it is, the greater the toll on the caster and the larger the amount of mer blood required. The illusion can move in various ways and can be set to wander a radius up to one mile, interacting with the world around them. This takes time, energy, focus, mer blood and incantation, so it cannot be done on the fly, and it lasts for two weeks before it has to be “recharged” . The mer blood is only required at the creation of the illusion. This must be done to stationary, non living objects, which serve as an “anchor” for the illusion. Once the anchor is damaged, the illusion ends. (Once a week, requires help from other magic users.)
In Hand: The illusionist can create an “arm” (or ladle, or rolled up newspaper etc) that extends from their own grasp. It can be up to 4 feet long. This can be used as a weapon only in that it can perform blunt damage if swung by the illusionist. The force of it depends on the witch's physical strength. It must be held at all times, and the action of “dropping” it, whether on accident or on purpose, dispels it. Even if it has a “sharp” edge, it still just acts as a bludgeon. It cannot be a gun. Be reasonable. (this message is for THAT guy who will ask.) In addition, the object held will behave like the actual object. A ladle will hold soup. An arm can grasp and bend at the elbow. A tentacle can wrap around things. They can also be destroyed as one would destroy the real thing. Paper can be burned, flesh can be cut, etc. the spell cannot generate fire, poison, gas etc. It is an object, and if you decide it is “super hot”, that applies to your attempt to hold it as well. Again, be reasonable.
The object must be something that a person could picture quickly, with few or no changes to the reality of it. For instance, “It's a human arm with super long fingers but it's made out of an unbreakable metal and also glows with fire” is unreasonable and the sort of thing that children attempt and end up passing out because it was too much to accurately picture. “A human arm” or “an oak baseball bat” is more the speed of this spell, and they tend to be more effective, last longer and have less of a drain on the illusionist's mind and body. More complex illusions require more focus to maintain and reagents and incantation to create. Simple ones require relatively little. (once per scene)
Godmother’s Delight: The illusionist can dress themselves or a willing individual with a spell that outfits them entirely according to the illusionist's whim, not unlike the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. This requires the person in question being entirely dressed to begin with, as it is the clothing that is being illusioned. Old sneakers can become fashionable heels, a tee shirt can become a tuxedo with multiple layers. Like other clothing illusion spells, the clothing feels and reacts like clothing and when a piece is removed, the illusion on that piece of clothing fades. If the illusion clothing is damaged, the real clothing is damaged as well. Performing this spell requires focus, energy expenditure, a sung incantation and a lot of gesturing with or without a wand. Additionally, there is a time limit on the spell, which is maximum 24 hours before it dissipates and the wearer is left in their regular clothes. It must end at either midnight or noon. No one knows why, but they are pretty sure this is one of the origins of the fairy tale. More complex garments require more complex rituals. Musical accompaniment helps, as does the presence of bluebirds or field mice. Illusionists prone to whimsy are much better at this spell than those who are not. (once a day)
Level 4:
Permanent Lightoplasty: At this level, the illusionist can change their own or a willing individual's hair, eyes or facial features permanently, provided that there is a proper offering and a sacrifice is made by the person who is being changed. This does not include scarring or injuries, as this is covered by the Life Circle. While some covet this ability, in reality, it is not something that is done very often as once a feature is changed in this way, it can never be illusioned to look like anything else again. Of course, those born with unfortunate noses or wanting their full head of hair back may feel that's a chance they're willing to take. The changed individual's appearance must still meet sim guidelines, and the limitations are similar to the temporary changes described at lower levels. Everything must look natural/realistic, with the exception of hair and eye color, which may be more wild. This skill does not work on those with cursed appearances, such as the Alzili, nor does it work on the ears and teeth of the Mer (who would likely be scandalized at the suggestion that they should change them to look more like those of a human.)
Permanent Illusions: The illusionist can create permanent illusions (dependent on admin approval), such as hiding a door with an image of a wall or filling a room with permanent darkness. These illusions are stationary, but unlike others, they cannot be seen through by those of a higher level. This requires both mer blood and venom in the creation ritual, and a pure crystal somewhere near where the illusion was created. It doesn't have to be hidden, but as touching the crystal allows a person to see through the illusion, it is highly recommended. Larger illusions require larger amounts of reagents and more participants in the ritual. ((once a month))
Godmother’s Posse: At this level, the illusionist can perform the “fairy godmother” spell outlined at level 3, but on multiple people a night. It can be done one person at a time or a whole group at once. This is handy when the coven wants to arrive somewhere all dressed the same. (no limitations.)
Level 5:
Limits on level 5 spells are for rituals led by level 4 illusionists The limits of level 5 illusionists and above are undocumented.
Total Makeover: As long as there is one level 4 magic user present, and at least two who have illusion as their primary circle, three willing individuals or one unwilling individual can have their entire appearance changed (including height, weight, gender, voice etc.) for twenty four hours. One's blood, fingerprints, DNA and retina patterns remain the same. The new appearance must be human in nature, with a size and appearance that is realistic. The only exception to this is for shifters who are selected for the ritual, who may be changed into a different animal form, provided that it is an animal that exists in nature, and the blood of said animal is included in the ritual. This spell requires shifter blood as well as mer scales to boost the strength of it. The human appearances of the changed individuals must be unique and fashioned by the witches unless there is a vial of blood present for each person they wish to make an exact copy of. To make an exact copy of someone, you should give that person a heads up OOC. This does not mean that you will have IC permission, as people who mimic the wrong people are likely in for a world of hurt. It would be considered treason, for instance, to have a ranking vampire's blood alone, let alone impersonate or aid in the impersonation of them. So choose what you do wisely, as this implies consent for very harsh consequences in the eyes of the law.
This spell is quite taxing for both the witches involved and those who are changed. As such, none involved can use magic above level 1 for one week without serious injury to themselves, and it is recommended that the witches who perform the ritual and those who are changed be different individuals. Those who have had their form changed cannot use magic during the duration of the change, and those who have become animals cannot speak like humans do. I suppose monkeys and apes could write, but where are you going to get monkey blood? That's right, the blood acquired must be able to be explained, with anything that does not come from a local or domesticated animal being approved OOC / gathered IC. This spell cannot be dispelled IC, one must ride it out for the full 24 hours.